

【作者】 宋扬

【导师】 蔡翠红;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外交学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 跨国公司的迅速发展已成为当代国际政治和经济关系领域里的重要现象。跨国公司本身既是除国家之外的重要行为主体之一,又是一个国家同另一国家宏观主体之间的特殊媒介,其特殊的地位和独特的经营活动将国家间的经济关系转化为公司的内部关系,跨国公司强大的经济实力和对全球市场资源的控制成为其参与国际事务、影响国家间关系的主要途径。国际关系研究中的“软权力”理论提出,影响国际关系的不仅包括强制性和威肋、性的“硬权力”,具备“吸引力”和“影响力”的“软权力”也是不可忽视的重要因素。这一理论为解读跨国公司与所在地政府的互动提供了新的视角。近年来,可以观察到跨国公司的企业社会责任、政策制度、创新技术等“软权力”因素日益成为其与东道国和地方政府互动的重要内容,这也从实践层面上印证了“软权力”理论同样适用于对跨国公司和政府互动的分析。本文借助国际关系中“软权力”理论的框架,尝试提出了跨国公司软权力的概念,并以此为基础,构建了跨国公司与东道国和地方政府开展互动的模式与策略。同时,在理论阐述跨国公司软权力的基础上,结合上海与跨国公司的互动进行了初步的实证研究。通过“软权力”的视角,我们可以看到跨国公司的活动除了对所在地的GDP等可以测量的数字带来影响,在那些不可测量的领域,包括企业形象、政策理念、技术创新等,所引发的人的观念的改变是更为隐蔽,也更为深刻的。特别是在技术领域,近年来,越来越多的外资研发机构落户上海,对上海整体创新能力的提升、创新人才的培养和创新环境的营造都起到了促进的作用,但同时也在人才争夺、技术控制、信息获取等方面带来了一定的挑战,这就需要政府相关部门能充分认识这种软权力互动可能带来的影响,并综合利用软权力和硬权力资源,力争实现多方共赢的互动局面。本文从软权力的角度,重新解读了跨国公司与当地政府的互动,不仅是一次理论上的尝试,同时也为政府深入理解跨国公司所带来的影响,从而制定涉及跨国公司的相关政策,有的放矢地开展与跨国公司的互动提供了参考。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of transnational corporations (TNCs) has attracted increasing attention in the study of current international political and economic relations. TNCs are one of the major players, together with nation-states, on the international stage, and they are also a special type of media organizations among different countries. By their unique business activities, TNCs turn international economic relations into their own internal relations, and their strong economic power and control over the global market has provided a major measure for them to participate in international affairs and to influence relations among different countries.As the’Soft Power’theory argues, besides hard command power, soft co-optive power can also influence international relations. This theory has provided an alternative perspective to understand the interaction between TNCs and governments. In recent years, it can be observed that soft power factors, including corporate social responsibility, policies and mechanism, innovative technologies, have accounted for a growing part of TNCs’interaction with governments, which also shows the feasibility of an analysis of TNC-government interaction from the perspective of’soft power’In this essay, the concept of’TNCs’soft power’is proposed, and the modes and strategies of TNC-government interactions are analyzed. Based on the theoretical discussion, some initial empirical researches are carried out with cases in Shanghai.From the perspective of soft power, TNCs’impacts on their host regions include both figures like GDP and intangible areas like policies and ideas. Especially in terms of technology, the settlement of a growing number of TNCs’R&D centers in Shanghai have helped promote the city’s upgrade in innovation capabilities, human resource training and creation of a favorable environment for innovation, however it has also raised some challenges in terms of control over talents, technologies and information. Therefore, it is important for governments to understand the possible impacts of such interaction, and to make full advantage of various resources of hard power and soft power, so as to create mutually beneficial interactions.This article tries to re-interpret TNCs-governments interactions in the context of soft power. It can provides reference for related governments to understand impacts brought by TNCs, and thus make appropriate policies and conduct interaction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】F276.7
  • 【下载频次】209

