

Enchantment, Disenchantment, and Reenchantment: An Ecological View on Mara and Dann

【作者】 胡双双

【导师】 李玲;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 素有“英国文坛常青树”之称的多丽丝·莱辛是二战后最具风格的经典女作家之一。她的作品以能够“改变人的思想,进而对人的生命有所影响”而蜚声文坛,她晚期的作品就体现了对人类命运的深切关注。发表于1999年的科幻寓言小说《玛拉和丹恩历险记》,是她对人与自然关系的深刻思考,这种思考促使她构想一段未来社会人类从依附于自然、对现代科技反思、到重建田园般生活的求生之路,体现了她对恢复世界魅力的强烈愿望,被誉为“冰川时期的出埃及记”。基于“世界复魅”的命题,本文试图从人与自然关系的角度,以小说《玛拉和丹恩历险记》的叙事线索为依据,探究主人公玛拉和丹恩对“复魅”的追寻历程,意在表明后现代主义追求理性与感性相结合的一种诗意存在方式。除了引言与结论,本论文分为三章。第一章集中论述了作品主人公对“附魅”的继承。历险开端,玛拉和她的弟弟丹恩在下一个冰川纪的绝境中回归了人类最初的状态,进而表现出对自然的敬畏和依附。第二章主要阐释了作品主人公对“祛魅”的摒弃。随着旅程的向前推进,冰川间隔期留下的一个“祛魅”的世界赋予主人公人类中心主义的想象。随着理性的诞生,他们开始对揭秘的世界进行反思,同时开始了对理性权威的质疑。第三章主要探讨玛拉和丹恩对“复魅”的追寻。经历过一系列北上的磨难,他们最终定居在一个诗意般的小农场旁。农场中的景色正是“复魅”的世界所期待的人与自然和谐共在、多样化的生态之境。爱和求知欲使得这种新型的存在方式成为对感性和理性、文化和自然的魅力复归。作品主人公理性地意识到构建人与自然和谐关系的重要性。根据以上分析,本论文试图说明玛拉和丹恩的求生之旅与人类“附魅”——“祛魅”——“复魅”的历程相契合。然而,作品中的叙述并非充满希望,而是对未来人类能否幸存敲响了警钟。作为一个现代生态文明的寓言,作品表明了如果人类在当代继续破坏环境、摧毁文明,那么玛拉与丹恩所面临的困境就会重现,作品旨在警示人类从当下开始重建和谐的复魅世界的必要性。

【Abstract】 Denominated as "an evergreen in British literary world", Doris Lessing is one of the most stylistic and classical female writers after World WarⅡ. Her works have become renowned for their capability to change human mind and further to affect human life. Her later works reflect her deep concern about human destiny. Mara and Dann, a science fiction and modern fable published in 1999, exposes Lessing’s profound thinking of man-nature relationship, while this kind of pondering drives her to envisage a survival adventure from human dependence on nature to the reflection on modern technology, and finally to the reconstruction of pastoral life in future society. Regarded as an "Exodus in the Ice Age", Mara and Dann reflects her strong desire for regaining the charm of the world.Based on the concept of reenchantment, the author of this thesis probes into the protagonists Mara and Dann’s pursuing course for the reenchantment through the narrative clue of Mara and Dann from the perspective of man-nature relationship. It shows that postmodernism pursues for a poetic sense of existence with the combination of both human perception and rationality.Besides introduction and conclusion, this thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 concentrates on the protagonists’inheritance of enchantment. On the starting point of the adventure, Mara and her brother Dann lived in a desolate condition in the next ice age. They had regressed to human original state and showed their awe and dependence on nature. Chapter 2 mainly explores the characters’elimination of disenchantment. As the journey went on, a disenchanted world in the ice ages intervals gave them an impression of anthropocentrism. With the birth of rationality, Mara and Dann began to reconsider the uncovered world in modern times and doubt the authority of rationality. Chapter 3 focuses on Mara and Dann’s pursuit for reenchantment. After a series of hardships to the north of Ifrik, Mara and Dann’s terminal was set on a small poetic pastoral farm. The landscape was where harmony of man and nature as well as diversified relations in the reenchantment of the world expected to get. With love and desire for knowledge, the new kind of existence was a reenchantment of perception and rationality, culture and nature. The protagonists had rationally realized the importance of constructing a harmonious relationship with nature.From the above analysis, this thesis aims to demonstrate that the survival journey of Mara and Dann corresponds with human "enchantment-disenchantment-reenchantment" progress. However, the novel does not seek to more hope; instead, it gives out an alarm on the possibility of human survival in the future. As a modern fable concerning ecological civilization, the novel manifests that if human beings go on destroying the environment and civilizations in modern times, the same predicament Mara and Dann have encountered would reappear. Therefore, it reveals a necessity for human beings to reconstruct a harmonious reenchanted world from now on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期

