

The Research on Relationship among Self-esteem, Life Events, School Adaptation of the Floating-children in Changsha

【作者】 徐凤娇

【导师】 邓瑞姣;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 护理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:1.了解湖南省长沙市流动儿童生活事件、家庭功能、学校适应、自尊的现状,比较其与长沙市常住儿童的区别;2.探索流动儿童生活事件、学校适应、家庭功能与自尊的相关性,分析流动儿童自尊状况的相关因素;3.考察儿童自尊量表、初中生适应性问卷在流动儿童中的使用情况。方法:本研究采用整群抽样方法,以长沙市五个区为抽样框架,从五个区中随机抽取三个区,再从三个区中随机抽取7所学校,应用流动儿童一般情况问卷、青少年生活事件量表、家庭亲密度与适应性量表Ⅲ、学校适应性问卷、儿童自尊量表对抽中的7所学校的小学6年级、初一年级、初二年级共2028名学生进行横断面调查研究,对所收集的数据进行统计描述、卡方检验、协方差分析、方差分析、非参数秩和检验、t检验、Pearson相关分析、多元线性回归分析等。结果:1.儿童自尊量表总量表的Cronbach’Alpha系数为0.84,各维度的Cronbach’Alpha在0.63-0.80之间,重测信度为0.71;学校适应性问卷的总量表Cronbach’Alpha为0.92,各维度Cronbach’ Alpha0.87~0.71。两周后的重测信度为0.83。2.流动儿童生活事件总得分为(30.15±17.97),与城市儿童(28.25±18.22)比较,差别无统计学意义(P=0.223);流动儿童自尊总得分为(92.81±11.56),高于城市儿童(92.79±12.30),差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);流动儿童学校适应总分(110.40±16.88),高于城市儿童(109.57±17.52),差异有统计学意义(p<0.05);流动儿童家庭适应性方面得分均低于城市儿童得分,差别有统计学意义(P<O.05)流动儿童与城市儿童家庭亲密度得分差别无统计学意义。3.多元线性回归分析结果显示长沙市儿童自尊受学业适应、家庭亲密度、同伴关系、生活事件、常规适应、父亲文化程度、年级和师生关系影响,并且可以解释儿童自尊变异的50.3%。4.多元线性回归分析结果说明流动儿童自尊受学业适应、学习成绩、家庭亲密度、同伴关系、同学欺负、生活事件、常规适应的影响,可以解释总变异的51.4%。结论:1.长沙市流动儿童自尊状况发展良好,与城市儿童比较,高于城市儿童;流动儿童学校适应状况良好。2.学业适应是影响长沙市儿童自尊的最主要因素,其他影响作用从大到小分别为家庭亲密度、同伴关系、生活事件、常规适应、父亲文化程度、年级和师生关系。3.长沙市流动儿童自尊受多个因素影响,其自尊水平与学业适应、学习成绩、家庭亲密度、同伴关系等关系密切。

【Abstract】 Objectives:1.To investigate the demographic date, life events, family function, School adaptation and Self-esteem of Floating children in Changsha, and find out the differences between urban children and floating children.2. To explore the children’s self-esteem situation and related factors in Changsha, to find out the relationship among the life events, family function, school adaptation and self-esteem.3. To investigate the child self-esteem scale and school adaptation questionnaire situation that used by the floating-children.Methods:Adopting group sampling method and five regions of Changsha were involved, first selecting randomly three districts from the five districts, then selecting 7 schools in the three districts. All the sixth graders, seventh graders and eighth graders of the schools were administered Demographic Data Recording Form, Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List, Family Adaptability & Cohesion Evaluation ScalesⅢ, Children Self-esteem Scale, School Adaptation Questionnaire. Statistic analysis methods included statistic description, Chi-square analysis, Analysis of covariables, Analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis H, t-test, Spearman correlation analysis, multiple linear stepwise regression analysis.Results:1. The retest reliability of children self-esteem scale was 0.71; Cronbach’Alpha was 0.84, the sub-scales Cronbach’Alpha were between 0.629 and 0.800. the retest reliability of School Adaptation Questionnaire was 0.83., Cronbach’ Alpha was 0.92; Cronbach’Alphas of the different dimensions were between 0.869 and 0.71. 2. The Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List scores of floating-children’ (30.15±17.97) were higher than that (28.25±18.22) of urban children, but there was no significant difference between them (P=0.223). The Self-esteem scores of floating-children (92.81±11.56) were significant (P<0.05)higher than that (92.79±12.30) of urban children. The School Adaptation scores of floating-children (110.40±16.88) were significant (P<0.05) higher than that of urban children (109.57±17.52). Family Adaptability & Cohesion scores of floating-children were both lower than that of urban children, as for the family adaptability there was significant difference between them (P<0.05).3. The children’ self-esteem had correlation with school adaptation, family cohesion, peer relationships, life events, general adaptation, level of fathers’education, grade and teacher-student relationship, which could explain 50.3% of the variation in children’s self-esteem4. Multiple regression analysis shows that the influence factors of floating-children’ self-esteem were study adaptation, academic performance, family cohesion, peer relationships, students’bullying, life events, general adaptation, which could explain 51.4% of the variation of self-esteem.Conclusions:1.In Changsha, floating-children’s self-esteem developed well, which even was better than the urban children’s. The floating children can adapt to school well.2. Study adaptation is the most important influence factor for self-esteem of children in Changsha. Others are family cohesion, peer relationships, life events, general adaptation, level of fathers’education, grade and teacher-student relationship.3. Floating-children’ self-esteem is affected by serval factors. The self-esteem has correlation with study adaptation, academic performance, family cohesion, peer relationship and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

