【作者】 王文涛;
【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 为推广水塔标准化设计,进一步规范水塔的建筑市场,消除目前设计、施工的地区性割据局面,应中国建筑标准设计研究院的要求,本文作者在所在单位的支持下进行了相关的工作,对各类水塔进行了比较。由于这些水塔的筒身、水箱、基础结构形式大同小异,所以本文选择了塔头节点作为重点比较、研究对象,不仅对不同结构形式的水塔塔头在经济性方面进行比较,而且通过试验研究明确了塔头受力与计算模型,并将成果运用于《钢筋混凝土不保温倒锥壳水塔图集》(04S802-1,2)的编写工作中。本文所做的工作与结论如下:(1)通过对主要几种水塔的塔头在施工方便性、受力明确性、用材经济性等几方面比较,得出结论:本文所推荐的预制钢筋混凝土倒锥壳水塔环板塔头方案是最优方案。(2)通过光弹性试验完成了环板塔头方案的应力分析,提出了环牛腿计算模型。(3)明确了环板塔头方案各构件的设计计算方法(公式)。(4)给出了环板塔头方案中各构件的相关构造措施。
【Abstract】 To promote the new standardized design of the water tower and its advancement in the construction industry, it is crucial to eliminate the current design and construction site division situation, with the request from the Beijing Building Research Institution of CSCEC, the author, with the support from the agency, Since the overall design of the tower is cylindrical in shape, and is basically identical in all towers, therefore the top of water tower has been selected as the key point in comparison and as a research target, and comparison of the components of the tower heads in terms of efficiency of implementation. Also, through numerous researches and testing, the results confirm the endurance level and the calculation model. Researches and results are as follows:1) Through comparisons of various tower heads, in terms of construction, accuracy of the pressure level and the efficient utilization of materials, we conclude the proposed "annular corbel" of precast reinforced concrete inverted cone water tower (annular board) is the best solution.2) Through photoelastic test completed, the pressure level analysis of“annular corbel”from the test, it further confirms the calculation formula of each component.3) Confirmed the design and algorithm each component (formula)4) Provides related design implementation for each component
【Key words】 precast reinforced concrete inverted cone water tower; the top of water tower; annular board; annular corbel;