
产业变革下PHOENIX CONTACT中国公司发展战略研究

【作者】 杨斌

【导师】 芮明杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 该文旨在研究处在转型期的菲尼克斯电气中国公司的发展战略,并以此给出可实施操作行动策略,帮助企业完成系统战略规划。文中首先介绍了作为全球电力接口技术的领军者,德资企业PHOENIX CONTAC(菲尼克斯电气)进入中国市场后,其产品靠着先进的技术、精湛的制造工艺,很快就被正处在成长初期的国内市场广泛接受,并成为了包括电力行业在内的许多行业的电气接口标准,取得了中高端市场中的大部分市场份额。但随着市场的日益成熟,竞争对手也在快速成长,几家外资竞争企业产品日趋同质化,国内竞争者产品工艺质量也已大幅度提高,并开始渗透电力行业市场。当金融危机导致的经济滞涨后,许多行业不再能持续高增长了,竞争环境的变化要求制定合适的战略,才能赢得未来发展。而伴随智能电网建设的兴起,其引发的产业革命,将打破已有的产业边界,形成新的产业格局,这必将带来巨大的机会与挑战,如何在新的市场环境下,选择行业发展方向,建立适应于未来的发展战略确已成为重要议题。战略分析中运用了经济研究中的典型工具进行了系统展开,用波特五力模型分析了其所处的行业市场中的竞争力状况,特别研究了其业务的重心行业——电力行业的市场竞争力状况,以及智能电网的发展将带来的产业竞争力变化。透过7S模型系统分析了中国公司内部的状况,以及利用了SWOT分析法剖析了其外部的机会与威胁,和内部优劣势。并归纳总结出了适应于其自身特点的发展战略。在战略的制订中,特别考虑了在危机后行业参与者发生的变化,和未来可能的变化趋势,从而使得制订的战略具有一定的前瞻性。全文围绕在智能电网即将推动的产业变革的前夜,通过长期对电力行业的跟踪研究,结合国内外对智能电网产业战略的最新动态,研究分析了由智能电网全球发展带来的电力行业及相关产业变革中,已经开始和即将开始的市场变化,特别针对菲尼克斯的产品与技术特性,研究制定出适合菲尼克斯中国公司的发展战略。最终总结出了在中国市场中,面对危机后的产业结构调整,以及智能电网带来的产业革命,菲尼克斯应选择电力行业作为企业核心战略方向,利用全球技术研发资源和创新能力,加快构建中国公司本土竞争力建设,快速抢占智能电网推动的新产业发展的制高点。并结合战略分析制定出适合公司条件的行动实施策略,为企业在转型期给出了可操作性的战略规划。

【Abstract】 The aiming of this study are industrial change in transition, PHOENIX CONTACT China business development strategy, and this operation can be implemented given action strategy to help the companies to complete the system of strategic planning.The article first introduces how PHOENIX CONTACT, the leader in global electronic contact technology, had its products being broadly accepted on the Chinese market at its initial take off phases immediately, after the company entered China armed with the advanced technologies and superb manufacturing processes; and became the electric contact standard for many industries including the electric power industry, while the products get the majority media and high end market shares. But with the market getting increasingly maturing, peer competitors are growing at fast pace, products by several foreign invested companies are becoming more and more similar, domestic competitors have dramatically improved their processing qualities and are penetrating into power industrial market. When the financial crisis led to economic stagnation, many industries can no longer be sustained high growth, competition, changes in the environment called for appropriate strategies to win the future. And with the rise of smart grid development, its rise to the industrial revolution, will break the existing industry boundaries, the formation of a new industrial structure, which will bring huge opportunities and challenges, how the new market environment, select development of the industry and establishing the development strategy of the future has indeed become an important issue.Strategic Analysis of economic research in the use of the typical tools of the system to start, with the Porter’s Five Forces model of its environment, the industry’s competitiveness in the market situation, in particular, the focus of its business sectors electric power industry competitive situation and development of Smart Grid will bring changes in industrial competitiveness. 7S model through systematic analysis of PHOENIX CONTACT China’s internal situation, and the use of a SWOT analysis of its external opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses. And have summarized the characteristics to adapt to their own development strategies. In strategy the formulation, especially given the industry participants in the post-crisis changes, and possible future trends, making the formulation of the strategy has certain forward-looking.Text around the Smart Grid will promote the eve of the industrial revolution, through long-term follow-up study on the power industry, combined with the Smart Grid industrial strategy at home and abroad the latest developments, research and analysis of the global development by the Smart Grid’s power industry and related industry changes, has begun, and the upcoming changes in the market, the paper formulated development strategy suitable to PHOENIX CONTACT China that addressing specifically to PHOENIX CONTACT’ s products and technical features, and provided feasible implementation tactics. The ultimate summed up in the Chinese market in the face of crisis, the industrial structure adjustment and the Industrial Revolution brought about Smart Grid, PHOENIX CONTACT China should choose the power industry as the core strategic direction, use of global technology innovation and R & D resources and capabilities to accelerate the competitiveness of local building construction in PHOENIX CONTACT China quick to seize the Smart Grid to promote the development of new industry high ground. Strategic analysis combined company to develop the conditions for the implementation of action strategies for companies in transition, given the strategic operational planning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【下载频次】146

