
基于Google Earth的铁路三维空间选线系统研究

【作者】 刘江涛

【导师】 蒲浩;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路选线设计是铁路建设项目的前期和基础工作,选线设计成果的好坏直接影响到铁路的建设成本、运营成本、服务能力和服务质量等方面。然而在铁路前期规划阶段,往往受现场资料缺乏的困扰,地形图成图时间早,时效性差,新增房屋、工厂、路网、机场、车站等地物缺失,地理环境资料匮乏,使选线的效率和质量难以提高。以Google Earth为代表的数字地球软件的出现,为上述问题的解决提供了较好的途径。因此,本文提出基于数字地球进行铁路三维选线的思想,并对Google Earth在铁路选线设计中的应用进行深入的研究,主要研究内容及研究成果如下:(1)应用软件工程的方法分析并设计了基于Google Earth的铁路三维空间选线系统的总体目标、总体结构、功能模块和工作流程,简要介绍了相关开发技术。(2)实现了从Google Earth快速获取区域地形坐标数据和影像,并对其分别进行坐标系转换和拼接处理,使之作为数字地面模型、地形图制作、平纵横设计和三维仿真的数据源,数据精度满足规划阶段的需求,并可为精细设计提供重要参考。(3)深入研究了Google Earth平台中线路的关键计算、图形显示和图形交互等原理和算法,实现了在Google Earth上进行平面交互式定线、纵断面变坡点设置和车站桥隧设置,大幅提高了线路规划设计的效率和质量。(4)研究并实现了在Google Earth平台上综合展示线路设计方案,可展示单个方案的线路、桥梁、隧道、车站、地质等各专业信息且能同时对比显示多个方案,为项目的评价和评审提供了形象的平台。(5)结合国家自然科学基金科研课题和中铁二院项目,在导师的指导和其他同志的协助下,以本文所述思想和方法为基础,采用C#、C++、Google Earth COM API、KML和ARX等开发工具或接口,开发了基于Google Earth的铁路三维空间选线系统(GERail),该系统已在成渝城际线、毕节至兴义铁路、安康至张家界铁路、玉溪至磨憨铁路、郑州至万州铁路、安哥拉铁路、沙特麦加轻轨等铁路的规划设计中广泛应用。通过大量实践证明了本论文所述理论和方法的正确性。

【Abstract】 Railway location design is the basic preparation work in railway construction. The design results have a direct impact to the railway construction costs, operating costs,service capacity and service quality etc.However, in the early planning stages the railway design is often plagued by lack of basic data, topographic mapping time is early, and many surface features such as new houses, factories, road networks, airports,stations etc.are missing, and geographical information is also lack, so it is difficult to improve the railway design efficiency and quality. The emergence of Digital Earth software represented by Google Earth provides a good solution to these problems.Therefore,this thesis presented a Digital Earth based three-dimensional railway location design thinking, and thoroughly studied the applications of Google Earth based railway route selection.The chief research contents and achievements could be summarized as follows:(1)With the guidance of Software Engineering methods,this paper analyzed and designed the overall objectives;general structure,functional module and work flow of the Google Earth based three-dimensional railway location design system, and briefly introduced the related development technologies.(2)In the light of coordinate transformation theory and images splice theory, the fast acquisition and processing of Google Earth terrain coordinates data and images, have been realized. So that the data obtained can be used as the data sources of digital terrain models, topographic map, plane, vertical, cross section design, and three-dimensional scene simulation.The data meets the needs of the planning stage,and can provide important reference for the detailed design.(3)This thesis deeply studied the principles and algorithms such as the key calculation for railway, graphical display and graphics interactive mechanisms etc.According to these principles and algorithms, the Google Earth based plane interaction alignment and the location design for vertical gradient change points, stations, bridges and tunnels, have been realized.This method improves the efficiency of planning and design.(4)The railway design program comprhensive exhibition in the Google Earth platform has been realized. The system can show single design program professional information on lines, bridges, tunnels, stations, geology etc.,and can simultaneously display more than one design program, which provides a platform for the project evaluation and assessment.(5)Combining with the concerned research and development projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation and China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group CO.LTD,and under the guidance of the instructor and with assistance of other comrades, and in the light of those theories and algorithms stated in this thesis, adopting those developing tools or interfaces of C#,C++, Google Earth COM API,KML, and ARX etc, the author developed a Google Earth based 3D railway design system. The system has been applied widely in many rails alignment and design, such as the Chengdu-Chongqing intercity rail,the Bijie-Xingyi railway, the AnKang-Zhangjiajie railway, the Yuxi-Mohan railway, the Zhengzhou-Wanzhou railway, the Angola railway, the Mecca light rail in Saudi Arabia etc.These theories and methods stated in this thesis have been verified by a large number of practices.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期

