

Thermodynamic Analysis and Energy Saving Research on SKS Lead Smelting Process of Oxygen Bottom Blown Furnace

【作者】 杨双欢

【导师】 蒋爱华;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 热能工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 氧气底吹炉是SKS炼铅工艺必不可少的核心设备,采用SKS法的炼铅企业的节能工作必须以氧气底吹炉炼铅工序为重点来开展。因此,对氧气底吹炉炼铅工序进行热力学分析,确定底吹炉系统用能薄弱环节和能量损失原因、部位和大小,并据此提出节能策略,降低底吹炉炼铅工序能耗,对铅生产的节能降耗具有重要意义。本文剖析了SKS氧气底吹炉炼铅过程的化学反应机理,并在热力学原理和动力学原理的基础上,建立了冶金模型和热平衡分析模型。利用生产数据,对SKS氧气底吹炉进行热平衡计算,并对影响底吹炉热效率的主要因素进行了讨论和分析。结果表明:在没有烟气回收装置和余热利用设备时,底吹炉炼铅工序的热效率为34.59%,其中高铅渣热损失为9871.46MJ/h,占总热损失的19.31%;烟气热损失为30153.23MJ/h,占总热损失的58.97%。若采取措施减少该热损失,可使底吹炉的热效率最多提高46个百分点,若将这部分热量利用,每小时最多节约1.366kgce/t。根据底吹炉炼铅系统能量传递、转换和消耗机理,建立了系统的(?)分析模型,对SKS氧气底吹炉炼铅系统进行了(?)分析,获得了系统烟效率、(?)损失等各项指标。(?)分析结果表明:在没有烟气回收装置和余热利用设备时,SKS底吹炉的(?)效率仅为25.28%,排烟(?)损失、输出产品的物理(?)和内部化学反应等不可逆(?)损失造成了74.72%的(?)损失,炉子的节能潜力很大。SKS氧气底吹炉总(?)流量为152727.52 MJ/h,远远大于总热流量78172.82MJ/h,这反映出(?)流与物质流的密切相关性,说明了(?)平衡分析比热平衡分析更能反映SKS氧气底吹炉的物质流和能量流的本质,(?)效率更能反映炉子的能量利用状况。在对底吹炉炼铅系统进行全面深入的(?)分析基础上,提出了加强SKS氧气底吹炉高铅渣及烟气余能的回收利用等节能措施。

【Abstract】 The bottom-blowing Furnace is an indispensable equipment to SKS lead smelting process, energy-saving work of the enterprises by using SKS lead-smelting process must be carried out on the bottom-blowing Furnace.Therefore, it is significant to determine the weak links in energy utilization and energy losses’reasons, positions and values by applying thermodynamic analysis on a lead smelting process of the oxygen bottom-blown furnace, and then to propose some energy saving measures for reducing energy consumption.In the paper, the chemical reaction mechanisms of the oxygen bottom blown furnace are analyzed. Based on the thermodynamic and dynamic principles, a metallurgical model and a thermal equilibrium model of the system are established, the main factors affecting on the thermal efficiency are analyed. The results show that:without any gas recovery and waste heat utilization equipment, the thermal efficiency of the bottom-blowing furnace is 34.59%, the heat loss of high lead slag is 9871.46MJ/h, account for 19.31% of the total heat loss; the heat loss of flue gas is 30153.23 MJ/h, account for 58.97% of the total heat loss. If some measures to reduce the heat loss are taken, the thermal efficiency can be improved by46percentage point; if recycles the heat loss, the standard coal can be saved by about 1.366t per hour.Secondly, a exergy model of the system is established according to the energy transfer, conversion and dissipation mechanism. Some indices, such as exergy efficiency and exergy loss etc., are obtained through the exergy analysis. The results show that the exergy efficiency of the SKS bottom-blown furnace is only 25.28% if there is no any gas recovery and waste heat utilization equipment. The total exergy loss includes exergy loss caused by exhaust smoke, physical exergy loss of the output production and internal exergy loss due to irreversibility factors such as chemical reaction, etc, accounts for 74.72%. The total exergy flow of 152727.52 MJ/h is much more than the total heat flow of 78172.82 MJ/h, which shows that the essence indwelled in material and energy flow of the SKS bottom-blowing furnace is better manifested through exergy analysis than through energy conversation analysis. At last,based on the overall thorough exergy analysis of the SKS lead smelting system, the energy saving measures were proposed and discussed, which are strengthen the recovery and the utilization of waste energy of the high lead slag and gas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期

