

【作者】 晋朝荣

【导师】 赵卫国;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪信息化高速发展的今天,技术的广泛应用和大规模的推广使全世界不知不觉的陷入了现代化的进程之中,在此浪潮推动之下新兴起了许多重要学科,技术哲学就是最近几年伴随着技术广’泛应用所产生的负面效应,以及这些负面效应所引发的社会问题而逐渐产生的,并且在西方社会业已引起了相当大的重视。以安德鲁·芬伯格为代表的美国当代技术哲学家,致力于对技术批判理论的深入研究,提出了许多独特的见解和创新的思想,并且从1991年开始写下了他的关于技术批判理论三部曲,分别是《技术批判理论》、《改造技术》、和《可选择的现代性》这三本著作阐释了他在不同时期对现代技术的不同的见解和独特的认知,随着这些著作的陆续出版,芬伯格在英语世界中引起了不小的反响,同时在我国国内也逐渐开始得到关注。芬伯格的技术批判理论之所以能产生今天这样不小的影响,获得如此大的殊荣,并非其个人的一蹴而就直接能达到和圆满完成的,究其原因是他吸收和借鉴了先哲们的思想精髓,从而站在了巨人的肩膀之上,看得更远。芬伯格的技术批判理论受益于哲学巨匠海德格尔的技术观,特别是在批判社会建构的经验时,借鉴了海德格尔的技术本质观,并在海德格尔理论的基础上有了自己的创新,同时他还吸收了法兰克福学派和其代表人物马尔库塞的有关于技术合理性的思想,并以之为基础开始了他的对技术理性的改造,更进一步建构了自己的技术民主化理论。芬伯格在更高层次上表现出自己支持更彻底的本质主义和结构主义立场的前辈们的观点,但同时又把注意力转向多元论问题,他认为科学和技术问题不应该是与社会生活相分离的,而恰恰应该是社会生活的一部分,他从实践出发在吸收借鉴海德格尔观点的同时把法兰克福学派的技术批判理论也推进到了一个更高的平台,在21世纪新的时代背景下,为西方社会的更好发展指明了很好的出路。本文将从寻根溯源的目的出发,深刻解读哲学巨匠海德格尔,法兰克福学派及其代表人物马尔库塞的技术本质观并对他们的技术批判理论做以深入剖析,意在勾勒出一条芬伯格技术批判理论的形成和发展脉络,以西方社会发展的前车之鉴为我们来扬长避短,寻找到一条能够促成全体人民丰富多样的互动的可选择的现代性,全面落实科学发展观,实现最广大人民的根本利益。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of information technology in the 21st century today, extensive use of technology and mass of the extension to the whole world caught unwittingly in the process of modernization among the under in this new wave of promoting the emergence of a number of important disciplines, philosophy of technology is the recent years, along with the extensive application of technology the negative and the negative nature of the social problems caused by gradually produced, and in the West have attracted considerable attention.By Andrew Feenberg contemporary technology represented by U.S.philosopher, committed to technology-depth study of critical theory, put forward a number of unique insights and innovative thinking, and since 1991 he wrote a critical theory of technology trilogy, namely"Critical Theory of Technology","transformation technology", and"alternative modernity" which explains his three books at different times on different views of modern technology and unique knowledge, as These works were published in the English-speaking world makes Feinberg has caused no small response, while in our country are also beginning to receive attention.Feenberg’s critical theory is to produce technology today does not impact small, access to such a great honor, not their own can achieve overnight, and successful completion of the direct, the reason is that he absorb and learn from the founding fathers thought essence, which stood on the shoulders of giants, see further. Feenberg’s Critical Theory of Technology to benefit from the technical view of Heidegger’s philosophy of great masters, especially in the critical social construction of extreme experience, drew on Heidegger’s view of the technical nature and basis of the theory in Heidegger have their own innovations on; He also absorbed the Frankfurt School and its representatives Marcuse on the Technical Rationality and ideology, and to start it as Jichu a reason he’s on the technology of transformation, further construct their own Technology democratic theory. Feenberg manifested at a higher level of their own to support more radical essentialism and structuralism, the predecessors of the point position, but again turned their attention to the issue of pluralism, he considered that science and technology issues should not be living in a community Xiang separation, but rather should be part of social life, his departure from the practice of absorbing the same time learn from Heidegger’s point of view of the Frankfurt School critical theory of technology has also advanced to a higher platform, a new era in the 21st century context for a better West pointed out the very good way. The purpose of this paper, starting from the root of a profound master s philosophy of Heidegger, Marcuse, the Frankfurt School and its representatives and their technical nature of the technical concept of doing an in-depth analysis of critical theory, intended to outline a Fynboe lattice is the formation and development of critical theory context by Western social development lesson Wei us to exceed and to find Dao 1 Nenggoucucheng "all the rich people, the interaction of Ke Xuanze Duoyang modernity",comprehensively implement the scientific development concept, realize Zuiguang Da the people’s fundamental interests.


