

The Status Research of the Risk Management for ATCS

【作者】 万鹏飞

【导师】 朱斯琴;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 空管是民航安全的守护神。随着飞行流量的持续快速增加和空管国际一体化进程的加快,安全风险已进入高压期和多发期。风险一旦失控,就意味着事故的发生或可能发生。构建风险管理体系,主动识别、有效控制风险是本文研究的目的。我国空管风险管理还处在起步阶段。在思想层面、技术层面、体制机制层面、管理层面等方面都还存在明显的问题。主要的深层次的原因是风险管理理论研究传播滞后,管理资源整合力度不够,传统管理方式的消极影响。将风险管理方法引入空管安全管理之中是空管安全管理模式的创新之举,必须坚持从实际出发、把握精要、逐步推进、持续监督改进原则。根据风险管理原理、五大基本特征和三个基本要素,针对空管风险管理现状问题和空管风险来源广、程度高、变化快、致因多和责任大等特点,构建我国空管的多重风险防护体系。这一体系包括三个部分七个子系统。一是基础部分,包括创建“无惩罚”的以人为本的安全文化,设计适应风险管理机制有效运行的组织结构系统。二是核心部分,包括全员参与的风险识别系统、以专业人员为主的风险评估系统和权衡利弊的风险决策系统。三是保障部分,包括“人人负责”的责任系统和内外结合的监督改进系统。风险管理有显效,但也有局限性。为此要注意防范新的风险和做好应急准备。运用本文所构建的风险管理体系,将使安全管理水平持续大幅度提高,事故和事故征候率将大大降低。

【Abstract】 Air Traffic Control Service (ATCS) acts as the God to guarantee the security of civil aviation. As flight flow increasing rapidly and continuously and improving the progress of international integration, the risk of security is becoming much easier happen and high pressure. It means the accident would happen or maybe happen, if the risk were out of control. The researching purpose of this thesis is to establish the system of the risk management to distinguish initiatively and control the risk effectively. The risk management of ATCS in our country still belongs to primary stages of development, which has obvious weakness at thought, technology, system, management aspect and so on. The main essential reason is that the theory research of the risk management is backward and gets resources integrated badly. It is new measure that imports the risk management method in ATCS security management. It must follow the principle with insisting on based on present practice, cling to essence and gist, implementing step by step and continually supervision and improvement. According to the risk management principle, five fundamental features and three basic elements, besides, the ATCS’present problems and characteristics, with which high level, extensive origin, quick change, numerous reasons and significant responsibility, a multiple-protect system is established for our ATCS. The system includes three sections and seven sub-systems. The first section is the fundamental section, which includes "No-punishment" human centered security culture, and functional organization adapting to the risk management. The second section is core section, which includes the risk-distinguish system, involving each staff, the risk-estimate system, professional staff to be leading player and risk-resolution system, weighing pros and cons up. The last section is protection section, which includes responsibility system, each staff taking so and supervision-improvement system, combining inner and outer. The risk management shows its notable effects, but it has its own limitation, also. Therefore, ATCS need take strict precautions against new risks and prepare for emergency situations. If utilized this risk management system, the level of security management would continually improve and the accident and the accident rate should decrease greatly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】F562.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】336

