

【作者】 徐小丹

【导师】 田刚;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 鲁迅,作为中国现代文学的奠基人,为中国文学做出了巨大贡献。他不仅仅是伟大的思想家、文学家、革命家,也是一位杰出的翻译家。他的文学生涯是以翻译开始,又以翻译结束的。在他一生中,翻译和介绍外国文学作品占有很重要的位置,其译文大致跟他的创作量相当。而在鲁迅的翻译版图里,俄国和苏联文学又是占有最大、最丰富的板块,大约占译文的三分之二。由此可见鲁迅对俄苏文学的重视程度。晚年鲁迅的确投入了大量的时间、精力和生命,翻译俄苏文艺理论和文学作品,而且随着时间的推移,他的翻译对象由文艺理论著作转向文学作品,其中“同路人”作家其译介最多的对象。因此,研究鲁迅与俄苏“同路人”作家具有十分重要的意义。本文首先对俄苏“同路人”作家进行总体观照,阐释了“同路人”一词的由来和含义,对20世纪前期苏联文坛上为何出现“同路人”现象进行了历史线索的梳理,且对“同路人”现象引起苏联无产阶级内部的一场关于文艺与政治为中心的激烈论争作了客观的探讨。这样一来,使得读者对俄苏“同路人”作家有了清晰的认识,也对后文鲁迅对俄苏“同路人”作家的关注有个清楚的交代。接着本文主要探讨鲁迅对俄苏“同路人”作家的介绍和接受。为何“同路人”文学进入了鲁迅的研究视野?并且为其所赏识,或者说鲁迅在哪些方面和俄苏“同路人”作家发生了融合?鲁迅在潜意识里,是不是与那些“同路人”作家有着一丝精神的呼应?我们不难发现,鲁迅大规模地译介俄苏“同路人”作家作品是在1928年。也正是在这年,中国文坛上爆发了“革命文学”论争。创造社和太阳社的许多人,以革命文学家和革命文艺理论家的姿态,倡导“无产阶级文学”,排斥甚至全盘否定“五四”以来的新文学,对一切非革命作家进行了恶劣地批判。而鲁迅成为了他们首选的攻击对象之一,对其人身及文学作品均进行了恶意的毁谤。因此,鲁迅将目光转向苏联,希望从苏联文学中能够获得问题的答案,获取纠正错误的良方。当然,“同路人”作家的文学成就也是鲁迅如此倾心于他们的重要原因。相对于无产阶级文学的成就不高,“同路人”文学虽然倾向性不鲜明,但是艺术成就明显高其一等。这在于“同路人”作家崇尚以自由的心态进行创作,能够直面现实,而不是回避或粉饰,因而比无产阶级作家更能写出真实的生活情状,更感人的文学作品。况且“同路人”作家又十分注重文学的技巧,故其魅力自然就不待言了。而鲁迅本人也始终坚持和强调文艺自身的独立品格,强调“先求内容的充实和技巧的上达”,因此对“同路人”文学情有独钟。不仅仅如此,鲁迅之所以关注俄苏“同路人”作家,除了上述的现实和审美层面的原因之外,还在于鲁迅对自身价值的定位。可以说,鲁迅对“同路人”作家的倾心,更多的是在于对“同路人”角色认定上的倾向。这也是本文第三章所着重探讨的问题。此前的半个多世纪,往往将鲁迅定为一个共产党的战友、同志,但本文重新梳理了鲁迅与共产党之间的关系,认定鲁迅只是一名中国共产党的同路人。

【Abstract】 As the founder of modern Chinese literature, Lu Xun has made great contribution to the Chinese literature, and also is the boundless cultural existence. He is not only a great thinker, writer, revolutionary, is also an outstanding translator. His literature career started from the translation, and also was end by the translation. In his life, translation and introduction of foreign literature plays an important position, the translation generally quite content with his creation. In the translation territory, the Russian and Soviet literature holds the largest and most extensive section, approximately two-thirds of the translation. This shows that Lu Xun is very concerned about Russia and Soviet Literature.In his later years, Lu Xun did put a lot of time and life experience, translating Russian Literature and literary theory, but as time went on, his translation of the object by the works of literary theory turned to literary works, including "fellow traveler" the most translated writer of its object. Therefore, the study of Lu Xun and the Russian "fellow traveler" writer has great significance.Firstly, this article has carried on the overall contemplation to the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler" writers, explaining the origin and meaning of the "fellow traveler". Why the phenomenon of "fellow traveler" emerged has carried on historical carding to the Soviet Union of the early 20th century, and objectively investigates an intense debate about the center of art and politics within the Soviet Proletariat, which is caused by the phenomenon of "fellow traveler". In this way, readers have a clear understanding of the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler", it also has a clear explanation of Lu Xun’s concerns about the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler".Then this article mainly discusses Lu Xun’s introduction and acceptance to the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler" writers. Why does the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler" enter into the Lu Xun’s literature study field? And it is appreciated by Lu Xun. In what ways do Lu Xun and the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler" have fusion occurred. In the subconscious, doesn’t Lu Xun have mental echo to the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler"?We can find easily that the year when Lu Xun translated and introduced large number of works about the Russian and Soviet "fellow traveler" is in 1928. In this year, "revolutionary literature" debate broke out in China. Many people in Creation Society and Sun Society, Holding the attitude of the revolutionary writer and literary theorist of the revolutionary, propose "proletarian literature", reject and negate whole the new literature since "May Forth", severely criticize the all non-revolutionary writers. Lu Xun became one of their preferred target, both his personal and literary works were malicious slander. Therefore, Lu Xun turned to the Soviet Union, hoping that he could find answer to the literature question from the Soviet, and good way to obtain correct mistakes.Certainly, "fellow traveler" writers’ literary achievement is an important reason for Lu Xun. Although the tendency is not clear, relative to the proletarian literature, the artistic achievement of "Fellow Traveler" writers’ literature is rather higher. Because "fellow traveler" writers advocate a free mind to create, they face the reality, not avoid or gloss over, so they can write more real life situations and more impressive literary works than Proletarian writers. Moreover, the "fellow traveler" writer has paid great attention to the techniques of literature, so its charm is not to be made by a natural. And Lu Xun himself always stressed the independent character of art itself, emphasis on "first seek to enrich the content and skills of the up", therefore, he fond of "fellow traveler" writers’ literary.More than that, the reason why Lu Xun concerned the Russian "fellow traveler" writer, In addition to the practical and aesthetic aspects, also is Lu Xun’s own value orientation. It can be said that Lu Xun attracted to "fellow traveler" writers, more lies on the "fellow traveler" the tendency on the role of identified, more inclined to "fellow traveler" on the role of the identified. This is also the issue focused in the third chapter. Previous half-century, Lu Xun is considered as a comrade, but this chapter re-cards the relationship between Lu Xun and the Communist Party, Lu Xun is a fellow traveler to Chinese Communist Party.


