
基于Aster G-Dem的海南岛地形地貌信息提取与土地利用景观格局分析

Landform Information Obtains and Landscape Spatial Pattern Analyses of Hainan Island Based on Aster G-Dem

【作者】 王博

【导师】 罗微;

【作者基本信息】 海南大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着GIS空间分析和DEM技术的发展,快速、准确获取地形地貌及土地利用数据的技术日渐成熟,同时在此基础上,景观生态学不断发展和完善,利用景观格局分析的方法研究分析土地利用空间结构及其演变成为目前比较有效的技术手段。因此,利用数字高程模型建立布满全区的数字土地利用空间格局,在进行地形地貌分析、了解地形特点的基础上,利用景观格局分析的方法研究土地利用空间结构,理解和把握土地利用景观格局特征,建立土地利用景观格局与土地生态系统功能之间的相互关系,对维持区域生态平衡,改善区域生态环境,加强土地资源的保护,制止不合理的开发利用活动及实现土地资源利用的可持续发展,都具有重要的意义。前人对于地形地貌的空间分布规律的研究多以文字描述为主,而定量化的分析较少,特别针对海南岛地形地貌信息定量统计分析的研究并不多见。同时由于经济发展,人口增长以及工业化、城市化过程的广泛深入推进,海南岛的土地利用与覆被格局发生了很大变化,地区自然生态系统的空间格局不断被人类的各种土地利用方式所改变,形成了特定的区域土地利用景观空间格局。因此,本研究基于30m分辨率的Aster G-Dem数据,利用ArcGIS空间分析技术,对描述海南岛地形地貌特征的多个地形因子进行提取和定量分析,分别得到其所占的面积比例和数量分布特征,并对其空间分布规律和反映的区域特征进行分析;在此基础上将土地利用景观分布图与地形因子叠加,分析海南岛土地利用景观空间结构特征以及地形与景观格局变化的关系,得出以下几点结论:1、通过窗口分析方法确定了海南岛地形起伏度、地表切割深度的最佳分析窗口为15.21km2,并完成海南岛各地貌、地形因子的提取、制图、分析。各类地形特征和地形因子的提取结果都能较好地反映海南岛地形地貌的分布格局。在基本地貌形态分析中将海南岛的基本地貌形态划分为六种类型,大部分地势相对低平,大致为北部台地平原区和南部山地丘陵区。2、从宏观地形因子分析得出,海南岛属于低海拔地区,大部分海拔在800m以下,主要以微、小起伏为主;大部分地区地表粗糙度较小,中南部山区粗糙度最大,平坦、台地及丘陵区粗糙度最小;地表切割深度以浅切割为主,南北差异显著;大部分地区的高程变异系数都较小,高程的相对变化程度都不大。从微观地形因子分析得出,海南岛以平缓坡为主,除平坦无坡向的区域外,各坡向的分布差异不大,呈现平缓分布的特征;负地形多于正地形,地表没有太大起伏,地域特征多为平坡。3、海南岛各地形因子具有明显的空间分布特征。高程、坡度的分布规律与海南岛地表形态组合的区域差异有一定的相关性,但坡向分布相对平均,区域间没有明显区别;通过分区对海南岛高程和坡度的描述证明,海南岛几大经济圈的划分与地形相关,东部、北部、西部地势平坦,是城市综合产业和工矿发展的集中地;南部地势稍有起伏,是旅游城镇综合发展区域;环岛区域水土条件较好,是主要的农业生产区域;中部生态保护区地高坡陡,在一定程度上限制了其经济的发展。4、结合高程、坡度和坡向3个地形因子分析海南岛土地利用景观空间格局特征,结果表明:在低海拔、小坡度等人为影响因素较强的地区土地利用程度较高,各种土地利用景观类型均有大量分布;向高海拔、大坡度地区过度,人类活动影响程度减弱,景观类型分布也随之减少,特别在地高坡陡地区林地和草地为主要土地利用景观类型;各景观类型在坡向分布上差别不明显。5、选取斑块个数、景观类型面积百分比、分维数、优势度指数、景观多样性指数、均匀度指数、破碎化指数七个景观指数,对海南岛土地利用景观格局在不同地形地貌区内与地形的相互关系进行分析,结果表明:从低海拔、平缓坡地带到高海拔、大坡度地带,景观斑块数、面积比例、多样性、均匀度指数递减,优势度指数递增;平坦区域外,其余几个坡向景观的多样化和空间异质化程度不高。6、基于地形位指数结合无纲量的分布指数分析了海南岛土地利用景观类型的地形分异频率情况,准确地描述了不同景观组分在各地形位区段上的实际分化情况。不同土地利用景观类型在地形位上的分布结构表现为高、中、低三段式格局。低段区域上各景观组分竞争激烈,分布相对集中;高区域阶段,部分景观生存发展受到限制,景观组分相对单一,说明了由于地形地貌条件限制了不同社会生产活动使其对不同土地利用景观的约束性影响明显。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of GIS spatial analysis and DEM technology, the technology which can get fast and accurate access to the data of terrain and land use is maturing, and on this basis, the continuous development and improvement of landscape ecology happens, and utilizing the landscape pattern analysis method to analyze the land use spatial structure and evolution has become an effective technique currently. Therefore, the utilization of the digital elevation model to establish the full regional covered digital land use spatial pattern, and on the basis of terrain analysis and topographic features understanding, the utilization of the landscape pattern analysis method to study the spatial structure of land use, understand and grasp the characteristics of land use and landscape pattern, establish the interrelation between land use/landscape pattern and land ecosystem function are of great significance to the maintenance of regional ecological balance, the improvement of regional ecological environment, the reinforcement of land resources protection, the prohibition of irrational development activities and the sustainable development of land resource utilization.The former researchers mainly published their results about the spatial distribution of topography in text description, but less in quantitative analysis, especially the research work on the quantitative statistical analysis of topography in Hainan Island is rare. At the same time, as economic development, population growth and the extensive and deep boost of industrialization and urbanization processes, the land use and cover pattern of Hainan Island has undergone great changes. The regional spatial pattern of natural ecosystems is being changed by various ways of human land use, which forms specific spatial pattern of landscape of regional land use.Hence, this research is based on the data of 30m resolution Aster G-Dem and the ArcGIS spatial analysis technique. It extracted and quantitatively analyzed several terrain factors of Hainan Island’s topographic terrain features, which obtained the area ratios and number distribution characteristics of them respectively. Their spatial distribution rule and reflected regional characteristics were also analyzed. On this basis, the landscape distribution maps and terrain factors of land use were analyzed together to study the relationship between the landscape spatial structure features of land use in Hainan Island and the changes of terrain and landscape pattern. The conclusions were as follows: 1. Through the window analysis method, the best analysis window of the amplitude of landforms and the surface cutting depth in Hainan Island is 115.21km2. What’s more, the factors of the topography and terrain in Hainan Island were extracted, mapped and analyzed. All the extracted results of terrain features and terrain factors could better reflect the distribution patterns of topography in Hainan Island. The basic landform shapes were divided into six types by the basic landform shape analysis. Most terrains were relatively low which were approximately the north mesa plain and the south mountainous area.2. Resulted from the analysis of macro-topography factors, Hainan Island belonged to low altitude areas and most of them were below 800m above sea level which mainly dominated by micro, small projections. The surface roughness of most areas was small with the largest roughness in middle southern mountainous areas and smallest roughness in flats, platforms and hilly areas. The surface cutting depth was dominated by shallow cutting and the difference between south and north was significant. The variance coefficients in elevation of most areas were small and the relative variances in elevation were all not big. Resulted from the analysis factors of micro-topography, the Hainan Island was mainly consisted with gentle slope. The differences of distributions of all slope aspects except the flats without any areas of slope aspect were insignificant and showed characteristics of smooth distribution. Negative terrains were more than positive terrains and the regional characteristics were mostly flat slopes without many ups and downs.3. The terrain factors of Hainan Island possessed obvious characteristics of spatial distribution. The distribution rule of elevation and slope was related to the regional difference of combinations of the surface forms in Hainan Island, but the slope aspect distributed relatively equally without any obvious difference among regions. By dividing areas, the description of elevation and slope aspect proved that the division of five economic circles in Hainan Island was related to terrains. The terrains in east, north and west which were the integrated industrial and mining development aggregations of the city were flat. The southern terrains which were the integrated development regions of tourist city were a bit of rough. The water and soil conditions were good in the island regions which were the major agricultural production areas. The central ecological conservation areas had high lands and steep slopes which limited their economic development to a certain extent.4. The combined analysis of elevation, slope and aspect on the spatial patterns features of landscape in Hainan Island indicated that the extend of land use in regions which had some strong human impacted factors such as low altitude and small slope was relatively higher and various types of landscape distributed extensively. In case of the high altitude and steep slope areas, the impact of human activities weakened and the distribution of landscape types were also affected, especially for the landscape types which regarded the forest and grassland as the main land use way in high altitude and steep slope areas. The slope aspect distributions of different landscape types had insignificant difference.5. Selecting seven landscape indices (number of plaques, the percentage of landscape area, fractal dimension, dominance index, landscape diversity index, evenness index and fragmentation index) to analyze the relationships between the landscape patterns and landforms in different topographic areas of Hainan Island. Generally, it showed that from the low altitude and gently slope areas which were severely disturbed by human activities to the high altitude and steep slope areas, the landscape patch number, area ratioand, diversity and uniformity index decreased, while dominance index increased.Eccept for flat areas,the diversification and apatial heterogereity of several other aspect landscape is not high.6. The case of topographic differentiation frequency of landscape types in Hainan Island were analyzed on the basis of the combination of the terrain index and distribution index of free volume. The actual differentiation of different landscape elements in different terrain sections was described accurately. The distribution structures of different landscape types in terrain sections showed as high, middle and low patterns. In the low pattern, the landscape components competed intensely and distributed relatively intensively. In the high pattern, the survival and development of some landscapes were limited and the landscape elements were relatively homogeneous which indicated that due to the topographic conditions limited different social production activities, the different landscapes were also bound significantly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 海南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】897

