

【作者】 常晓娜

【导师】 周晓唯;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 西方经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 食品安全问题,是当前中国关系国计民生的热点话题。众所周知“国以民为本,民以食为天,食以安为先”,可见食品安全是保障人民的身体健康、财产权益、社会的和谐稳定以及经济健康有序发展,甚至是关系着国家和政府形象的重要基础之一。若不能保证基本的食品安全,不但会影响人民的身体健康,还会造成公众较大的心理波动,成为社会稳定的不利因素,从而影响经济的健康发展。但是近年来,我国食品安全事故却频繁发生,一方面给人民群众的生命健康和安全带来了巨大的威胁和损失,严重影响了人民群众的社会生活;另一方面,这些食品安全事故的发生也影响了我国社会的和谐稳定、经济健康有序发展以及国家和政府形象。保障食品安全是稳定社会和发展经济的客观需要,刻不容缓。2009年6月1日正式实施的《中华人民共和国食品安全法》就是在这一背景下产生和颁布的。食品安全问题比较特殊,这表现在它不会随着经济发展和技术进步而自动消失,而是正相关的关系,即会随着生产机械化的专业化及普及和生产技术的进步而逐步增长。食品安全问题的产生是由于市场失灵和监管失灵共同引发的,首先,在食品市场中,消费者被欺诈等侵权问题的多发,是由于消费者和厂商所处领域的完全不同影响了食品安全真实信息在两者间分布的对称性,同时市场本身又无法有效解决这些问题,因此就需要政府进行有效的食品安全监管,通过提高监管效率,来确保食品安全,使消费者的利益得到保障;但是在监管不力的情况下,非但没有有效解决食品安全问题,而是使问题更加突出。从我国目前食品安全的情况来看,形势不容乐观,食品安全监管制度上存在着严重的缺点,监管部门应该考虑从监管的各个方面去寻求引发问题的原因和解决问题的思路,将相关制度加以制定并完善,为食品安全问题能有效解决提供基础和保证,以提高食品安全监管的水平及有效性。本文在分析过程中,首先提出了研究背景及意义,对国内外食品安全监管的研究现状进行了概括,同时提出了本文的研究角度,主要解决的问题和基本思路及文章的创新点与不足。为了研究的完善、充实,首先对不同源流的监管理论进行了逐一概述和评价:公共利益理论、俘虏理论、经济监管理论及不完备法律理论;并论述了食品安全监管理论的研究进展。为食品安全监管的研究提供了理论基础。依据以上研究,本文从经济学角度对食品安全监管领域进行了分析,运用经济学的方法——博弈论,分析食品企业与监管部门在食品安全监管中的合作与博弈行为,对安全投入的执行与监管问题进行分析,剖析影响食品企业违规的因素和食品安全监管不力的原因,并明确政府监管的主要对象和监管举措,确定政府实施有效监管的必要条件。在模型分析的基础上,本文对国内外的食品安全监管进行了分析,概括了国外发达国家食品安全监管的主要特点与手段,并考察了我国食品安全监管的取得的成就和存在的问题。完善我国食品安全监管制度的政策建议主要分为五个方面:首先是加强食品安全监管的法律制度体系建设。切实执行《食品安全法》;构建并完善食品召回制度;加大惩罚力度,体现食品安全法律的权威性。其次是完善食品安全监管的行政执法体系。建立权威的食品安全监管机构;完善和落实食品安全行政执法的责任制;加强食品安全综合监管队伍建设,建立激励约束机制,提高监管能力;建立科学的地方政府官员的绩效评价体系。再次是加强社会监管的力量。完善食品安全信用体系;充分发挥新闻媒体和消费者的监督作用;发挥行业协会等民间组织的作用。最后是提高食品信息流通质量。要建立厂商与消费者之间的网络平台;畅通消费者向食品安全监管部门的诉求渠道。通过以上建议以期实现遏制食品安全问题的发生,保证食品安全监管的有效性,保障广大消费者人身财产安全的目的。

【Abstract】 Food safety is currently a hot topic to the people’s livelihood in China. Food safety is not only the basic for people’s health and safety, economics health development and social harmony and stability, but also infects the image of state and government. " The people are a nation’s source of economic strength, sufficient food to sustain them, their main preoccupation ", if the underlying food safety can not be guaranteed, it will definitely lead to greater psychological fluctuations in the masses, and becoming unstable factors of social development, thereby affecting economic development. But in recent years, China’s food safety accidents happen frequently, the people’s life,health and safety suffered a great loss on the one hand, that lead a serious impact on people’s social life; The other hand, these food safety accidents also exposed China’s food safety supervision system shortcomings. Ensure food security is stable objective of social needs and economic development, urgently. On June 1,2009, the formal implementation of the "The People’s Republic of China Food Safety Law" is in this context.Food safety issues is special, because it will not automatically disappear with economic development as technology advances; well it will show a growing trend with the production technology and production mechanization of universal. It influences the real information asymmetry in the distribution between them that the manufacturers and consumers are engaged in completely different areas in food security. While the market itself unable to solve these problems effectively, so the practical arrangements need to improve government regulation of food safety system on food production and sale of comprehensive and strict monitoring and management to ensure food safety, to protect consumer interests. From the current situation, the situation allows of no optimism, and food safety supervision system exists serious shortcomings. Regulators should consider reasons to seek causes problems and measures to solve the problems from every aspect, to provide foundation and guarantee for solving food safety problems effectively, in order to improve the supervision of food safety standard and effectivenessBased on the process of analysis, the author proposes the research background and significance firstly, summarizes the domestic and international regulation of food safety supervision, and puts forward the point of this study, the main problems and basic ideas.In order to complete the study, author enriched the study of regulatory theory:Public interest theory、Capture theory, Economic regulatory theory and Incomplete legal theory, and discussed the research progress of food safety monitoring theory. This regulation of food safety provides a theoretical basis.From an economic point of view, this paper uses the econometric methods-theory to analysis the food safety control. With the analysis of cooperation and game behavior in the food safety supervision to dissect safety input, supervision problem, the factors affecting food business irregularities and lack of food safety reasons, and clear and definite the main target of government regulation and regulatory initiatives, the necessary condition for effective supervision.Based on the analysis of the model, this paper analyzes the present situation of Chinese food safety supervision and the existing problems. First described the present situation of food safety supervision summarized the achievement in the supervision of food safety; and then pointed out the existing problems of food safety supervision system.Improving food safety regulatory system is divided into five main policy recommendations: first, to strengthen the legal system of food safety supervision system. Effective implementation of the "Food Safety Law"; to build and improve the food recall system; increase the punishment reflects the food safety authority of the law. Second is to improve the food safety supervision system of administrative law enforcement. Establish the authority of food safety regulatory agencies; improve and implement food safety responsibility system of administrative law enforcement; strengthen consolidated supervision of food safety team, establish incentive and restraint mechanisms, improve the supervisory capacity; to establish a scientific performance evaluation system of local government officials. Then we should strengthen the power of social. Improve the food safety credit system; give full play to the news media and the supervisory role of the consumer; to play professional associations and other intermediary organizations. Finally, we should to improve the quality of food the flow of information. First is to build the network platform between manufacturers and consumers; flow of consumers to demand food safety regulatory channels. The above recommendations in order to achieve curb the occurrence of food safety; ensure the effectiveness of food safety regulation to protect consumers personal and property security.


