

【作者】 施俊杰

【导师】 陈治东;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国际条约作为当代国际法的重要渊源,在国际交往中发挥着举足轻重的作用。自建国,尤其是改革开放以来,中国同外国缔结了为数众多的国际民商事条约,但中国的国内法,尤其是宪法,尚未对国际民商事条约在中国的适用问题作出统一和明确的规定,由此,导致了各级司法和行政机关在对待如何适用国际民商事条约的问题上存在着认识上的差异。本文旨在通过理论剖析和实证分析,并借鉴外国的立法和司法实践,探求解决国际民商事条约在中国适用问题的一般原理。本文共分为五章。第一章为绪论,介绍了与国际民商事条约相关的基本概念,并对国际民商事条约在中国适用的含义进行了阐明,指出国际民商事条约在中国的适用问题包含条约在中国接受的方式、条约在中国适用的方式以及条约与中国国内法的效力关系这三个子问题。第二章为国际民商事条约在中国接受的方式,指出中国国内法对条约的接受是条约在中国适用的前提条件,提出中国应当在宪法中规定将包括国际民商事条约在内的所有条约统一采纳为国内法。第三章为国际民商事条约在中国适用的方式,指出有必要在中国建立确定条约适用方式的立法制度,将条约区分为直接适用的条约和间接适用的条约两类,提出中国应以直接适用的方式适用国际民商事条约。第四章为国际民商事条约与中国国内法的效力关系,指出国际民商事条约在中国的适用具有效力上的优先性和无条件性。第五章为国际民商事条约在中国适用的特点,分别针对国际统一实体法条约、国际统一程序法条约和国际统一冲突法条约在中国适用的特点进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 Treaties, as an important source of contemporary international law, play a pivotal role in international communications. Since the founding of the PRC, especially since the reform and opening up, China has concluded a large number of civil and commercial treaties with foreign countries, but Chinese legal system, in particular the Constitution, has not yet established a uniform and clear rule of civil and commercial treaties-application in domestic, thus, the fact leads to the differences in judicial and administrative departments’understanding at all levels when they are dealing with the application of civil and commercial treaties. This article aims to explore the general principle of settling the problems of civil and commercial treaties-application in China by the means of theoretical and empirical analysis and by learning from foreign legislative and judicial practices.This article is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction of the article, which introduces the basic concepts related to the civil and commercial treaties and clarifies the meaning of their application in China. This chapter separates the problem of civil and commercial treaties-application in China into three parts:the acceptance of treaties in Chinese legal system, the manners of treaties-application in China and the relationship of force and effectiveness between treaties and Chinese law.Chapter 2 discusses the acceptance of the civil and commercial treaties in Chinese legal system. It points out that the acceptance of treaties in Chinese legal system is the premise of treaties-application in China and puts forward that all the treaties, including the civil and commercial treaties, should be adopted into Chinese legal system by uniform provision of Constitution.Chapter 3 discusses the manners of the civil and commercial treaties-application in China. It points out that it is necessary to establish legislation of determining the manners of treaties-application in China to divides the treaties into directly applicable and indirectly applicable types. It puts forward that China should apply the civil and commercial treaties directly in principle.Chapter 4 discusses the relationship of force and effectiveness between the civil and commercial treaties and Chinese law. It points out that the civil and commercial treaties should be applied prevailing over Chinese law, and this prior application should be unconditional.Chapter 5 discusses the characteristics of the civil and commercial treaties-application in China. It analyses the characteristics of application of the treaties of uniform substantive laws, the treaties of uniform procedural laws and the treaties of uniform conflict of laws in China separately.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】D997.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】513

