

Research of Da Dong Great Wall Defensive System

【作者】 尚珩

【导师】 赵瑞民;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自明朝建立后,北部边防问题始终是关乎着明廷盛衰的关键性问题,因此,明廷沿北部边境设置了一系列军镇,其中,大同镇的战略地位在“九边”中尤为重要,其特殊的地理位置决定了它在以京师防御为中心的北边防御体系中有着重要的政治和军事地位。大同“北捍胡虏以控带幽燕,南总三关以招徕晋魏,翼卫陵寝,屏捍神京,屹然甲九塞。”并且,随着明蒙实力的此消彼长而不断变化,逐渐成为明蒙对抗的主要地区。随着大同镇战略地位的逐渐上升,其防御设施也由少到多,由简单到复杂,逐渐完善,日益科学,最终形成了一整套完整的以长城为中心的防御体系。目前关于长城的研究,主要是平面的、静态的研究,如起止位置、走向、长度和途经地区等,缺乏对其修建背景和防御体系整体的、动态的、立体的研究;已有少量的关于某一防御体系的研究,主要是文献研究,缺乏全面、系统的考古田野调查的有力支持,缺乏将史料与现存遗迹相结合的研究。更主要的是缺乏对防御体系的“动态研究”。须知某一长城防御体系不是一下子建立起来的,它的修建经过了肇建、扩张、完善和最终形成诸多阶段。本文以洪武至万历期间的大同镇为时空背景,具体来说以“土木之变”和“俺答封贡”为限,分为前、中、后三期论述大同镇长城防御体系的发展变化,即:大同镇长城防御体系的建设经过了洪武的肇建;永乐年间形成基础框架;洪熙、宣德、正统的加强;景泰、天顺的初步发展;成化、弘治、正德的进一步发展,到嘉靖、隆庆的巅峰时期,最后到万历年间的最终形成,共7个阶段。通过对史料的梳理、分析,结合田野调查的收获,对其修建背景和防御体系进行整体的、动态的、立体的研究,以长城墙体和城堡的变迁和现存状况为线索,勾勒出大同镇长城防御体系建设、发展、变化的历史轨迹。

【Abstract】 After the establishment of the Ming dynasty, Northern border has always been the key question concerning the ups and downs of the Ming dynasty, So a series of military town was set along the northern border of the Ming dynasty, The strategic position of Datong town is particularly important in the "nine side".Its special geographical position determines it has an important political and military position in northern defense system whose center is the capital.Datong is the most important position in nine military towns that is set in northern frontier. It is against Mongolia and protect the capital in the north,and in the south it control three frontier junctures and shield Taiyuan, liking "wings"’guard ancestral grave.What’s more, with the shift of the strength of Ming and Mongolia, Datong gradually become the main area of their fight. With the progressive rise of Datong strategic position, its defense facilities become more and more,more and more complex, better and better,more and more scientific, and eventually formed a complete defense system whose center is Great Wall.At present, the research on the Great wall is mainly complanate, static, which is lack of overall, dynamic, three-dimensional research with respect to ending position, direction, length, via areas and so on. There has been few research about a defense system and mainly literature research, which is lack of powerful support of comprehensive and systematic archaeological fieldwork and the combining research of historical relics and extant ruins.It’s more important that it is lack of"dynamic study" on defense system. We must know the defense system of the Great wall was not set up at once, which was built after the Founded, expansion, perfection and finally formed many stages.The paper is on the space-time background of Datongtong from Hongwu to Wanli period, Specifically, the "Event ofTuMuBu" and "Canonized of AnDa" is limited to,it discuss the development and change of the defense system of Datong town and is divided into before, during and after the period, that is,There are 7 stages in the construction of defense system,which is Founded in Hongwu Period, framework formation in Yongle period, the strenghth in Xuantong and Zhengtong period, Preliminary development in Jingtai and Tianshun period, Further development in Chenghua、Hongzhi and Zhengde period,the peak in Jiajing and Longqing period, and the final forming in Wanli Period. Based on the changes and existing status of the wall and castle of Great Wall,through the carding and analysis of historical materials and combination with the harvest of fieldwork, it outlines constructive、developing、and changing historic trial on the construction of Datong defense system.

【关键词】 明代长城大同镇防御体系
【Key words】 The Ming Dynastythe Great WallDatong Towndefense system
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

