

Diversification of Our Public Policydecision-making Relationship with the Diversity of Citizen Participation

【作者】 孔令朋

【导师】 王臻荣;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济和政治文明的发展,我国传统的、单一的公共政策决策主体已不适应当今社会的发展,遂逐步呈现出多元化的趋势。从早期的“一方独霸”到今天的“三足鼎立”,甚至出现“诸侯纷争”的局面,公共政策的制定不再是某一个人或某几个人说了算,它常常需要在各种利益冲突之间达到某种均衡,以保证公共政策的顺利实施和社会的稳定发展。经济决定政治,政治是经济的集中体现,当然,前面所提到的利益冲突最主要的表现为经济利益上的冲突,正是由于这种利益上的冲突,所以使得各个决策主体谁都不肯善罢甘休,进而不断巩固在决策过程中的合法席位,谋取政治利益。新中国成立以来,我国公民素质不断提高,公民参与管理公共事务的愿望日益迫切,且参与方式灵活多样,参与水平逐步提高。目前,我国正在努力建立服务型政府,实践证明,公民参与对于政府自身建设的推动作用是非常明显的。但由于双方缺乏沟通,公民想进一步表达自己的愿望,还是比较困难。同时,由于公民法律意思淡薄,公民申诉往往是个别现象,不具有代表性,所以,公民参与受诸多因素影响,怎样能够使公民真正参与到政策制定中来,实现其切身利益,是一个漫长且值得深究的问题。现阶段再我国公民参与公共决中策存在很多问题,一方面,公民参与的无序性,得不到公共决策机构的重视;另一方面,由于无保障和渠道不足致使公民参与公共政策制定的愿望很难实现。以至于在我国经常出现公民参与的合理性与公民参与的无序性二者并存的局面,这种非制度化参与如果得不到正确引导,则很可能走向极端,甚至对公共政策的制定和执行起反作用。公民听证制度的出现,迅速提高了公’民的参与热情,提高了公民参政议政的意识,同时,这也使人大监督体制得到进一步完善。事物是普遍联系的,既相互作用又相互影响,公共政策决策主体多元化的发展势必影响公民参与的多样化态势,主体范围的扩大导致利益群体的增多,利益群体的增多又使得与之相关的公民有更多机会参与到公共决策中来,相反,公民参与的多样化会对政制定行予以更多的信息反馈,迫使政策制定者改变或调整政策,甚至于公民中的一部分人成为新的政策制定者。当务之急,应寻找一条新途径,在保证各方既得利益的同时,使政策制定和公民参与朝着健康,有序的方向发展。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic and political civilization, our traditional single public policy--making system has no longer adapt to the development of society, and public policy--making gradually presents the trend of diversification. From the early single system to today’s "three pillars" or even the diversification situations, public policy is no longer only decided by one person or several people. It is necessary to achieve a kind of balance among the various interest groups to assure the implementation of public policies and stability and development of the society. Economic dominates politics and politics is the concentrated expression of economic. In this paper, interest conflicts mainly refer to the conflicts of economic interests. It is the economic interest conflicts that make all the decision-maker be drawn into the internal strife, which consequently helps them to consolidate their legal seat and further require more political interests.Since the founding of New China with self- cultivation improvement of citizens, their urgent desire to participate the public policy making is becoming stronger and stronger. The citizen participation is promoting our society development to a great extent and gradually raises the level of our participation. At present, China is making every effort to build service-oriented government. Practice shows that citizen participation is of great significance to accelerate the self-construction of government. However, Owe to the lack of communication between citizens and the government, it is still not easy for citizens to further express their wishes. Few citizens would join the process of public policy-making because of the lack of law awareness. A larger number of factors influence the participation degree of citizens. How to let citizens take-part in the real activities and achieve their interests should be further discussed.Nowadays in the process of citizen participating in the public policy-making appeared many problems. On the one hand, citizen participation is not well-organized and can not cause the enough attention of government; on the other side, citizen participation in public policy-making is hard to be realized due to the insecurity and lack of channels. Therefore the reasonable participant and the disorder involvement co-existed in our country. If this non- institutionalization participation could not be properly guided it would go against the implementation of public policy.The emergence of civil hearing system immediately inspired the enthusiasm and awareness of citizens to participate the public policy-making as well as improved the monitoring system of NPC. Things are all connected. Diversification of public policy-making definitely will lead to the diversity of citizen participation. The diversity of citizen participation will bring more information and feedback, which will force the policy-makers to change or adjust the policy. In this process some citizens may become the new policy-makers. What is in urgent at present is to explore a new way to assure the citizen participation and public policy-making can move towards a healthy and orderly trend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

