

Population Genetic Diversity of Oxya Chinensis Based on AFLP and Morphology Analysis

【作者】 马晋

【导师】 马恩波;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 动物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 蝗虫隶属于昆虫纲(Insecta)、直翅目(Orthoptera)、蝗亚目(Acridodea),在世界范围内分布广、数量大,是重要的农业害虫之一。蝗虫灾害是一种国际性的自然灾害,它常与水灾和旱灾相间发生,并成为人类的三大自然灾害,严重影响了人类的生产、生活甚至生存。中华稻蝗隶属于昆虫纲(Insecta),直翅目(Orthoptera),斑腿蝗科(Oedipodidae),稻蝗属(Oxya Serville),是世界范围内重要的农业害虫之一。本研究采用AFLP分子标记技术对我国南北跨度较大的7个省市—北京昌平、山西太原、陕西汉中、山东济宁、湖南长沙、广西来宾和海南万宁,共7个种群的128个个体进行遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。主要目的为:(1)探讨我国由北到南不同地理分布的中华稻蝗种群间遗传结构和遗传多样性水平;(2)分析由于岛屿地理隔离等影响,对中华稻蝗种群遗传多样性和遗传分化造成的影响。本研究选取7对引物扩增128个个体,共产生336条带,多态性条带292条,86.90%。结果表明:中华稻蝗种群具有较高的遗传多样性水平,其中海南万宁种群的遗传多样性高于其它各种群;Mantel检验(r=0.27,P=0.89)表明中华稻蝗各种群遗传距离与地理距离间没有显著相关性;种群间具有明显的遗传分化现象;UPGMA (Unweighted pair group method average)聚类分析显示,7个中华稻蝗种群按地理距离分为3支:北方北京昌平、山西太原和山东济宁为一支;南方陕西汉中、湖南长沙和广西来宾为一支;海南万宁单独为一支。上述结果以及PCA分析均表明由于地理隔离中华稻蝗种群显示出明显的南北分化和岛屿大陆种群遗传分化现象。本研究对采自我国从北到南跨度较大具有地理隔离的9个省市9个种群的中华稻蝗进行形态结构分析,通过软件计算以探讨雌雄虫形态差异、南北不同种群个体形态差异以及不同性状间及其与海拔的相关性,探讨形态特征与环境变化的关系。本研究选取中华稻蝗体长(LB)、头长(LH)、前胸背板长(LP)、前胸背板宽(WP)、前胸背板侧片长(LLP)、前胸背板侧片高(HLP)、前翅长(LEL)、后足股节长(LF)、后足股节宽(WF)和后足胫节长(LT)等10个性状,通过电子游标卡尺测量其长度进行比较,并通过SPSS 11.5统计软件进行体长方差分析、各个性状的单因素方差分析以及各性状间及其与海拔高度间的相关性分析。结果表明:9个种群的中华稻蝗标本所有雌虫体长均明显大于雄虫,每个性状测量值基本上随着纬度的增加而减少;雌雄虫中北方种群的体长均明显小于南方种群的体长,太原种群是南方组和北方组中的一个过渡种群;10个性状中除前胸背板长、前翅长、后足股节长和后足胫节长与海拔高度之间的相关性不显著之外,其余性状均与海拔高度呈现显著的正相关,说明形态特征与环境的变化是紧密关联的。

【Abstract】 The grasshopper, which is in Acridodea, Orthoptera, Insecta and distributed widely and vastly, is one of the main kind of agricultural pest. Coupled with the flood and drought, the grasshopper disaster, one of the international natural calamity, has made a serious effect on people’s production, life and survival. Oxya chinensis which is in Oxya Serville, Oedipodidae, Orthoptera, Insecta, is a worldwide agricultural pest.The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was conducted on 7 locations with long geographical distance in China-Changping of Beijing, Taiyuan of Shanxi, Hanzhong of Shanxi, Jining of Shandong, ChangSha of Hunan, Laibin of Guangxi and Wanning of Hainan. Genetic diversity and genetic structure was analyzed among 128 individuals of 7 populations above. The main purpose was:(1) Discussing the genetic structure and genetic diversity among different Oxya chinensis populations from north to south in our country; (2) Analyzing the influence on the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation among Oxya chinensis populations because of the island geographic isolation. A total of 336 reproducible bands were amplified with 7 primer combinations from 128 individuals. Two hundred and ninety-two bands (86.90%) were polymorphic. High genetic diversity was found among 0. chinensis populations and Wanning population had higher genetic diversity than other populations. Mantel test (r=0.27, P=0.89) suggested that there was no significant association between genetic distance and geographic distance. Remarkable genetic differentiation was found among populations. Unweighted pair group method average (UPGMA) tree showed that the 7 O. chinensis populations were divided into 3 groups:Changping of Beijing, Taiyuan of Shanxi and Jining of Shandong populations in the north; Hanzhong of Shanxi, Changsha of Hunan and Laibin of Guangxi populations in the south; and Wanning of Hainan population. Principal component analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation among the north and the south populations and island and continent populations existed in the 7 O. chinensis populations because of geographic isolation.Morphology of 9 Oxya chinensis populations from 9 different locations with long distance from north to south in our country was analyzed. Morphological difference between male and female individuals, morphological difference of different populations from north to south and the correlations among body measurement indices and between body measurements and altitude were analyzed by software in order to study the relation between morphology and environment. Length of body, length of head, length of pronotum, width of pronotum, length of lateral lobe of pronotum, height of lateral lobe of pronotum, length of elytra, length of femur, width of femur and length of tibia were chosen, measured by electronic vernier caliper and compared. In addition, ANOVA analysis on the length of body, One-Way ANOVA analysis and correlations among body measurement indices and between body measurements and altitude were analyzed by using SPSS 11.5 software. The female individuals were obviously larger than the male and every measurement indice decreased along with the increase of latitude. The body length of the north populations was clearly smaller than the south and Taiyuan population was a transitional population between the north and the south groups. Ten measurement indices except length of pronotum, length of elytra, length of femur and length of tibia were all correlated with altitude, which showed morphology had positive ralationship with environmental change.

【关键词】 中华稻蝗AFLP遗传多样性形态结构
【Key words】 Oxya chinensisAFLPGenetic diversityMorphology
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

