

Research on the Economic Autonomy in the Law of Regional National Autonomy

【作者】 春荣

【导师】 王来喜;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《民族区域自治法》提供了界定和实现民族自治地方经济自治权的基础,各民族自治地方在经济与社会各项自治权的基础和框架下,享有自主地管理和发展本地区经济与社会各项事业的权利。经济自治权是保证民族自治地方经济社会发展的关键所在,直接关系着民族自治地方经济发展的速度与质量。保障和落实经济自治权,对于推进民族区域自治制度的完善,合理调整中央或上级国家机关与民族自治地方的关系,促进各地区经济协调发展,实现各民族的共同繁荣都有着重要的理论价值和现实意义。《民族区域自治法》是我国民族区域自治制度得以正确贯彻实施的重要保障,其效力仅次于宪法的基本法律。依据《民族区域自治法》第三章《自治机关的自治权》的规定,自治权可分为四大类:政治自治权、经济自治权、文化建设自治权、社会管理自治权等。而其中最为核心的权利就是经济自治权。2001年2月28日修改的《民族区域自治法》,其内容上的最大特点就是加快民族自治地方的经济社会发展,但是修改后的《民族区域自治法》在多数条文上的规定还是比较原则的,可操作性条款则相对较少。改革开放以后,国家虽然采取了一系列重大措施来促进民族自治地方的经济社会发展,但是民族自治地方的经济社会发展水平相对于东部地区来说,仍然处于滞后的状态,这就决定了经济能否快速发展是民族自治地方当前面临的重大问题。因此,如何把经济自治权与国家对民族自治地方的经济政策有机结合并协调起来,需要我们认真研究。本文着力研究《民族区域自治法》中的经济自治权。经济自治权的实质是中央或上级国家机关与民族自治地方基本经济权限的划分,本文通过对《民族区域自治法》中自治机关享有的经济自治权及上级国家机关的职责规定进行法条剖析,指出经济自治权在具体运行过程中存在的主要问题,进而提出经济自治权实现的法律保障与政策选择。

【Abstract】 The Law of Regional National Autonomy defines the economic autonomy in ethnic minority regions as well as the basis of realizing it: all ethnic minority regions have the authority to manage and develop the economy and a wide variety of social affairs. The economic autonomy is the key to ensure the social development. It has quite close relationship with the speed and quality of economy in the autonomous regions. To guarantee and implement the economic autonomy has significant theoretical and practical values in promoting the system, adjusting the relationship between the central or higher authority and the autonomous regions, accelerating the economic coordinated development, and realizing the common prosperity of all the ethnic groups.The Law of Regional National Autonomy is an important security in properly implementing the regional national autonomous system. Its force of the law is inferior to the basic laws in the Constitution. According to the third chapter of The Law of Regional National Autonomy----Autonomy in the organs of self-government, autonomy can be classified into four categories: the political, the economic, cultural construction, social management, and so on and so forth. The core goes into the economic autonomy. The great feature in the amended Law of Regional National Autonomy is to speed up the economic and social development in the national autonomous areas. But there are less operational items in the amended laws. Since the Reform and Opening up, a series of great measures have been carried out to promote the social and economic development in those areas. However, in terms of the level of the development, it falls behind eastern areas. Therefore, the great issue is how to accelerate the economic progress in those areas. We need to pursue the means to coordinate the economic autonomy with the national policies for the national autonomous regions.The paper is mainly about the analysis in the economic autonomy in the Law of Regional National Autonomy. Its essence is the division between the central or higher government and the organs of the self-government on the economic limits of authority. By analyzing the regulations in both levels, the paper identifies the major problems in the course of the execution, and further proposes the suggestions concerning about the law security and policy in bettering the economic autonomy.

  • 【分类号】D921.11
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】244

