

Explore Geling Yan’s Creation of the Human World

【作者】 王隆博

【导师】 陈学超;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 严歌苓,是当代新移民作家中的一位优秀且高产的女作家,她的诸多作品无疑是新移民文学中的奇葩。而她的文学创作也与她丰富而又特殊的人生经历不无关系。她作为一名女作家,具有与生俱来的细腻的情思,她善于用女性特殊的情感视角去体察处在不同生存状态下的人们。她本人的经历也颇具传奇色彩,少年时期的文革经历是严歌苓人生中真切而又直接的真实记忆,而也正是由于她的亲身体验,才使得她更加深刻的体会到了文革带给人的种种复杂情感。文革是一段特殊的年代,充满着时代的沉重与无奈。而身处特殊年代之中的人们也有着万般的艰辛与悲苦。严歌苓的亲身经历使得她在书写那段特殊年代时,别具真实的情感。加之她之后的旅美经历沉淀了她的人生,因此在这一时期严歌苓创作的反映文革的作品更多的有一种反观的思考与意味,作品除了在向我们展示文革年代人们的悲苦之外,还有一种淡淡的温馨回忆的意味。而无论是怎样的对文革的书写,严歌苓始终紧扣的是文革中人性的丧失与异化,她并没有大刀阔斧的去向我们展示一个鲜血淋漓的文革,相反,她始终是以人为出发点,通过对文革中的人性的刻画去向我们展示那个时代的荒谬与艰苦。而通过对人性中种种不同层面的挖掘与刻画,时代的悲剧也不言自现。严歌苓的作品除了文革记忆,还有一大题材便是对女性自身的书写,严歌苓作为一名女作家,也使她能够更容易也更敏感直接的去体察女性自身,而她在刻画女性时,是将触角伸入到女性的灵魂深处的,她捕捉到的也是女性最为核心、也最为重要的情感特质。她感悟到的是女性身上伟大的母性特质,而这种母性特质是阴柔而又强大的。也正因为此,才更加震撼人心。而严歌苓也始终关注着女性的命运的悲剧,在这其中,她注入的是她最真切也最为深沉的情感,也饱含了她对女性自身悲剧的复杂而又沉痛的心情。而严歌苓在对女性进行书写时,也尽力还原了女性的真实欲求,在她笔下的女性,已然从某种程度上,具备了独立的意志与思想,并拥有自己的情感需要,从而改变了男女传统格局中女性被动的地位,还原了女性独立自主的一面,也从而颠覆了男女格局中男性拯救者的角色。严歌苓的旅美经历是其人生中一段重要的人生历程,在这样的一段经历中,严歌苓切身体会到了异域之上生存的艰辛。也感受到了不同语言、文化环境中人与人沟通的冷漠与匮乏。也从而刻画出了异域之上的众生百态。而值得指出的是,严歌苓在抒写一切的题材时,在刻画任何人物时,都抓住了一点,就是对人物人性的刻画。她在为我们讲述一个个的故事时,都深入到人性的深处去把握人物的喜与悲。她在一种时而舒缓又时而紧凑的行文之中,将人物各种人性的特质都展现在了我们的面前,可以说严歌苓的作品是始终关注人性的,无论她在创作任何作品时,都将人性的刻画发挥到了淋漓尽致的地步,也正因为此,她笔下的人物与故事才会更加凸显出创作的题旨,而对人性的深层刻画使得其作品更具有张力,而这种张力无疑又是震撼人心的,也正因为此,严歌苓的作品才会独具魅力!

【Abstract】 Geling Yan, Treats of contemporary immigrant writers in a new high-yield and excellent writer, no doubt many of her works is a new Flower of immigrant literature. Her literature is rich and special with her life experiences are not unrelated. Her as a woman writer, born with a delicate feeling, she is good with women’s unique perspective to understand the emotional life, understand the state of survival in different people.Her own experience also legendary, the experience of childhood during the Cultural Revolution Treats real life the real and direct memory, and it is precisely because of her experience, that makes her feel even more profound cultural revolution brought all the emotions of people. The era of the Cultural Revolution is a unique, full of special times was heavy and the difficulties of the times. While among the people living in special times also have the worth of the hardships and misery treats and personal experience makes her special in that period of years to write, the unique real emotion, coupled with her experiences living in America after the deposition of her life, so in this period reflected the Cultural Revolution Treats created more work there is a contrast of thinking and meaning, so the works of this period in addition to the Cultural Revolution to show us that people’s of hardship, there is a touch of warm memories of the mean. No matter what the writing on the Cultural Revolution, has always been closely Treats is the loss of the Cultural Revolution and the alienation of human nature, she did not show a drastic movement of our bloody Cultural Revolution, on the contrary, she was always the starting point is man-made,Through the Cultural Revolution movement of people portray human nature shows us the absurdity of that time and hard. Through all the different aspects of human nature in the mining and characterization, not words from the tragedy of the times are.Delineation of the works in addition to memories of the Cultural Revolution, there is a big theme of women’s own writing, and Treats as a writer, also made her more sensitive and easier to understand the women themselves directly, and she depicts women, and the is to extend its reach into the soul of women travelers, she captured the most is the core of women, and most important nature. She came to realize that the female body a great maternal qualities.Maternal characteristics and this is also the feminine and powerful. Which is why it is more stirring. The Treats are always concerned about women’s lives, women’s tragedy, in this one, she injected her most vivid and most profound emotion, too full of her own women’s complex and tragic sorrow. Treats for the writing on women, they try to restore the true and the desire of women, the female in her, already to some extent, with an independent will and ideas, and have their own emotional needs, thus changing the traditional pattern of women and men in the passive position of women. Restore the independence of the female side of the body, but also to subvert the gender pattern of male rescue role.mentioned above, Geling Yan have a long experience of living in America, but this career in the Delineation of life’s experiences, is very important. In such an experience in exotic Treats on personal experience to survive the hardships. Also felt a different language, culture, environment, indifference and lack of interpersonal communication. Which also depicts the exotic beings on the attitudes.Worthwhile to point out that all describe the subject of Treats at the time, the characterization of any person, they all grasped that the characters portray human nature. She tells us the story one by one, went into the depths of human nature to grasp the character of joy and sorrow. She is also relief in a sometimes described under the compact, the character of various traits of human nature are displayed in front of us, which can be said that the work is concerned Delineation of human nature, whether any of her creative works, both the human nature to play vividly depicts the point, also because of this,The characters and the story she will be more creative, the themes highlighted, but also has much more charm. The deep characterization of human nature makes his work more tension and this tension is also no doubt be stirring, which is why the works of Treats will be charming!


