

【作者】 张媛

【导师】 李青林;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在国际传播中,对他国形象的塑造和解读受到各种新闻媒介因素影响已经达成共识。而美国媒体以其雄厚的经济实力、政治地位、先进的技术手段、丰富的传播经验以及英语语言优势,更是在他国形象的形成过程中扮演着举足轻重的角色。2007年以来,面对世界金融危机,世界经济格局已经有所转变,中国在世界政治和经济舞台扮演着越来越重要的角色。由于《纽约时报》作为美国首屈一指的大报,又被称为“政治精英的内部刊物”和“权力机构的圣经”,在美国读者心目中的地位可见一斑,因此研究近几年《纽约时报》的涉华报道更具有理论和现实意义。上世纪八十年代,框架研究就已经在国外开始兴起,这一研究模式为研究媒体报道建立了一个新的范式。近儿年,我国学者亦开始用该方法进行研究和分析。鉴于“中国形象”这一论题的复杂性,本文采取定量分析与框架分析相结合的方式来研究中国在《纽约时报》中的形象。本次研究的样本为《纽约时报》1246篇涉华报道,这些报道全部为英文原版,因此这能够确保研究的结果更加准确。研究结果表明《纽约时报》的涉华报道中在政治方面,负面报道较多媒体总是以符合美国利益的议题作为报道的重点,对中国政治指手画脚,对中国的人权以及民族问题横加干涉,用美国读者喜欢的“负面框架”来报道中国。对中国经济的报道表面看起来客观理智,分析的头头是道,但是其所引用的是一些特定语境下的观点,以此引导受众,使受众慢慢接受报道中预的设价值观,进而影响了美国大众对中国认识的客观性。在涉及与美国利益冲突的方面,他们又以自己的意识形态为主,宣传“中国威胁论”以及中国在非洲“经济殖民”,趁机妖魔化中国。与《镜像中国——世界主流媒体中的中国形象》一书中2000年—2003年的调查中最大的不同是,2007—2008年除政治经济外,《纽约时报》涉华报道都集中在产品安全、中国的环境、文化艺术以及奥运会的报道上,而非2000—2003年的人权、社会法律,美国媒体对中国社会问题的关注也超过了以往。这是美国媒体涉华报道呈现出的一个新的趋势,也是本次研究中的一个新发现。文章的最后一部分,通过对研究结果的分析,最终找出《纽约时报》报道中国的特点、倾向及其原因,透过这一分析,我们可以看出中国在国际传播环境中的形象,针对真实的传播状况和过程、传播地位的不平等、立场不客观等现象,为中国在国际舞台上更好的树立自己的对外形象提供一些建议,以期帮助我们争取客观、平等的国际传播地位。

【Abstract】 It is known to all that there are always different comments on some countries in the international communication of media. Many countries are keen to know about the information of United States because of its leading role in the world stage. China is playing a more and more important role on the stage of international politics and economy since the structure of world economy changed due to the financial crises in 2007.As the tycoon of American newspaper business, New York Times is said to be the "in-house literature for politic elites" and "the bible of authorities", so the study of the news about China on New York Times is meaningful both realistically and theoretically.In the 1980s of last century, the study of framework began to be popular and gradually it became the new model of media study. This thesis analyses China’s image in the news reports from New York Times published during the year of 2007 and 2008. The objects of the research are the 1246 reports about China from New York Times and all these reports are English so the accuracy of the research can be ensured.The result of the study shows that most of the news from New York Times about China are negative to China’s image. The media always describes China from the benefit of USA, the majority of the news are about politics. This kind of news seems very normal and real and the analysis also seems reasonable but that kind of certain language environment will distort the fact and make readers misunderstand China. Gradually, the readers will accept the viewpoint of the newspaper about China subjectively. When reporting news about China’s economy, society and art, New York Times can be honest and objective but when the news is related to USA’s benefits, they will be back to their track again, propagates the theory of so called "China’s threat" and "China’s economic colony in Africa". Compared with the reports in 2000-2003, the reports about china in 2007-2008 are more about food security, China’s environment, art and Olympics instead of human rights, social law besides politics and economy, the social problems of China also attract the attention of American. This new trend is a discovery in this research.In the last part of this thesis, the author found the reason why New York Time’s reports about China have that kind of features. We can find the image of China in the international communications and give some practical proposals so that China can have an equal position in international communications with other countries in the world.


