

【作者】 余锦玉

【导师】 周明达;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 分析化学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以浙江省杭州萧山新中纺实业有限公司碱减量印染废水为对象,调查了废水的来源、水质、水量等。该废水具有高COD、强碱性、高色度等特点,加之碱减量废水的混合,给传统的废水处理工艺增加了困难。本文在国内外碱减量印染废水处理技术的基础上,提出了较为合理、成熟、新颖的处理工艺,即物化预处理-微电解-多级生化处理工艺,经此工艺处理后出水达标排放。物化预处理过程中进行单因素研究,一是考查了碱减量废水硫酸酸析,中和pH值,石灰用量等因素的影响。最佳工艺条件:中和酸为硫酸,中和pH值约为3.5,石灰用量为2.0kg/m3,COD去除率约为80%;是考查了混合废水混凝剂,复合铁用量,混凝pH值等因素的影响,最佳工艺条件:混凝pH值为8-9,复合铁用量为1.26kg/m3,COD、色度和浊度的平均去除率分别达到29.4%,56.7和81.2%。物化处理后出水水质为:CODcr1000~1300mg/L,色度700-900倍,浊度90-130度。生化处理单因素法考查了溶解氧浓度DO、水力停留时间HRT、过磷酸钙投加量、温度以及进水pH值的影响,得到的最佳工艺条件:DO为3-4mg/L,HRT为9h左右,过磷酸钙投加量为0.1kg/m3,生化适宜温度为20-30℃,适宜pH值为5.5~6.5,生化系统COD、色度和浊度平均去除率达43.8%、74.2%和53.5%。出水CODcr为560~730mg/L,色度为180-240倍,浊度为40~65,不能达标排放。针对传统生化法难以降解对苯二甲酸的缺点,采用微电解-生化组合工艺,微电解试验单因素法考查了微电解材料、Fe/C质量比、进水pH值等系列因素的影响,最佳条件为:微电解材料为铁刨花与焦炭,Fe/C质量比5:1,进水pH值5.5-6.5,HRT为9h,电解质用量为0.1kg/m3,DO为3~4mg/L。此工艺处理后COD、色度和浊度三者的平均去除率分别为67.5%,91.3%和70.7%。处理后的出水水质为CODcr 300-500mg/L,色度为50-70倍,浊度为20-40度。并对有关机理进行了探讨。本文将实验研究成果运用于工业化研究,研究采用的工艺流程为:碱减量酸析预处理,碱减量印染混合废水物化处理后,进行微电解-多级生化处理联合工艺。整个工艺流程投资少、过程简单、占地面积小,可用于含高含量涤纶水解废水印染废水处理,经整个工艺流程处理后的水质为:CODcr<500mg/L,达到国家《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准(GB4287-92)》三级排放标准,色度<50倍,浊度<40度,达厂方要求。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the resource and the water quality and quantity of alkali-minimization printing and dyeing from Xiaoshan New Ninotex Industrial Co.,LTD, Hangzhou, were investigated. The characteristics of the wastewater were high COD, strong alkalinity and high chromaticity color,and alkali-minimization with the wastewater of printing and dyeing which made the traditional technology was incapable in the wastewater treatment.Compared with the treatment methods of alkali-minimization printing and dyeing industry wastewater,a kind treatment method of reasonability, maturity and novelty was brought:The physical-chemical pretreatment-micro-electrolysis multistage-biological contact oxidation method.In the physical-chemical process, single-factor experiment was employed.The first was alkali-minimization,and the effects of different factors such as neutralizing acid,pH, lime amount,and The optimal reaction conditions:sulfuric acid,neutralizating pH3.5,lime amount 2.0 kg/m3,COD removed rate 80.0% about.The second was composite wastewater, and effects of different factors such as flocculating agent, muti-function iron amount, and flocculating pH. The optimal reaction conditions:muti-function iron and it’s amount 1.26 kg/m3.COD removed rate, colourity and turbidity were 29.4%,56.7% and 81.2% respectively. The wastewater being treated:COD1000~1300mg/L, colourity700~900 times,turbidity 90~130 degree.In the biolochemical process, the effects of different factors suchas the dissolved oxygen (DO), hydraulic detention time (HRT),calium superphosphate amount, optimal biological temperature and pH. The optimal reaction conditions:DO3~4mg/L, HRT 9h,calium superphosphate amount 0.1kg/m3,temperature 20~30℃,optimal pH 5.5~6.5.The average removed rates of COD, colourity and turbidity were 43.8%,74.2%, and 53.5% respectively. The wastewater being treated:COD560~730mg/L, colourity180~240 times, turbidity40~65 degree, which didn’t reach the standard. For the disadvantages of TA which made COD could’t reach the standard and was hard degradated in the traditional biolochemical process, the combined process of micro-electrolysis-biochemical process was employed,and the single different factors method were studied.The effects of different factors such as materials, Fe/C(mass),pH, etc.The optimal reaction conditions:micro-electrolysis materials were ironchip and coke, Fe/C(mass)5:1,pH 5.5~6.5,HRT 9h, calium superphosphate amount 0.1kg/m3, DO 3~4mg/L.In the biochemical process,The average removed rate of COD,colourity and turbidity were 67.5%,91.3%,and 70.7% respectively. The wastewater being treated:COD300~500mg/L, colourity50-70 times, turbidity20~40 degree.Then the mechanism of micro-electrolysis was initially dicussed.The combined industrialized process was studied.The process: alkali-minimization wastewater could be reclaimed by acidation,then the wastewater,being adjusted pH, and printing-dyeing wastewater were mixed to be further treated by micro-electrolysis multistage-biological contact oxidation method.The process possessed the characteristies of small investment, simple procedure and small floor area,and the process could be fit for dealing with the alkali-minimization printing and dyeing industry wastewater of high concentration.The wastewater being treated: COD<500mg/L, colourity<50 times, turbidity<40 degree. COD reached the third grade discharge standard of "Water Pollutants for Dyeing and Finishing of Textile Industry"(GB4287-92) and colourity and turbidity reached the require of the company.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

