

Translating Cultural Images in Walden

【作者】 邱文颖

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 美国超验主义作家亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)创作的《瓦尔登湖》于1854年第一次出版,迄今为止已经出了近一百五十多个版本,被译成四十多种语言,与《圣经》等一同被美国国会图书馆评为“塑造读者的二十五本书”。《瓦尔登湖》一书因其思想深刻,语言优美,意象丰富而著称。《瓦尔登湖》首次由徐迟翻译到中国,迄今为止,已有十几个译本。在众多的译本中,徐译本一直被学术界视为经典译本并影响了众多的后来译本。本论文试图从描述翻译学的角度,将徐迟翻译的《瓦尔登湖》置于多元文化系统中,并根据文化意象的特点和类别,探究译者徐迟在意象翻译中所采取的策略以及采取这种策略背后的动机和所遵从的规范并从文化对比的角度对其翻译效果进行评估。本文分为三个部分:第一部分介绍背景知识、研究范围、研究方法和研究的预期结果。第二部分为正文,下设四章。第一章首先分析“言”“象”“意”之间的辩证关系并指出文化意象的主要特点特点以及《瓦尔登湖》中文化意象的主要类别。一般说来,文化意象有两个特点:文化积淀行和审美求解性。并且这篇论文的作者把《瓦尔登湖》中的文化意象分为六种:动物、植物、颜色、自然现象、希腊罗马神话和圣经人物故事以及其它意象。第二章介绍译者徐迟在《瓦尔登湖》的文化意象翻译中主要采取的四种策略:保留形象直译,寻求功能对等格义,寻求信息对等省译和追求“化境”再创造。第三章探究采取这些翻译策略背后的动机以及他所遵从的规范。译者对翻译策略的择取主要取决于其所遵从的翻译规范.本章着重研究了译者徐迟在翻译过程中所遵从的两种规范:期待规范和交际规范。两种规范侧重不同的角度。第四章从文化对比的角度对译者徐迟的翻译效果进行评估。最后一部分即本文的结语,指出本文的研究目的和研究意义。

【Abstract】 Thoreau’s masterpiece, Walden, is a great piece of Transcendentalist work, which was first published in 1854. It is highly valued and very influential on the character of the American for its profound ideas, beautiful language and rich cultural images. So far, there have been more than 150 versions in over 40 languages. In China, Walden was first rendered into Chinese by Xu Chi, whose version is regarded as the most successful one among over 10 versions in the academic circle. The aim of the thesis is to present the strategies for cultural image translation and suggest an analysis of motivations underlying the translator’s choice of strategy based on Xu Chi’s Chinese translation of Walden from the perspective of descriptive translation studies. Furthermore, it will offer an assessment of Xu’s translational effects from the cultural comparative studies.This thesis consists of three parts:the first part is an introduction to the background, motivation, scope, methodology, and expected findings of the research project. The second part consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 deals with first, the dialectic relationship among word, image and its connotative meaning, second, the features and classifications of cultural images in Walden. Generally speaking, there are two major features:the culture-bounded one and the interpretation-bounded one. And in this thesis, the author divides the cultural images in Walden into six categories. They are animal, plant, color, natural phenomenon, Greco-Roman mythology and biblical stories and others. Chapter 2 illustrates Xu’s four major strategies for the translation of cultural images in Walden:literal translation with a view of reserving the ST cultural image, replacement by a TT1 cultural image with a view of functional equivalence, omission of a ST cultural image with a view of informative equivalence and recreation with a view of configuration of the ST cultural image. Chapter 3 explains why the translator adopts these strategies, what norms he follows, and what values underlie these norms. The motivation underlying a translator’s choice-making derives ultimately from the norms of translation. In this chapter, the author introduces two norms conformed by Xu in the process of translation:the expectancy norm, and the communication norm, with each highlighting a particular aspect of the translator’s choice of strategy. Chapter 4 is about the assessment of Xu’s translational effects within the receiving cultural system. The last part is the conclusion which presents the significance of the thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S2期

