

A Cognitive Analysis of Heart Metaphors

【作者】 寇丽莉

【导师】 何刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 不论是中文还是英文里都有大量的与人体器官“心”相关的隐喻。通常,人们用“心”隐喻来表达情感或思维一类的抽象概念。心这一人体内脏为何能表示如此多的含义呢?语言是窥探人类认知活动的窗口之一。语言的研究可以帮助我们了解人类认知模式。概念隐喻理论认为人的思维是隐喻性的,通过对日常生活中使用的隐喻语言进行分析研究有助于我们理解概念的隐喻属性。因此,本文针对中文中的心相关隐喻进行了较全面详细的分析,并将其与英语中的心相关隐喻进行比较研究,来探寻人们是如何认知心的。认知语言学家们认为,隐喻是身体和文化相互作用的结果。所以,本文将文化作为研究的关注点之一,来探寻文化在人们认知心的过程中发挥的作用。不同语言所体现的心的不同文化模式可以用来解释心隐喻表现在具体语言上的异同。本文首先简单回顾了隐喻研究的发展历程,比较了隐喻研究传统观点与现代观点的异同,并着重介绍了概念隐喻理论。随后,探讨了身体和文化对隐喻的作用。隐喻来自身体经验,但同时不可避免地受到文化的影响,两者都不可忽视。文章的重点在于针对收集的大量代表性语料进行细致的分析解释,来探寻人类是如何认知心,以及与心相关的抽象概念如情感和思考。通过语料的具体解析,本文试图建立心的认知,具体语言表达式,以及中英不同语言的“心”的文化模式三者间的联系。

【Abstract】 Language is a window through which we may catch a glimpse of human cognition.According to the conceptual metaphor theory, human concepts are metaphorical, thus a clear understanding of metaphorical expressions used in everyday language can offer insights into the metaphorical nature of concepts. With an aim to explore the conceptualizations reflected in heart metaphors, this present study makes a comprehensive analysis of the heart metaphors in Chinese, and also compares them with heart metaphors in English.A brief review of metaphor theories, with emphasis on the conceptual metaphor theory is presented in the first part of this study. The traditional approach studies metaphors as individual linguistic expressions or rhetorical devices, which are primarily literary or poetic in nature. Just as Lakoff(1987:ⅶ-ⅷ) points out, "traditional theories of metaphor assume that metaphors occur one by one, that each distinct metaphorical expression is individually created." Conceptual metaphor claims that "human conceptual system is metaphorically structured and defined" (Lakoff& Johnson,1980:6). Consequently, in the contemporary view, metaphors are studied as systems of human conceptualization, operating deep in human thought and cognition and, at the same time,surfacing in everyday language in a systematic manner (Lakoff & Johnson,1980).Following the review of metaphor theories, the thesis further explores the bases of metaphors, namely the bodily and cultural basis, and then highlights the cultural models, which have an interpretative function in viewing the body and its role in grounding metaphor. Since metaphors are the result of the interaction between body and culture, this study pays attention to the role of culture in human conceptualization of heart which is metaphorical in nature. In Chinese, the heart is believed to be the locus of both emotions and thoughts, while the heart in English is viewed as the locus of emotions only. These two different cultural models of heart in these two languages may account for the specific differences in heart metaphors.Major work and efforts are contributed to the linguistic data analysis and comparison revealing various conceptualizations of heart. The distinctive feature of this study is that a large number of linguistic data are analyzed with detailed explanations, providing new perspectives to the understanding of heart metaphors whose meanings we have taken for granted and used subconsciously.By analyzing heart metaphors with detailed explanations, this study explores the understanding and motivation of those heart metaphors, and then provides an insight into human conceptualizations of heart and mental experiences like feeling and thinking. It tries to establish significant links between conceptualizations of heart, linguistic expressions and cultural models of different languages.

  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】315

