

Screening on Twenty-six Single Fungicides and Mixed Fungicides Against Rubber Powdery Mildew

【作者】 杨意伯

【导师】 谭志琼;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 植物病理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 橡胶树白粉病是我国橡胶树重大病害之一,其病原菌橡胶粉孢(Oidium heveae Steinm.)为专性寄生菌,杀菌剂防效测定只能在活体上进行。本研究首次研究了橡胶树白粉病杀菌剂生物测定方法的接种方法。对抖粉法、涂抹法和喷雾法3种接种方法进行比较的结果表明:喷雾法较抖粉法和涂抹法重复性更好,结果更稳定;测定了喷雾法不同接种量对病情指数和10mg/L三唑酮相对防效的影响,结果表明:接种量以5×104-10×104个/mL为宜。本研究于2008-2009年开展孢子萌发试验和室内盆栽试验,测定了26种杀菌剂对橡胶树白粉病菌的毒力。试验结果表明:在抑制病原菌孢子萌发的能力方面,吡唑醚菌酯、唑胺菌酯、氟菌螨酯、醚菌酯、烯肟菌胺、唑菌酯、氟菌唑、嘧菌酯、氟环唑、四氟醚唑、氟硅唑、乙嘧酚强于三唑酮,苯醚甲环唑、福美双与三唑酮相当;在抑制菌丝生长的能力方面,氟菌唑、唑菌酯、氟菌螨酯强于三唑酮,氟环唑、唑胺菌酯、氟硅唑、吡唑醚菌酯接近三唑酮,四氟醚唑稍弱于三唑酮。氟菌唑、唑菌酯、氟菌螨酯、氟环唑、唑胺菌酯、氟硅唑、吡唑醚菌酯、四氟醚唑8种杀菌剂可作为防治橡胶树白粉病的备选药剂。通过孢子萌发试验筛选出的杀菌剂种类超过并包含了室内盆栽试验的筛选结果,表明孢子萌发试验结果在一定程度上反映了供试药剂的杀菌活性。本研究以Horsfall法对两种不同类型杀菌剂的大量复配组合进行增效作用定性分析,再以孙云沛的共毒系数法验证增效配比的增效程度,发现这两种方法的结果较一致。具有增效作用的复配剂配比如下:氟环唑和吡唑醚菌酯配比6:4、8:2,四氟醚唑和氟菌螨酯配比1:9-4:6,三唑酮和氟菌螨酯配比9:1,氟菌唑和氟菌螨酯配比8:2,氟硅唑和唑菌酯配比7:3-9:1,四氟醚唑和唑菌酯配比6:4,三唑酮和唑菌酯配比5:5、8:2,氟菌唑和唑菌酯配比7:3-8:2,四氟醚唑和唑胺菌酯配比9:1,氟菌唑和唑胺菌酯8:2-9:1。

【Abstract】 Rubber powdery mildew, one of the most commercially important diseases of rubber trees in our country, is caused by Oidium heveae, an obligate parasite which can be determined only in vivo.Inoculation method for fungicidal bioassay of Oidium heveae was for the first time studied. A comparison between spraying, shaking off and brushing spores was drawn, variation of disease index and control effect of 10mg/L triadimefon on Oidium heveae with different inoculation concentrations was detected. Combination with the both tests led to a conclusion that inoculation method of spraying spores at concentration of 5×104-10×104spores/mL brought the most stable and repeatable result.Determination on toxicity of twenty-six fungicides to Oidium heveae was carried out in 2008-2009. Results showed that pyraclostrobin, SYP-4155, SYP-3759, kresoxim-methyl, SYP-1620, SYP-3343, triflumizole, azoxystr-obin, epoxiconazole, tetraconazole, flusilazole and ethirimol inhibited spore germination more strongly than triadimefon. Given the ability to suppress hyphal growth, triflumizole, SYP-3343 and SYP-3759 were better than triadimefon, and epoxiconazole, SYP-4155, flusilazole and pyraclostrobin were similar to triadimefon, while tetraconazole was slightly worse than triadimefon. The results led to a conclusion that triflumizole, SYP-3343, SYP-3759, epoxiconazole, SYP-4155, flusilazole, pyraclostrobin and tetraconazole are hopeful candidate fungicides for controlling rubber powdery mildew. The results also indicated that the category of funcides screened by means of spore germination inhibition test, which refelected fungicidal activity to a certain extent, included more than that by determination in vivo.Sun Yunpei’s method was employed to test synergistic ratio of mixture fungicides qualitatively analyzed by way of Horsfall’s, results of the two kinds of methods mostly overlapped. Proved synergistic ratio of mixture fungicides were as follows:ratio of epoxiconazole and pyraclostrobin 6:4,8:2, ratio of tetraconazole and SYP-3759 1:9-4:6, ratio of triadimefon and SYP-3759 9:1, ratio of triflumizole and SYP-3759 8:2, ratio of flusilazole and SYP-3343 7:3-9:1, ratio of tetraconazole and SYP-3343 6:4, ratio of triadimefon and SYP-3343 5:5,8:2, ratio of triflumizole and SYP-3343 7:3-8:2, ratio of tetraconazole and SYP-4155 9:1, ratio of triflumizole and SYP-4155 8:2-9:1.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】S763.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】230

