

【作者】 李文瑶

【导师】 陈维昭;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国文学批评史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “《红楼梦》戏曲”指的是根据曹雪芹、高鹗所著小说《红楼梦》改编而成的戏曲作品。这些作品由小说的广泛流传而陆续问世,从清朝嘉庆年间至今,已绵延有200多年历史。对于这一部分的戏曲作品,人们一向以小说原著的附庸视之,虽不乏著录、论述之文,但多侧重于阐述其与原著的关系并揭示其接受原著、阐释原著的状况,较少对其他方面的价值进行深入探讨。而本文这次对“《红楼梦》戏曲”的研究主要着眼于探究它在中国戏曲由古典形制向近现代形制转变中的特殊地位,它在各个时代风云变幻中和人们对原著接受的转变中呈现出的不同状态,它在古典小说名著的戏曲改编中的探索性意义等。由于戏曲是一门综合艺术,所以对它的研究相对来说有一定困难。基于自己的专业,我选择了有侧重的研究范围和方法。研究范围囊括了清代中后期到当代的各剧种“《红楼梦》戏曲”作品,但采取了“厚古薄今”的方法,详于清代中后期及近现代而略于当代;研究方法上仍旧以文献阅读为主,舞台演出资料为辅。首先通过对相关戏曲剧目的梳理,理清了研究对象的基本发展脉络;接着从情节取舍挪移、角色设置和人物定位、细节改动等方面分析它对原著的改编方法;然后结合分析结果,从时代大环境演变、原著接受演变、戏曲形制演变等宏观角度对每个时期的作品呈现出来的特色和价值进行总结,揭示三个因素与研究对象之间深刻的关系。也就是说先从微观层面对《红楼梦》戏曲在这短短两百年的时间中所表现出的各种形态进行考察,再从宏观层面对《红楼梦》戏曲在时代变迁中的整体风貌进行归纳和总结,探究各种不同的《红楼梦》戏曲生成的原因、状态和在当时或后世的影响,并就自己感兴趣的角度提出一些前人或许曾经忽视的问题作一番探讨。最后,本文就各个时期“《红楼梦》戏曲”的接受和影响进行了探讨,并在结语部分总结了“《红楼梦》戏曲”的独特价值:在文学史上,“《红楼梦》戏曲”不但是小说《红楼梦》大众传播的重要反映渠道之一,也以自身独特的价值丰满了同时期主流文学作品的叙述;在戏曲史上,不同时期“《红楼梦》戏曲”的变化成为我国戏曲由古典形制向现代形制转变的一面镜子,也体现了戏曲在不断“雅俗”之间游移的发展规律;在艺术史上,“《红楼梦》戏曲”成为了《红楼梦》改编成泛戏剧形式的先驱者,很多作品所作出的有益探索,积累的改编经验对后世各种《红楼梦》戏剧改编提供了宝贵的经验,形成了积极的影响。

【Abstract】 "The Dream of the Red Chamber" is the most famous Chinese classic novel. Since it was presented to the public, it became very popular in a short time. So mostly at the same time, the traditional dramatic form of this novel was played on the stage. From then on, these dramas were rehearsed in times. Its history was already more than 200 years.To these works, people often thought they were the affiliation of "The Dream of the Red Chamber". Some paper which researched these works usually focused on the relationship between the original work and the adaption. People used to criticize them by the standard of coinciding with original work. The dramas’independent value was always ignored by researchers.The paper intends to make some new research of "The Dream of the Red Chamber". For example their particular position in the transform history of traditional drama. On the other hand, the drama exploded the field of adaption which was from novel to drama.There are four chapters and an introduction in the paper. In the introduction, I mainly reviewed the research history of this theme, and explained the reason why I chose this theme to do my research. In Chapter one, I carded all the dramas and their authors in Qing Dynasty, modern times and the contemporary era. Then in Chapter two, I emphasize the concrete analysis of adaption which was from novel to drama. In chapter three, I concluded the analysis in before chapter and discussed the meaning of the phenomenon in adaption. In the last chapter, I illustrated the influence of these dramas, how people to accept it and criticize it, and their position in the literary history, dramatic history and art history.

【关键词】 戏曲红楼梦改编批评接受
【Key words】 Traditional opera"The Dream of the Red Chamber"AdaptAcceptCriticize
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】772

