

【作者】 徐婷婷

【导师】 丁瑞莲;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 伦理学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 企业环境保护责任,是企业社会责任的一个重要组成部分。企业作用于自然环境的行为,会最终影响到利益相关者和其他社会成员的权益。企业环境保护责任,可以通过利益相关者和其他社会成员的环境权利加以确立。权利主体所拥有的环境权利,包括不可让渡权利和可让渡权利。根据权利的不可让渡性和可让渡性,可将企业的环境保护责任划分为企业环境保护绝对责任和企业环境保护相对责任。在伦理的视阈下探讨企业环境保护责任,保证权利和责任的对等性,以避免企业与利益相关者以及企业的利益相关者之间,出现权利义务分配不公平的情况。企业环境保护绝对责任,是一种无条件的、必须要履行的责任。它包括对权利主体的生命权、健康权和人身自由权的维护,体现了企业作为一个社会成员对社会伦理底线的维护。企业的相对环境保护责任,是一种有条件的责任。根据可让渡权利是否具有强制性,可将其划分为强制让渡权利和非强制让渡权利。相应的可以将企业环境保护相对责任,划分为企业强制环境保护责任和企业非强制环境保护责任。企业强制环境保护责任强调企业权利的先占性,事后对权利主体进行补偿。企业非强制环境保护责任强调平等交易性,企业和利益相关者及社会其他成员,通过事前协商获得相应的权利。在伦理的视阈下探讨企业环境保护责任,通过对企业环境保护责任不同类型的探讨,对企业环境保护责任的应然性、实然性和实现机制展开集中论述。为实现企业、自然和社会的和谐统一,提供了理论准备。

【Abstract】 Corporate environmental responsibility, corporate social responsibility is an important component. The enterprise function in natural environment’s behavior, will affect finally the benefit counterparts and other members of different social classes’ rights and interests. Corporate environmental responsibility, can be stakeholders and environmental rights of other members of the society be established. The subject of object has the environmental right, including cannot transfer the right and may transfer the right. According to the rights of non-transferable and assignable nature of corporate environmental responsibility can be divided into the absolute environmental protection, corporate responsibility and corporate environmental responsibility to the relative. In ethics, as the threshold of corporate environmental responsibility under the guarantee of rights and responsibilities of reciprocity in order to avoid business with stakeholders and business stakeholders in the allocation of rights and obligations between the unfair situation. The absolute environmental protection, corporate responsibility, is a kind of unconditional, we must carry out responsibilities. Including the right of the right to life, health and personal liberty, the maintenance, reflects the business as a member of society to maintain the bottom line of social ethics. The relative environmental protection, corporate responsibility is a conditional responsibility. According to whether the rights assignable mandatory, it could be classified as forced alienation of rights and the rights of non-mandatory alienation. Corresponding may the enterprise relative environmental protection responsibility, divides forces the environmental protection responsibility and the enterprise non-compulsion environmental protection responsibility for the enterprise. Emphasis on corporate environmental responsibility of business forced the right to preemptive nature of rights after the main body to compensate. The enterprise forces the environmental protection responsibility to stress that the business rights occupy the nature first, carries on the compensation afterward to the subject of object. The enterprise non-compulsion environmental protection responsibility emphasis equality transaction, the enterprise and the benefit counterparts and social other members, through consulted in anticipation obtains the corresponding right.In ethics, as the threshold of corporate environmental responsibility, under, through corporate environmental responsibility to explore different types of corporate environmental responsibility, it ought to be, solid-ran and started to concentrate on implementation mechanism. In order to realize the enterprise, the nature and society’s harmonious unification, has provided the theory preparation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期

