

Technology and Mechanism in Tissue Culture Rooting of Acacia Melanoxylon

【作者】 范秀平

【导师】 林思祖;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 黑木相思(Acacia melanoxylon)属含羞草科(Mimosaceae)金合欢属(Acacia Mill)的木本植物,原产于澳大利亚,20世纪90年代初引入我国,在海南、广东栽种表现良好。具有速生、耐贫瘠、适应性强等特点,材质优良。近几年在福建开始大面积的种植,出现了苗木供不应求的现象。本试验以黑木相思两个优良无性系FM25号和四号组培苗为材料,从基本培养基、组织培养的环境条件、不同的有机附加物各个环节以及生根机理方面进行研究,目的是寻求一条有利于黑木相思的组培苗生根的技术体系,为工厂化育苗提供理论基础和技术体系。主要研究结果如下:1.从黑木相思两个无性系组培苗的生根培养结果,可以发现黑木相思的生根培养中生长素IBA和ABT-1更适合它的生根培养。IBA0.4mg/L-0.6mg/L和ABT-11.0 mg/L-2.0mg/L+AC0.1g/L共同作用生根率更高。FM25生根率最高可达98%,四号生根率最高可达80%。2.通过对两个无性系在不同MS母液下生根的研究发现,1/2MS更适合黑木相思的生根培养,明显的优于MS和1/4MS。N元素含量的提高有利于黑木相思组培苗的生根培养,有机元素和Fe元素含量加倍效果不明显。3.对两个无性系在不同形态培养基下的生根培养,发现固-液混合态的培养基更适合生根培养,既利于根系吸收培养基的物质,又不影响根的呼吸,利于根的伸长。4.不同的蔗糖浓度对组培苗的生根影响不同,黑木相思两个无性系生根培养需要的蔗糖浓度为10g/L-20g/L。5.不同的透气性和支持体下的培养基影响组培苗的生根,本试验研究发现琼脂作为支持体生根率高于沙子作为支持体,沙培下植株死亡严重。透气性的培养容器有利于植株的生根培养。6.研究发现接入培养基的组培苗初期暗处理四天生根率高于没有暗处理和暗处理八天。7.本试验研究结果发现, 2500lux下FM25和四号生根率和生根数量最好.红光下两个无性系的生根率和根长都高于蓝光和白光,平均根数红光下也表现较好。温度25℃生根率、生根条数和根长度明显优于其他温度下,温度22.5℃生根明显下降,说明低温不利于黑木相思的生根培养。8.研究发现,培养基添加10mg/L-20mg/L的稀土元素有利于黑木相思的生根培养,不同的稀土元素之间的差距不是太明显,浓度太大效果不是太好。添加1g/L的胰蛋白胨对黑木相思组培苗的生根效果较好.但是随着胰蛋白胨含量的增加,生根率反而降低,根条数和生根长度也降低.添加香蕉泥和椰汁对组培苗的生根效果不好.只是使植株变得更绿更壮.9.黑木相思组培苗生根过程中,体内可溶性糖的含量随着培养时间的变化而发生变化,对于FM25来说,生根过程中体内的可溶性糖含量先下降后上升.对于四号来说,体内可溶性糖的含量也是先下降后上升,然后下降,这与四号生根率低有关。10.不同无性系的叶绿素荧光参数生根前后存在很大的差异,生根过程中Fo的变化趋势都是先增加再减低,最后再增加。而荧光参数Fm、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo的变化不同,这与生根状况存在相关性。

【Abstract】 Acacia melanoxylon is Mimosaceae,the Acacia Mill,woody plants,originating in Australia in the 20th century,in the early 1990s was introducted to China,in Guangdong,Hainan planted good performance.Acacia melanoxylon have rapid growth,barren resistance,adaptability,and other characteristics of fine material.In recent years,large areas of planting started in Fujian,so emergenced seedlings shortage.This paper choses two Acacia melanoxylon fine clones stems FM25 and NO.4 as the basic materials to find fine clones stem,sterile system from the basic medium,environmental conditions of tissue culture,different organic additions,as well as the mechanism aspects of rooting and provide a basis theoretical and technology system for factory breeding.The main results were described as follows:1.From the rooting results of the two Acacia melanoxylon clone tissue culture, you can find auxins IBA and ABT-1 are more suitable to their rooting.IBA0.4mg/L-0.6mg / L、ABT-11.0 mg/L-2.0mg/L and AC0.1g/L together have a higher rooting rate.FM25 rooting rate is up to 98% and NO.4 is up to 80%.2.Chose the different MS for rooting ,we can finde 1/2MS is more suitable for the rooting of Acacia melanoxylon culture,markedly better than the MS,and 1/4MS.N element content is conducive to the improvement of tissue culture of Acacia melanoxylon seedling rooting,organic elements and Fe element have little effect.3.Rooting under different forms of medium found that solid - liquid mixed state is more suited to rooting culture medium,both media conducive to root absorption of the material, without affecting the root respiration,which will help the root elongation.4.Different sucrose concentrations on the rooting of tissue culture affected differently, Acacia melanoxylon two clones rooting culture need sucrose concentration 10g/L-20g/L.5.Breathability and support impact the root of tissue culture medium,this study found that agar as a supporting body of rooting rate is higher than the sand as a supporting body,plants died under Sand Culture serious.Permeability of the culture vessel is conducive to cultivating the plants roots.6.Study found that the rooting rate of plant with dark treatment is higher than an eight-day processing and dark treatment7.In this experiment,we can acknowledged that FM25 and NO.4have the best rooting rate and rooting amount under 2500lux.Rooting rate and root length under red light were higher than the blue and white, with an average root number performed better under red light.Rooting rate,root number and root length under 25℃perfact significantly better than the other temperature,the temperature of 22.5℃roots decreased significantly,indicaed low temperature is not conducive to the rooting culture of Acacia melanoxylon.8.The experiment show that medium supplemented with ree 10mg/L-20mg/L help rooting of Acacia melanoxylon culture,the effect of the different ree is not very obvious.Adding 1g /L of pancreatic protein frozen perfect well.Adding the banana and coconut mud Juice to Medium of the rooting is not good to the results,just to make plants more strong.9.In the process of Acacia melanoxylon rooting,the content of soluble sugar changed with the culture time,in the process of rooting,the soluble sugar in the body of FM25 first decreased and then increased. soluble sugar content of For NO.4 rised after the first decreased,but decreased at last,which is relate to the low rooting rate .10.Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of different clones perfect difference in the process of rooting,the changes of Fo are different increased at first and then reduced and increased at last.The fluorescence parameters Fm,Fv / Fm,Fv / Fo changes perfect different,which is ralated to rooting.

  • 【分类号】S792.99
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】210

