

【作者】 郑佳佳

【导师】 何炼成;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 经济史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自1949年中华人民共和国成立以来,我国的农村土地制度在党和政府的领导下发生了翻天覆地的变化:建国初期,为了在政治上获得占新中国总人口80%以上的农村人口的拥护和支持,我党颁布并执行了将土地完全分配给农民的政策,由农民掌握我国农村土地的所有权并自主在土地上进行耕作,种植什么、怎样种植全部由农民自主决定,所得收益除了缴纳部分的地租(税)外,全部归农民自己所有;在逐渐对封建地主、官僚、资本家进行社会主义改造后,我党开始学习走前苏联的社会主义道路,通过建立合作社的方式,逐渐将农民所有的农具等生产资料集中到集体经济组织,集中农民进行土地耕作,互帮互助,以消除小农生产的狭隘性;高级合作社阶段,农民的土地全部归人民公社所有和支配,农民只是基于社员身份在集体所有的土地上进行劳作,获得部分土地产出,并无任何生产资料的所有权,只是按照集体管理者的意愿进行种植、施肥、收割、分配等活动;在三年自然灾害和“文化大革命”期间,我党错误地执行了“以阶级斗争为中心”的政治纲领,致使包括农业在内的全国经济建设处于停滞甚至是倒退阶段;1978年,改革开放的春风吹遍了神州大地,也吹开了农村土地制度再次改革的序幕,始于安徽小岗村的联产承包责任制以其强大的激励效应获得了当地劳动人民的拥护,进而在全国获得了由点到面的推广,以“家庭”为基本单位的联产承包责任制成为了新中国农村土地制度改革新的热点问题,也引起了学术界广泛的关注和研讨。追溯我国自建国以来农村土地制度变迁的历史,可以发现:围绕农村土地的所有权、使用权,党和政府进行了一系列的实践活动,先是放手全部的农村土地所有权归于农民,这符合新中国建国初期新建政权需要获得万千农民大众拥护的需要;在随后进行的社会主义改造中,按照马克思的关于社会主义公有制的理论,将农民的土地使用权逐步收回归集体所有和使用;在人民公社初级化、高级化时期,农民的土地所有权则被完全地以“三级所有、队为基础”的所有方式所替代;经历了十年文化大革命的政治斗争以后,1978年我国新一轮经济发展拉开序幕,家庭联产承包责任制为我国农业经济的发展注入了新鲜的血液,这个制度不仅解决了十几亿中国人民的吃饭问题,而且促进了中国整个经济的发展,创造了世界人民瞩目的奇迹;进入21世纪,我国的经济发展又进入了新的台阶,土地作为一种重要的生产资本在市场化进程中的作用日益凸显,农民手中的这一份重要资产进行流转所带来的巨大经济效益日益受到政府、房地产商、第三利益主体、农民的密切关注,关于农地产权流转所带来的经济效益诱发了人们对于农地制度变革的关注,《物权法》的出台以及其中所确立的农地承包经营权的物权性质进一步确认和保障了农民在农地上所拥有的产权及其所带来的各种权益。本文按照新中国建国以来我国农村土地制度变迁的历史进程,运用党的政策文献资料进行引导,逐步分析出我国农村土地变迁的历史脉络,为今后农地制度变迁提供方向性的建议。在本文的分析中,按照制度经济学的产权组织理论,农村土地所有权的主体、内容、客体随着我国综合经济实力的增强,国家政策的变化而不断发生变化;在农地所有权的四项权能中,围绕着占有权、使用权、收益权、处分权,政府尤其是基层集体经济组织——生产队与农民进行了一系列的博弈,最直接的结果是:土地产出也随着这个博弈过程而表现出不同的效率。土地产出的“剩余索取权”是一切争论的中心所在,由此而产生的在政府和农民之间的不同的激励效应成为了农地制度变革的内在动因,农民作为土地上的直接劳动者,应该成为这个激励的中心承载体,只有在政策上、法律上切实保障了农民在农地产出上的基本激励因素和剩余索取的正当性,才能真正起到激励农民对农地进行长期持续的投资,这是我国农地制度改革的中心目标,也是促进我国农业经济发展的内在动力。

【Abstract】 Since the foundation of The People’s Republic of China, drastic changes has occurred in China’s rural land system under the leading of the party and the government as:on the early days after our country’s foundation, in order to get the peasants’ endorsement and support, which accounted for 80% of the total population, the Party and our center government enacted and implemented a new rural land policy, in which the peasants had the total ownership of their rural land. According to this new policy, the peasants had the right to decide what they wanted to plant, when to plant and get all the outcome from the land except the agricultural taxes; immediately after the social transformation to the feudal landlords, bureaucrats, capitalists, our country began to learn from the social road in former Soviet Union. Through the establishment of cooperative approach in rural, our Party and government gradually get hold of the agricultural tools, under the help of the collective economic organizations, peasants could help each other in order to eliminate small-scale production of narrow-mindedness; in the senior cooperative phase, all the land owned by farmers then were owned by the collective economic organization, what was more, the collective economic organization also had the disposal of all communes. The farmers based on the collective identity of all members of the land to work on land, get hold of part of the outcome. They had no ownership of the means of production, but must be in accordance with the collective management of the planting, fertilization, harvesting, distribution and other activities; in the three years of natural disasters and the "Cultural Revolution" period, our party error in the implementation of the "class struggle" political program, with the result, including agriculture in national economic construction phase of stagnation and even retrogression; in 1978, opening up, blowing through the vast land of China is also blew open rural land prelude to further reform the system began in Anhui Xiaogang Village of the contract responsibility system with its powerful incentive effect of access to the support of the local working people, and then the country received from the point to the surface of the promotion of "family" as the basic contract responsibility system units into a new rural land reform a new hot issue, also attracted wide attention and academic seminars. Back from the history of the rural land system changes in China, we can find: around rural land ownership, use rights, the party and the government conducted a series of practice, first put all attributable to the peasants of rural land ownership, in line with the founding of new China Early access to new regimes need to support the needs of thousands of rural masses; in the ensuing socialist transformation, in accordance with the socialist public ownership of Marx’s theory, farmers land use rights Zhu Bushou regression collective organizational ownership and use; in the primary of the people’s commune and upgrading of the period, ownership of land, were completely in order to "three levels, team-based" replaced all the way; after a decade of political struggle after the Cultural Revolution in 1978 opened new round of economic development off, the family contract responsibility system for the development of China’s agricultural economy into the fresh blood, this system not only solves more than one billion Chinese people’s food problem, but also to promote the development of China’s entire economy, has created the miracle of the world’s peoples attention; into the 21st century, China’s economic development has entered a new stage production of the land as an important capital in the market process becomes increasingly important, farmers in the hands of the important assets that a transfer of the enormous economic increasingly effective government, real estate, the third stakeholder, the close attention of farmers, agricultural land ownership on the economic benefits flow to cause the system to change the focus of agricultural land, "Property Law" promulgated and established by them The right to land contractual management and protection of property rights further confirm the nature of the farmers in the agricultural land owned by various property rights and interests arising.This paper focuses on Chinese Rural Land System from the foundation of People’s Republic of China, the use of literature to the party’s policy guidance, step by step analysis of the change of rural land in historical context, the agricultural land system for the future direction of the recommendations provided. In this analysis, in accordance with the institutional economics of property rights organization theory, rural land ownership of the subject, the content object as China’s overall economic strength, changes in national policy changes constantly; the ownership of farmland in four empowerment in around the possession, use, income rights, powers, the Government, particularly the grass-roots collective economic organizations-the production team and the farmers carried out a series of games, the most direct result is:the land productivity and also with this game process showed different efficiency. Land of output "residual claim" is the center of all the controversy, resulting in the difference between the government and farmers the incentive effects of rural land system reform has become intrinsic motivation, farmers on the land directly to workers as should become the center of encouraging bearing body, only in terms of policy, law effectively to protect the farmers in the agricultural real estate out of the basic incentives and the legitimacy of the remaining request can really motivate farmers to play a long-term sustainable agricultural land investment, and this is the center of agricultural land reform objectives, but also to promote economic development in China’s internal driving force of agriculture.


