

Design and Implementation of Development Scheme of Video Surveillance System in Urad Front Banner

【作者】 张军

【导师】 吴承勇; 翟成珺;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 计算机技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着网络技术、通信技术和视频技术的发展,视频监控技术正进入一个全数字化的网络阶段,并广泛地应用于社会城防监控系统,在该系统里,通过视频监控可以实时、形象、真实地反映被监控对象,长时间地获取被监控对象信息,这一点可以解决公安系统查处犯罪行为线索来源少,视频证据缺乏等问题,并被一些发达地区成功应用。本论文通过对乌拉特前旗社会治安体系实际情况的分析,结合一些发达地区建设视频监控项目的成功经验,提出了符合该旗实际情况的视频监控系统建设方案的设计,论述了视频监控系统整体结构、监控点分布、覆盖面设计、治安卡口子系统设计和音视频子系统主要功能,解决了工程建设和运行中的实际问题,实现了该地区治安防控工作的科技化。实际设计与实施中使用数字或模拟视频技术、计算机通信技术、网络技术及相关系统和设备,通过实时动态监控、记录查询、网络传输、分级控制、授权访问、资源共享等方式,实现对城市卡口、主要道路、重要目标、重点单位、要害部位、治安复杂区域等目标的治安监控,并按照公安部《城市报警与监控系统建设验收工作程序及规范》进行了论证与验收。根据业务管辖和需求,将监控图像实时传输到各级公安机关及其他相关部门,通过图像资源的整合、共享,实时、直观地了解和掌握监控区域的治安动态,适时调度、指挥、处置,达到精确打击、预防和控制违法犯罪、维护良好的治安环境的目的,有效提高社会治安管理能力。最后,让我们利用现代化的高科技,全身心地投入,把乌拉特前旗建设成为一个平安城市。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the development of network technology, communication technology and video technology, video monitoring has stepped into the new all-digital network age, and was widely applied in the social security protection system. In the system video monitoring real-time, image and truly reflect the object being monitored and access to information of the monitored object. It is useful that the police may receive the more clue of crime and may revolve the question of less video proof.The paper analyzes the actual condition of social security protection in the Urad Front Banner prefecture, references some successful experience of constructing the video monitoring project in the developed area and brings forward the design of video monitoring project in accordance with the actual situation of the area. The paper expounds the integral structure on video monitoring system, the distribution of monitoring point, the design of coverage, the design of the key security protection point and the main function of audio frequency subsystem. The paper also solves the practical problems of construction and operation on video monitoring, and realize Technology-based in the security protection of the area. Some advanced technology and device are widely used in the actual design and Implement, for example Digital or analog video technology, Computer Communication Technology, Network technology and some interrelated device. Through the way of Real-time dynamic monitoring, record Inquiry, network transmission, Sub-levels control, authorized access, resource sharing, etc, The system achieve the information of the security protection in the city key ports, major roads, important objectives, key units and key parts of the objectives and complex of the region. According to the demand of the Ministry of Public Security on the "city alarm and monitoring system building’s acceptance procedure and standard", the local government go on inspection and verification. After the video monitoring system successful run, It may real-time transport the monitoring image to the each levels police station and the others related units. The police station may institution understand and grasp the condition of the security in the first time through the integration of image received, and do an adjustment and deployment to attain the goal of precision striking and controlling crimes and maintaining a harmonious environment.In the result, all the people in this city make use of modern science and technology put our heart into constructing peace city of Urad Front Banner.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】93

