

【作者】 王维斌

【导师】 袁乐平;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 劳动经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 现代企业制度要求对企业进行绩效考核并以此对员工进行基于绩效的各项人力资源管理。从国内实施绩效考核的企业实际情况来看,绩效考核的效率普遍不高,并进一步影响到企业的绩效。因此研究如何提高绩效考核的效率进而提高企业效益的问题显得尤为必要。以往有关绩效考核的文献主要关注如何准确的考核员工的绩效问题,如设计更优的考核量表,以考核的结果对员工进行奖惩以及职位晋升等,而忽略了绩效考核的结果反过来对员工绩效的影响;另一方面,逆向选择理论被广泛地应用于劳动力市场、保险市场、以及信贷市场,而绩效考核领域也具有逆向选择产生的基本条件。本文正是切入这个角度并利用逆向选择理论来分析绩效考核效率不佳的问题,是一次新的有意义的探索。本文应用规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,在绩效考核领域中引入逆向选择理论进行分析,阐述了绩效考核中逆向选择内在生成机理,并建立了数学模型对绩效考核中正向和逆向两种过程进行了深入分析,得出正向过程向逆向过程转化的三个条件。之后结合案例作了进一步分析。得出主要结论:由于考核者与被考核者之间的信息不对称,基于被考核者理性人的假设,导致绩效考核中逆向选择的发生。必须采取措施优化绩效考核。最后对化解绩效考核的逆向选择从调节标准业绩和考核周期、调节绩效分成比例以及甄别机制的设计等方面提出了对策。

【Abstract】 Modern enterprise system asks enterprises to implement performance appraisal, and based on the performance of the staff to implement a variety of Human Resource Management. From the view of the actual situation of enterprises which implement performance appraisal, the efficiency of performance appraisal is generally not high,and further affect the efficiency of enterprises. Therefore, to reserch the question of how to improve the efficiency of performance appraisal and thus improve enterprise performance is particularly essential.The previous literature on performance appraisal focused on the problems of how to accurately assess employee performance. Such as the design of better assessment scale, and give the staff rewards and punishments and job promotion with the results, etc. but ignoring the results of performance appraisal impact on staff performance in turn; On the other hand, adverse selection theory has been widely used in the labor market, insurance market, and credit markets,and the field of performance appraisal also has created the basic conditions for adverse selection. This paper is cut into this point of view and use adverse selection theory to analyze the problem of a poor performance appraisal effectiveness,it is a new and meaningful exploration.In this paper, used the combing mathod of normative analysis and empirical analysis, introduced the adverse selection theory into the field of performance appraisal to analysis, described the formation mechanism of adverse selection in the performance appraisal, and established mathmatic theoretical model to analysis the forward and reverse process of the performance appraisal in-depthly, obtained three conditions of the transformation from the positive process to reverse process.And made a further analysis of practical case later. Educed major conclusions:As the information asymmetry between the assessmenter and the assessmentee, coupled with the assumption of a rational person who has been assessing, led to the adverse selection in performance appraisal. A reasonable incentive system should be established in order to optimize the performance appraisal. Finally, proposed countermeasures from adjusting performance standards and appraisal cycle, adjusting the ratio of performance share and designing of screening mechanisms to resolve the adverse selection in performance appraisal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

