

【作者】 张颖

【导师】 谢秀英;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 曾是世界上最具实力的高等教育体系之一的前苏联高等教育在教育财政体制上实行的是单一拨款模式,其经费总额中有98%由国家财政拨款。实际上,在单一拨款模式下,任何一个国家的经济能力都很难真正达到对教育经费的充分满足。苏联解体后,俄罗斯继承了前苏联大部分主权,成为在政治、经济、军事等方面都与过去截然不同的主权国家。但俄罗斯的经济一直处于持续衰退的不景气状态,财政收入大幅减少,预算赤字居高不下,国家再也无力包揽高等教育所需经费,为了与新的政治制度和经济运行体制相适应,俄罗斯联邦政府对其高等教育拨款进行了重大改革。同时,为了寻求高等教育的有效发展机制,进行了积极的探索和尝试。本文主要分为五个部分:第一部分,俄罗斯高等教育事业发展简况。为了加强国际交流与合作,俄罗斯对高等教育学制和学位制度进行了改革,确定了多级高等教育学制结构。介绍分析了俄罗斯高等教育机构及在校生的发展情况。第二部分,苏联时期,高等教育在财政体制上属于单一拨款体制。自实施市场经济以后,俄罗斯政府尝试建立新的拨款体制,将高等教育财政全部由国家预算拨款的状况转变为国家与社会共同承担。对高校实行多级财政制度,把高等教育的经费划为联邦预算拨款、地区和地方拨款,国家不再作统收统支。大学可以通过实施收费教育、从事经济性活动、开展有偿教育服务进行多渠道筹措办学经费。改革的一项重要内容就是建立了实名制国家财政券。目前,从俄罗斯高等教育经费来源渠道的构成看,国家财政拨款是主体,政府预算外的教育基金、世界银行教育贷款、企业资助与投资、向学生收费以及与国外联合办学获得的学费都处在从属地位。第三部分,“实名制国家财政券”是俄罗斯在高等教育财政领域的一项创举。这项新制度与俄当前推行的国家统一考试制度相挂钩,即根据学生参加全国统考的考试成绩,分等级向每个大学生提供年度财政担保。这种担保不作为现金发放给学生,而只是根据成绩发放给学生相应的债券,国家根据债券以财政拨款的形式划拨给学生就学的大学。文章对实名制国家财政券的背景、实施情况作了详尽的概述,并就其对俄罗斯高等教育拨款的积极影响和消极影响进行了客观评价。第四部分,俄罗斯高等教育拨款的配套措施——学生资助。考虑到一些部门的人力短缺和不断上升的高等教育支出,俄教育官员提议引进政府资助计划。包括:直接资助、间接资助、贷款资助和混合资助。同时,从2002年起开始实行的新助学金制度,包括社会性助学金和学术性助学金。并讨论要建立大众教育贷款系统,以贷款的形式来弥补高等教育拨款不足的现状。第五部分,通过对俄罗斯高等教育拨款改革的研究和分析,有助于我国高等教育在新的历史发展时期以俄罗斯高等教育拨款改革为借鉴,吸取俄罗斯高等教育经费多元化的筹措体制,紧密结合我国社会发展现状,积极开辟适合我国国情的多样化的高等教育经费筹措渠道,为我国高等教育快速、稳定、健康地发展提供坚实的经济基础。

【Abstract】 The Soviet Union higher education system, once one of the most powerful in the world, implemented the single appropriation model.98% of its total expense was allocated by the state finance.In fact, in any country it is hard to meet the demand of the education expense sufficiently under this single appropriation model. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited most of the sovereignty of the Soviet Union and became a sovereign country which was totally different in politics,economy and military. However, Russia’s economy has been in a recession state continually declined.The significant reduction in its financial revenue and a high financial deficit made the state can’t monopolize the expense for higher education any longer.In order to adapt to the new political and economic running system, the government of the Russian Federation has undergone a big reform for its appropriation on higher education.At the same time, in order to seek an effective developing mechanism for its higher education, it carried out active exploration and try.The thesis is divided into five parts:The first part:the introduction of the development of Russian higher education. In order to strengthen international communication and cooperation, Russia has reformed the system of higher education structure and of academic degree, and set the multi-level structure of higher education. It also analyses the development of Russian higher education institutions and the number of students in the universities.The second part:during the period of the Soviet era, the financial system of higher education was under a single funding system. Since the implementation of market economy, the Russian government tried to create a new funding system, and the situation in which all of higher education was funded by the State budget turned into by the states and society. Multi-level financial system has been implemented into colleges and universities, the higher education funding system has become the cooperation of federal budget, regional and local funding, and the federal states no longer give educational support as a unified system. University funds can be raised through various ways such as students’educational fees, engagement in economic activities and the implementation of paid education. An important element of this reform is to establish a real-name system for the states’ financial vouchers. As we can see from the constitutes of Russian funding sources for higher education, the country’ financial allocation is the main source, and the extra educational fund beyond Government’s budget for education, the World Bank educational lending, corporate funding and investment, fees and charges from students, as well as tuition from co-sponsoring with foreign colleges was only in the subordinate position.The third part:"real-name system for the states’ financial vouchers" is a Russian innovation in the financial field of higher education. This new system is linked to the implementation of Russian National Unified examination system, that is, students participate in the national examination and the federal states provide financial security for students in accordance with their examination results. This guarantee is not distributed to students as the form of cash, but only granted to students in accordance with the corresponding results, and then the federal states allocate the money to the universities in accordance with students’ bonds. This paper explicitly explains the backgrounds and the implementation of real-name system for the states’ financial voucher, and makes an objective and detailed evaluation of its positive and negative impact on higher education for Russian. The fourth part:illustrates the supplementary measure of higher education appropriation in Russia----financial assistance to students. Taking into consideration the shortage of manpower in import department and the increasing expenditure on higher education, Russian officers in charge of education propose to introduce the project of governmental financial assistance which includes direct financial assistance, indirect financial assistance, loan financial assistance and mixed financial assistance. Meanwhile, they suggest putting the new system of grant-in-aid into practice from 2002 including social grant-in-aid and academic grant-in-aid. They also want to establish the loan system for mass education which can compensate the shortage of fund on higher education.The fifth part:through the analysis of the reform of appropriation concerning higher education in Russia, it is conducive for our higher education to draw a lesson from the reform of appropriation concerning higher education in Russia during the new historical priod. By absorbing the diverse raising system of higher education fund in Russia and combining it closely with the present situation of social development in our country, we should enthusiastically explore new channels to raise fund for higher education, which suit the present situation in China. Only in this way, can we provide solide economic foundations to ensure higher education in our country will develop fast, stably and soundly.


