

【作者】 赵斌

【导师】 陈晓红;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,环境污染和石油资源的日益枯竭使得人类对传统汽车的质疑越来越强烈,为此清洁环保的新能源汽车成为各大汽车企业乃至各国关注的焦点。在日渐成熟的新能源汽车消费市场上,各方力量对此角逐越来越激烈。在这样的环境下,正确把握我国新能源汽车消费者行为特征与规律,对我国新能源汽车制造企业在产品开发设计、产品的定位及定价等市场营销策略制定上具备一定的现实指导意义。基于以上目标,本文开展了新能源汽车消费的实证研究,并撰写了此文。本文以“双模电动和纯电动新能源汽车潜在消费者”作为研究对象,采用实证研究方法,对我国新能源汽车潜在消费者人口特征及其购买行为进行测量。运用SPSS13.0统计分析软件对收集到的有效样本进行多元统计分析,研究我国新能源汽车潜在消费者群体特征,分析和诊释我国新能源汽车潜在消费者购买决策关注因素。本文首先介绍了消费者行为学的演进轨迹、国内外研究现状、相关理论模型的介绍、影响汽车消费的因素、消费者购买的动机进行了分析,并且介绍了比亚迪新能源汽车、国内外新能源汽车市场消费现状及其比亚迪新能源汽车发展面临的问题的说明。然后设计了符合本研究目的的变量和问卷。在实证研究中,本文利用SPSS13.0统计分析软件中的频次分析、信度分析、因子分析、等统计分析方法对收集到的208份有效样本进行数据分析。通过研究,提取出了五个潜在消费者关注因子。通过研究还发现,消费者的性别与生命周期和地域对潜在消费者选择新能源汽车不存在显著影响,年龄、教育水平、收入和职业才是影响消费者重要因素;找出潜在消费者最看重的比亚迪混合动力汽车和纯电动汽车的四项指标,并对比亚迪新能源汽车发展提出相关建议。最后,对相关结论进行了讨论,并对未来的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 In recent years, environmental pollution and the increasing depletion of oil resources make people question intensively to the traditional cars, thus,the new environmentally friendly and clean energy vehicles became focus of the large-scale auto companies and even various states.In the maturing consumer market of new-energy vehicles,a increasing fiercely competition was showed among different companies and countries.In such circumstances, an accurate understanding of Chinese consumer behavior’s character and discipline of new-energy vehicle has certain practical significance to the product development, design and marketing strategy-making, such as correct market positioning and pricing.Based on above objectives,some empirical researches about consumption of the new-energy vehicle are done in this paper.This paper studies potential consumers of new energy vehicles,such as dual-mode electric and pure electric vehicles, and measures the demographic characteristics and purchase behavior of the by using the positivism research method.Herein, multivariate statistical analysis to valid samples collected by the SPSS13.0 statistical analysis software are used, to study the new-energy vehicles potential consumer groups features of our country, as well as analyse and interprete the main factors of the new-energy vehicles potential consumers in buying cars.This paper firstly introduces the evolution track of consumer behavior, domestic and international research status, relevant theories and models be introduced, the factors that influence automobile consumption and the consumers’purchasing motive, as well as the BYD new-energy vehicles,the current situation of new-energy vehicles consumption, and BYD Auto Market Consumption of new energy vehicle development problems, and then designs the variant and questionnaire according to the research purpose.In positive research,208 effective samples are analysed in statistics analytical method, such as frequency analysis,reliability analysis, factor analysis and so on, which are calculated by SPSS 13.0 statistics analysis software.It also extracts five main factors that new-energy vehicles potential consumers concern, finding that gender, life circle and residential place not significantly impact the new-energy vehicles potential consumers choices, while age, education level,income and occupation are the important factors affecting them. The study also find four most valued indicators that potential consumers concern by ranking such indicators of BYD hybrid electric vehicle and pure electric vehicles and present some relevant recommendations to the development of new-energy vehicles concerning the BYD.Finally, relevant conclusions are discussed and future research work is prospected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】F426.471;F426.22
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】4174

