

Development of the Memory Assessment Battery for Children and Its Norm

【作者】 刘利

【导师】 周世杰;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本研究在已有研究的基础上,对编制于2002年的龚氏儿童记忆成套测验的内容和结构进行调整和完善,并进一步扩大取样。具体目的如下:量表建构;条目分析及信效度检验;建立儿童记忆功能的湖南地区参考标准,为进一步建立严格标准化的全国常模奠定基础。方法:儿童记忆成套测验由13个分测验构成,分别涉及听觉和视觉即时记忆,听觉和视觉延时记忆以及工作记忆等方面的内容。测验结果由各分测验量表分及基本记忆指数分表示,如听觉即时记忆、视觉即时记忆、听觉延时记忆、视觉延时记忆、工作记忆、即时记忆、延时记忆、听觉记忆、视觉记忆以及总记忆指数等。本次研究取样来自湖南长沙市的在校小学生,共266名,其中男生为136名(51.1%),女生为130名(48.9%)。被试的年龄跨度为6-13岁,主要集中在8-12岁之间,其平均年龄为9.58±1.73岁。采用重测相关、分半相关、Cronbachα系数检验量表的信度。效度检验主要包括结构效度和效标效度两个方面。结果:项目分析显示,儿童记忆成套测验各分测验的难度指数为0.35-0.80,平均0.54,各分测验鉴别指数为0.27-0.59。儿童记忆成套测验各分测验和基本记忆指数分的重测相关系数在0.38-0.85之间,均具有统计学意义;除即时图片回忆、延时图片回忆和延时词语回忆分测验的分半相关系数分别为0.40,0.44,0.53外,其余各分测验在0.78-0.93之间,所有分测验的Cronbacha系数在0.79-0.92之间。探索性因素分析提取出5个特征根大于1的因子,可分别命名为逻辑记忆因子、自由回忆因子、联想记忆因子、再认因子及工作记忆因子。5因子累计解释变异的75.00%。内部相关结果显示,各分测验之间的相关系数为0.16-0.96,分测验与记忆指数间的相关系数为0.18-0.92,各记忆指数间的相关系数为0.43-0.97。儿童记忆成套测验与WMS-RC的联想学习分测验相关较高,相关系数为0.02-0.76;与WMS-RC的图片回忆、视觉再认、视觉再生和理解记忆分测验有低至中度相关;儿童记忆成套测验与非文字智力测验相关较低且不显著。儿童记忆成套测验所有记忆指数及大多数分测验成绩与语文成绩相关高于与数学成绩的相关,相关系数在0.01-0.29之间。不同教学水平学校的学生在各分测验和基本记忆指数分上存在显著差异;不同职业和文化背景的父母其孩子的记忆测验成绩有差异,且母亲的职业和文化影响较父亲的更大;各分测验和基本记忆指数分的性别差异均不显著;除即时图案再认、延时图案再认外,其余各分测验和基本记忆指数均有显著的年龄差异,测验得分基本上随着年龄而递增;进一步进行多重比较分析发现,6-7岁组与8-9岁组、10-13岁组的测验得分差异较大;在各记忆指数构成中,一般以11岁为最高临界点,呈峰状趋势分布。不同年级在各分测验和基本记忆指数上(即时图案再认和延时图案再认除外)有显著性差异,进一步的多重比较发现,即时逻辑记忆、延时逻辑记忆、工作记忆分测验在一年级、二三年级和四五六年级这三组中差异显著。本研究采用标准分常模中的T分常模制定儿童记忆成套测验的年级常模和年龄常模。结论:本研究完成了儿童记忆成套测验的编制和完善,其信效度符合心理测量学的指标;儿童的记忆水平与所在学校的教学条件、父母亲的文化程度和职业有关,儿童记忆成套测验的性别差异不显著,年级和年龄差异均显著。

【Abstract】 Objects:To rectify and improve the content and the structure of Memory Assessment Battery for Children(MABC) in 2002 by expanding the sampling. The main objectives are as follows:①the construction of scales;②the analysis of reliability and validity;③establishment of locally normal performance in children in Hunan province.Methods:Memory Assessment Battery for Children contained 13 subtests including auditory and visual immediate memory, auditory and visual delayed memory, working memory and other aspects.Test results consisted of sub-scale scores and basic memory index,which called auditory immediate memory, visual immediate memory, auditory delayed memory and visual delayed memory, working memory, immediate memory, delayed memory, auditory memory and visual memory index. The 266 samples are Changsha pupils,136 boys (51.1%) and 130 girls (48.9%).The age of subjects ranged from 6 to 13 years, mainly among the eights to twelves, and the average was 9.58±1.73 years.The retest coefficient, half related coefficient, and Cronbach a reliability coefficient were used to analyse the reliablity. And validity included construct validity and criterion validity.Results:(1)Item analysis showed that children Memory Battery and the difficulty of each subtest index 0.35-0.80, average 0.54, test identification of the sub-index 0.27-0.59.(2)The retest correlation coefficients of sub-tests were statistically significant with 0.38-0.85.And the half correlation coefficients were among 0.78-0.93 in adition to three sub-testes.All Cronbach a coefficients of the sub-tests were 0.79-0.92.(3)Exploratory factor analysis extracted five factors eigenvalue greater than 1 named as logical memory factor,free recall factor, associative memory factor, recognition factor, and working memory factor. Five factors cumulatively explained the variation of 75%;and the inner correlation coefficients were 0.16-0.96,and the correlation coefficients among the MABC and basic memory index were 0.43 -0.97.(4)MABC had a higher correlation with the Associate Learning of WMS-RC by 0.02-0.76,but the rests of WMS-RC were low or moderate;and MABC had non significant relation with Test of Nonverbal Intelligence.(5) The differences among schools were significant in all sub-tests,and parents’ professional and cultural background effected their children’s performance.Interestingly, mother’s impact was greater than father’s.There was no sex difference but significant differences in age and grade.Further multiple comparison analysis showed that 6-7s group,8-9s group and 10-13s group were significantly different,and the same as grade one,grade 2-3 and grade 4-6 y. The group of 11 years old usually had the best performance.In this study, we chose the norm-T as MABC’s norm in grade and age.Conclusion:This study completed the establishment of MABC and reliability and validity in Hunan Provinice;children’s memory was related to the teaching and learning conditions in schools,parental education and profession.The grade and agwas not significant.

【关键词】 记忆成套测验儿童常模
【Key words】 Memory Assessment Batterychildrenthe norm
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

