

A Study of East Indian Immigrants after 1965

【作者】 毕素红

【导师】 王寅;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 世界史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 美国以其海纳百川的胸怀接纳着来自世界各地的移民,铸就其丰富多彩的文化。印度移民是具有特色的少数族裔群体之一。从1946年卢斯—塞勒法案准许印度裔归化入籍,到1965年新移民法颁布,印度移民大规模涌入美国。到2000年为止,印度移民人数达到190万,成为仅次于华裔、菲律宾裔的第三大亚裔群体。本文以1965年以后移居美国的印度人为重点研究对象,介绍印度人移民美国的背景以及经过,从经济、政治、文化等方面分析他们所取得的成功及原因,探讨他们浓厚的印度情怀。本文共分三部分,由前言、正文和结语组成。前言略述美国印度移民的基本情况,阐述选择研究印度移民的原因与意义,并对国内外研究状况进行梳理。正文共分四章:第一章分析印度人移居美国的历程以及1965年以后的新移民移居美国的背景,从印度本国经济、社会等方面和美国经济繁荣、工作机会及移民政策的演变,阐述印度人移民美国的原因,以及移居美国的三个历程,并进一步探究印度新移民移居美国的历史背景。第二章主要探析印度新移民在美国经济方面取得的成功。印度新移民充分发挥自身的优势,并适时抓住美国社会提供的机遇,利用美国社会对自己专业技术的需求,成为美国富裕的少数族裔群体。第三章着重论述印度新移民在政治方面所取得的成绩。印度新移民在经济上取得成功的同时,开始关注本族群的政治势力。从成功划入亚裔群体到成立政治组织提升本族群政治形象,印度新移民在政治方面逐渐显露出自己的优势。第四章研究印度新移民对印度传统文化的认同,阐述其对本民族文化认同的原因,从宗教、创办组织机构、日常生活三个方面揭示印度新移民的民族自豪感以及对本民族文化的珍视。结语在前言和正文的基础上,总结印度新移民移居美国的历程与族裔特点,指出宗教在维系印度新移民民族认同方面发挥的作用。

【Abstract】 The United States welcomes immigrants from around the world, who, in turn, contribute greatly to the splendid culture. East Indian immigrant group is one of the most particular ethnic groups. After World WarⅡ, the United States passed the 1946 Luce-Cellar Act allowing naturalization for East Indians. The 1965 Immigration Act was the watershed for East Indian immigration. It touched off a wave of Indian immigration to the United States. The East Indian population was the third largest Asian American group until 2000, behind the Chinese and the Filipinnos.The thesis introduces the East Indians who entered the United States after 1965. It introduces the East Indian immigration history to the United States, analyses their success and reasons from economy, politics and culture, understands their Indian feeling.The thesis includes four chapters with additional preface and conclusion.The preface narrates the conditions of East Indians, explains the reason and significance of studying the East Indians in the United States, reviews the present research sitution.Chapter one overviews the migrant experience of the East Indians and the brief history of new immigrants. By discussing the development and changes of economy, politics in India and the opportunities of economy and jobs in the United States, the policies carried out by the United States. It explores why East Indians migrated to the United States. It provides a further analysis of the history of the new East Indian immigrants.Chapter two shows new East Indian sucessful performance in the economic sphere. New East Indians made good use of their advantages and opportunities in American society, at last they succeeded.Chapter three exhibits new East Indians political activities. New East Indians began to pay attention to their political forces when they succeeded in economic sphere. They were classified into Asian Americans and they formed political organizations to enhance their political image. New East Indians demonstrated their advantages in political sphere. Chapter four deals with East Indian cultural identity. By discussing the reason for their cultural identity, and reveals that East Indians have a strong ethnic consciousness and national pride.The concluding chapter summarizes the specific experiences and ethnic characteristics of the East Idians, points out that religion take an important role in keeping cultural identity.

  • 【分类号】K712.54
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】261

