

【作者】 黄小芬

【导师】 刘丽杭; 阳红光; 欧阳万福;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 农村公路作为重要的基础设施,大力发展农村公路对农村运输条件和投资环境的改善;促进广大农村地区经济社会的发展;有效解决“三农”问题;连接城乡文明、缩小城乡差距、有效推进农村城镇化进程;加快社会主义新农村建设的步伐;确保实现全面建设小康社会的目标具有重要的作用。近年来,全国各地都在大力开展农村公路的建设,湖南农村公路建设也得到了突飞猛进的发展,已具备相当的规模。农村公路对于改善农民出行环境,提高农村生活质量与水平起到了应有的积极作用。然而,由于重建轻养,农村公路养护资金不足,养护管理体制及运行机制不够健全,养护管理“缺位”等问题的存在,农村公路的养护管理还处于相对滞后阶段,一些乡村公路出现失养现象较严重。为确保农村公路的可持续供给,满足农村经济发展的需要,从做好农村公路养护管理宣传工作入手,提出了落实责任,健全农村公路养护管理机制;理顺体制,实行管养分离,推进养护市场化的养护运行机制;建立长效稳定的资金筹措渠道和监管制度;规范农村公路建设管理;加大农村公路路政管理力度;规范修建养护方式以及机械化配置和制定养护标准、完善法规等方面来完善湖南农村公路养护管理的新措施。

【Abstract】 Vigorously developing the rural road, an important infrastructure, plays a vital role in the improvement of countryside transport conditions and investment environment; and can promote the development of economic society in broad rural areas and effectively solve "three dimensional rural" issues as well as connect rural and urban civilization. Besides, it is helpful to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas, and effectively promote urbanization in rural areas; to accelerate the pace of building new socialist countryside;and to guarantee the total achievement of building a moderately prosperous society.In recent years, great efforts throughout the country are devoted to the rural road construction, Hunan countryside highway construction which has already a considerable scale, has also been rapidly developed by leaps and bounds, Rural roads played a positive role in improving not only farmers’travel environment, but also the quality and level of rural life. However, due to the problems such as the neglect of maintaining the road, the inadequate funding of rural road maintenance, the incomplete maintenance management system and operational mechanism, the "absence" of maintenance management and so on, the maintenance management of rural roads is still in the relatively backward stage.A number of rural highways are seriously in short of maintenance.In order to ensure a sustainable supply of rural roads, and to meet the needs of the development rural economy, new measures to improve the management of road maintenance in Hunan rural areas are presented:starting with the publicity work of conservation and management of rural roads, ascertaining the responsibilities, improving management mechanisms of rural road maintenance;rationalizing the system and separating the custody and maintenance, to implement the market-oriented operation mechanism of conservation; establishing a long-term stable funding channels and supervising systems;regulating the management of rural road construction;increasing the intensity of rural highway road administration; standardizing the construction and conservation methods as well as mechanized configuration, and establishing conservation standards and consummate laws related.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

