

【作者】 朱书敏

【导师】 易亮;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 消防工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市化水平的提高,大型复杂结构建筑不断涌现,这些建筑内大都人员比较密集,因此紧急情况下的人员疏散问题就显的特别突出。近年来,随着性能化防火设计研究的开展,人员疏散模拟模型得到了广泛的应用。然而,现阶段人员疏散模型研究仍存在以下不足:首先,多数疏散模型只是对疏散过程进行模拟,很少考虑火灾对人员疏散行为的实时影响。其次,传统模型在建筑空间模化及人员疏散出口选择方面的建模方法存在一定的局限性。为使人员疏散模拟更接近实际火灾场景,本文提出了考虑实时火灾影响的人员疏散复合模型。主要内容和工作包括以下几方面:(1)利用国内外试验数据,对火灾及其产物对人员在火灾中早期反应及人员疏散行动速度的影响进行了量化分析。引入当量速度的概念,给出了火灾影响作用下人员逃生速度的量化表达式。把当量速度应用于疏散模型中可以实现疏散过程与实时火灾发展过程的结合,使人员疏散模拟更接近实际情况。(2)基于火灾双区域模拟原理,建立了建筑火灾烟气蔓延过程的数学模型,并利用该模型对单室火灾烟气的自然充填过程进行了模拟计算。(3)基于火灾双区模型,建立了单室建筑人员疏散复合模拟模型。通过对室内火灾发展过程的计算,并对结果进行处理,对人员疏散行动速度进行修正,从而实现实时火灾过程与人员疏散过程的结合。该模型用连续空间来表达建筑空间,人员可以到达建筑内除了障碍物以外的任一位置;为考虑人员的个体特性,人员可设置为成年人、老人、儿童三种类型,疏散预动作时间按随机分布函数选取;采用“出口吸引力”法来决定选择哪个出口,出口吸引力综合考虑了距离、路径上的人员密度等的影响,人员根据出口吸引力选择最优的出口;同时该模型也考虑了疏散过程中人员之间相互影响作用,如避碰行为,排队行为等。(4)基于Delphi开发平台,开发了疏散模拟软件FireEvac1.0,该软件可以对一般的大型场馆、商业建筑进行火灾中人员疏散过程的模拟。

【Abstract】 With the development of urbanization in China, buildings with huge structure and complex layout are becoming more and more.Most of these buildings are overcrowded, so the evacuation in emergency case is a severe problem. In recent years,using the evacuation simulation software to assessment the fire risk of building has already been preliminarily applied. However, there are still some deficiencies in current simulation research in fire evacuation mainly in two aspects. Firstly, most of evacuation models simulate only evacuation process while neglecting the real-time influence of fire environment on the crowd evacuation.Secondly, traditional models have limitations in modeling building construction and the exit option. In order to make the evacuation model closer to the fire scene, this thesis analyzes the factors influencing the evacuation in fire, putting forward with the composite evacuation model which considers the real-time influence.The main work is as the following:1.The thesis not only makes analysis on factors which influences the evacuation in fire and but also makes a quantitative analysis on the impact of fire on early human behaviors and moving speed by means of the experimental data. To reflect the impact of fire on different people, the thesis takes random function as pre-movement time of the evacuation, introducing equivalent speed to achieve the quantitative expression of the moving speed of people when evacuating in fire.The combination of fire development and the evacuation process can be achieved by applying the equivalent speed in the simulation model, which makes the simulation result closer to the real situation.2.Based on the principle of the Two-zone fire simulation, a mathematical model for fire spread process in buildings is established, which is employed to simulate the smoke natural filling process in single-room fire.3.A composite evacuation model of single-room based on the fire two-zone model is established. The escape speed of evacuees can be amended by inducting the fire influence coefficient, which can combine the real-time fire process and evacuation. The model uses continual space express the space structures so that evacuees can reach any location other than the obstacles.Taking into account the individual characteristics,the model categorizes evacuees into adults, the elderly and children. The choice of exits is determined by’Export attractive’, which has comprehensively considered the distance and the density in path and by which people will choose the best safety exit. Meanwhile, the model considers the evacuees’interaction effect, such as collision avoidance, queuing behavior and so on.4.The software named FireEvac1.0 is developed by using Delphi. The software can simulate the evacuation in large stadiums or commercial buildings when on fire.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

