

A Study on the Quantifiers in "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan"

【作者】 栗君华

【导师】 陈伟琳;

【作者基本信息】 信阳师范学院 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 《儿女英雄传》,原名《正法眼藏五十三参》,是19世纪中期满洲旗人文康写成的长篇小说,它基本上是用当时的北京口语写成的。本书的语言特点和近代汉语的特点比较一致,它是汉语发展历史上的一个重要阶段的代表,呈现出汉语从近代向现代过渡时期的一些特点,但目前学术界对该书语言的研究还不够全面,关于量词还没有进行专门的研究。本文以《儿女英雄传》中的量词为研究对象,主要运用了统计法、比较法和归纳法等研究方法,分别从语法、语义和作用几个角度对量词进行了较为全面的分析和描写,在分析的同时还结合了现代汉语中量词的特点,从而总结出了量词在该历史时期的语法特征、在具体语境中体现出来的作用以及一些名量搭配的规律等。全文分为八个部分:引言介绍了《儿女英雄传》的研究现状及其在汉语史上的研究价值,介绍了本文的研究方法和所依据的版本。第二章对量词的发展、命名及分类作了整体介绍;第三章、第四章、第五章和第六章分别对《儿女英雄传》量词的构成系统、语法特征、意义和作用进行分析;第七章对书中出现的“个”作了专门分析。结论部分是对全文的概括总结,指出了《儿女英雄传》所处的历史时期是汉语量词系统发展的过渡时期,与汉语其他阶段的量词相比,该书的量词有以下特点:第一,量词发展不平衡。第二,具有一些现代汉语中所没有的量词。第三,个别量词对数词有选择,例如量词“拉(l(?))”、“派”和“腔”等。第四,个别量词的写法还不规范。第五,《儿女英雄传》中出现量词连用的现象,例如“些个”和“些座”等。第六,一些量词表现出鲜明的时代特色和地域特色,例如量词“任”、“榜”、“房”、“品”和“硌”等。第七,一些量词的搭配对象或范围或意义与现代汉语还不一致。第八,一些量词表现出鲜明的口语语体色彩。总之,根据对《儿女英雄传》量词的分析,我们不难发现现代汉语量词系统此时已基本形成。《儿女英雄传》中的量词对古代汉语量词有所继承,而又有所发展。这部著作中的一些量词具有鲜明的时代特色和地域特色,还呈现出来一些过渡期的语言特点,研究这部著作中的量词可以帮助我们更好地了解、研究和使用现代汉语。

【Abstract】 "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan", originally called "Zhengfayancang 53 participants" is a long novel written in mid-19th century by a person called Wenkang of Manchu race, it is basically written by using Beijing dialect of that time. The language characteristics of this book is more consistent with the characteristics of modern Chinese language, which is also an important representative stage in development of Chinese language history, showing a number of features in this the transition period contemporary Chinese; modern Chinese. But the academic study of the Language of this book is not very comprehensive; there is no specialized study of it from the Quantifiers perspective. In this paper, the object of the research is the Quantifiers mainly by using a statistical method, comparative, inductive and other research methods from the perspectives of syntax, semantics and function respectively; at the same time I also compare it with the characteristics of Quantifiers in Modern Chinese while analyzing in order to achieve the aim of summarizing the syntactical features of Quantifiers in certain historical period, the functions of Quantifiers embodied in the specific context and regularity of the collocations of nouns and quantifiers and so on.Full-text is divided into eight parts:Foreword introduced the current situation and research value of the "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan" in Chinese history, illustrating and writing methods and its based versions. The second chapter gives overall introduction of the development of Quantifiers, rectification and classification of names;Ⅲchapter,ⅣChapter,ⅤChapter,Ⅵand ChapterⅦof "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan" analyzes the Quantifiers classification, grammatical features, meaning, effect and the "a" respectively,. Conclusion part is the general introduction of the full text. It points out that the historical period which "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan", was produced is the transitional period of the development of Chinese Quantifiers, compared with the development of the Quantifiers in other stages of Chinese, the Quantifiers in this book possess the following characteristics:Quantifiers in this book possess the following characteristics:First, there is uneven development of Quantifiers. Second, there exist a number of quantifiers which don’t occur in modern Chinese. Third, the usage of numerals depend on the choice or selection of the individual classifier such as quantifier "la", "pai" and "qiang" and so on. Fourth, the wording of individual Quantifiers is still not standardized. Fifth, several Quantifiers are used together in "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan"; such as uantifiers "xie ge" and "xie zuo", and so on. Sixth, some of the Quantifiers in this book demonstrate distinctive contemporary and regional characteristics, such as Quantifiers "ren", "ba ng", "fang", "pin", "luo" and so on. Seventh, the collocation, scope of application and applied meaning of some Quantifiers are also inconsistent with the modern Chinese. Eighth, some Quantifiers show distinct color colloquialism.In short, based on Quantifiers analysis of the "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan" we can easily find modern Chinese Quantifiers system has been basically formed at this modern time. "Ernv Yingxiong Zhuan" in the Quantifiers. Quantifiers have inherited the ancient Chinese, but they developed. Some of the Quantifiers in this work are demonstrating very distinctive characteristics of certain age and geography, but also presents the characteristics of some of the language of the transition period. The study of the Quantifiers in this work can help us understand, study and use modern Chinese better.

  • 【分类号】I207.42;H146
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】268
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