

Study on Land-cover Change and Its Ecological Benefits in Coastal Zone of Southern Fujian

【作者】 王智苑

【导师】 刘金福; 洪伟;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 福建省为海洋大省,海域广阔、良港众多,海洋资源丰富。海岸线长3752km,位居居全国第二,曲折率全国第一,闽南地区海岸带约占福建海岸带的一半,其海岸带具有很好的代表性。经济及社会发展要求城市不断扩展,其海岸线的水域资源也不可避免的减少。本研究基于遥感、地理信息系统等主要技术手段来研究土地利用与土地覆盖变化,主要分析与评价闽南地区海岸带的植被覆盖变化,对其水域资源变化进行监测,分析其生态安全状况以及趋势并作出综合性的生态效应评价,提出土地利用合理规划方案,以促进闽南地区海岸带经济、社会、环境的可持续发展。主要研究内容:(一)以1994、2001和2006年闽南海岸带遥感数据为基础资料,利用ERDAS软件生成研究区的景观类型图,计算各景观斑块的面积、数目、形状等空间特征。结果表明:(1)1994-2001年林地的面积锐减;而2001-2006年林地面积总量基本保持。人类占用林地、火灾和病虫害是林地面积变化的最主要因素。草地和未利用地受到人类干扰程度最大。(2)自1994-2006年,耕地斑块数的强烈变化说明人类对耕地保护程度与耕地的破碎度成反比,且人类对耕地保护的效果显著。(3)人类活动对各种景观破碎度的影响与人类活动强度基本成正比例关系。自1994-2006年,人类活动越强烈,景观的破碎度也越大。(4)人类活动对总体景观优势度的影响十分显著。集中体现在城乡用地上,其面积比重在其12年间不断上升。从总体上看,城市化水平加剧,人口增加、工业发展,无疑会对海岸带的景观带来负面的影响。(二)基于1994年的Landsat TM(专题制图仪)、2001年的Landsat ETM+(增强型专题制图仪)和2006年的Landsat TM三个时相的卫星影像,探讨闽南海岸带1994-2006年的水域变化规律。水域变化信息主要通过变化检测和信息提取等一系列遥感技术来获得。结果表明,闽南海岸带在1994-2006年间,水域总面积增加了2652 hm2。其中1994-2001年减少了7148hm2,主要集中于研究区南部,研究区城市用地扩展和养殖业的发展是造成该期间海域减少的直接原因;2001-2006年海域面积增加了9800 hm2,以九龙江南港、中港、和北港的东交汇处海域面积增加最多;其次是泉州市洛阳江水域以及同安湾、大嶝岛一带和南安市的海域。其原因是养殖业过分开发滩涂湿地,以及毁坏沿岸红树林,造成部分滩涂面积减小并且被侵蚀,水域面积增大。(三)基于植被指数(NDVI)和植被覆盖度像元分解模型,建立了TM影像尺度下的闽南海岸带植被覆盖度遥感定量模型,在此基础上研究闽南海岸带1994年、2002年和2006年3个时期植被覆盖度的动态变化。结果表明:(1)1994~2006年,高盖度植被面积减少64110hm2,中盖度植被面积增加7263hm2,低盖度植被面积减少15799.5hm2。(2)1994-2001年,低盖度植被比例上升了49.22%,高植被覆盖度植被较1994年明显减少,年变化幅度为-48061hm2。植被恢复面积仅占退化面积的3.13%,研究区在该时段的植被覆盖朝着恶化的方向快速发展。(3)2001-2006年,该期间的退耕还林及荒山造林工作落实到位,恢复植被面积是退化植被面积的25倍。植被覆盖类型分布区域越靠近海边的区域变化越大,说明人类活动的区域不断向海岸线扩大,植被分布区也将随着城市化进程而越来越不稳定,研究区生态恢复的任务十分艰巨。(四)针对海岸带快速城市化区域的特性,基于P-S-R框架和突变级数法,构建了闽南海岸带城市生态安全评价的模型,对研究区1994-2006年的生态安全状况进行客观评价。结果表明:(1)受到快速城市化和人口增长的影响,研究区的生态安全状况在2001年走高后于2006年再度落回V级,系统压力也出现同样的趋势,人类活动对系统造成了很大的负荷。(2)1994-2006年,系统状态和系统响应的生态安全隶属度值是不断上升的,说明人们对系统安全度下降的回应是积极有效的。但人口压力和资源压力是研究区生态安全状况的最主要威胁。(3)突变级数法的客观性较强且定量程度高,不使用权重,避免了人为赋权的主观性。运用突变模型计算各个指标的生态安全隶属度具体值,可对各个层次上的不同指标进行定量对比。建议加强自然景观恢复工作。尤其是利用人类活动能直接影响景观特点,结合人类社会经济等方面因素,有计划有步骤的恢复林地与持续保护耕地。利用海岸带有利资源发展经济林和防护林,控制人口的增长速度,加强对海岸带自然资源重要性的宣传,制定相关恢复策略。

【Abstract】 Abstract:Fujian Province is the maritime province, there are a vast sea and a number of rich marine resources. Its coastline is 3752km, and it is the second highest in the nation and the first winding rate in the country. Minnan coastaline is about half of the coastaline of Fujian Province, so its coastal zone has a very good representation. Economic and social development needs the expanding of the city with its shoreline resources inevitably decline. This research is based on remote sensing, geographic information system techniques to study the major land use and land cover change, analysis the reasone of vegetation cover change and changes to its water resources, analysis the trends of ecological security and make a comprehensive assessment of the ecological effects of proposed land use. To improve the economic, social and environmental sustainability.The following major elements:1、Based on remote sensing data of 1994,2001 and 2006. Using ERDAS software to make landscape type maps, calculate the area of landscape patches, number, shape and other spatial characteristics. The results showed that:(1) The area of woodland drop sharpply between 1994-2001; and the total forest area remained between 2001 and 2006. Human occupation of forest land, forest fires, pests and diseases are the most important factor of the area change. Grassland and unused land are the greatest degree of human disturbance. (2) From 1994 to 2006, the strong change of patches number Explain that the level of protection of human being on the land and cultivated land fragmentation is inversely, and the protection of human on farmland is significantly. (3) The human activities on the impact of landscape fragmentation and the intensity of human activitiesbasic is proportional relationship. Since 1994 to 2006, the more intense human activities, the greater the degree of landscape fragmentation. (4) The activities of human on the overall landscape dominance is very significant. Embodied in urban and rural areas, the proportion of its area rise in the last 12 years. Comprehensive view, increased urbanization, population growth, industrial development will undoubtedly have negative effects to coastal landscape2、Based on the 1994 Landsat TM (thematic mapper), the 2001 Landsat ETM+ (enhanced thematic mapper) and 2006 Landsat TM satellite images of three-phase, explore the changes of the water between 1994 and 2006. To obtain Change information of the water with detection and information extraction and a series of remote sensing technology. The results showed that the waters increased 2652 hm2 between 1994 and 2006. Between 1994 and 2001, which reduced 7148hm2, mainly in the south of the study area, urban land expansion of the study area, and the development of aquaculture caused reduction of the sea in that period. from 2001 to 2006, the area of the sea increased 9800 hm2, in east interchange of South port、north port、middle port of the Jiulong River, the sea area increase the most dramatic; followed by the Quanzhou City Luoyang River waters and Tongan Bay, Dadeng Island and the sea area of Nanan City. The reason is over-development of aquaculture wetlands, and destruction of coastal mangroves, causing part of the beach area reduced, water area increase finally.3、Based on vegetation index (NDVI) and vegetation cover as the decomposition model, a vegetation coverage of remote sensing quantitative model was made within a TM image scale, based on the studies of 3 Dynamic changes of vegetation coverage in 1994,2002 and period of 2006. The results showed that:(1) From 1994 to 2006, high vegetation cover reduces 64110 hm2, middle vegetation coverage increased 7263hm2, low vegetation cover reduces 15799.5hm2. (2) From 1994 to 2001, the proportion of low vegetation coverage increased by 49.22%, compared with 1994, high vegetation cover of vegetation reduced significantly, the annual change rate is-48061hm2. Restoration area is only 3.13% of the degraded area. At the time, the vegetation cover of the study area go to the direction of deterioration rapidly. (3) From 2001 to 2006, the work of returning farmland to forests and afforestation is good in this period, the restore vegetation area is 25 times of the area of degraded vegetation. Regional distribution of vegetation types, the more close to the beach area, the greater changed, indicating that the regional human activities continue to expand to the coastline, vegetation distribution area will also be increasing instability with the process of urbanization in the study area, the task of ecological restoration is difficult.4、With the characteristics of becoming City rapidlly, based on the P-S-R framework and mutation series method, built an urban ecological security evaluation model, to give an objective evaluation to the ecological security from 1994 to 2006. The results showed that:(1) With the impact of rapid urbanization and population growth, the ecological security gains in 2001, after that, returned toⅤonce again in 2006, and the system pressure rise to the same trend. Human activities on the system caused large load. (2) From 1994 to 2006, the membership values of the ecological security of the system state and system response are rising, indicating that the response of people to the system safety is positive and effective. However, population pressure and resource pressures is the main threat to ecological security in the study area. (3)Catastrophe Theory is the strongly objective and highly quantitative, did not use weights to avoid the subjectivity of human empowerment. Using Mutation model to calculate specific value of various indicators of the ecological security, can comparison all levels of the quantitative of different indicators.Proposed to strengthen the natural landscape restoration work. In particular, it was the use of human activity which can directly affect the landscape features. Combined with human socio-economic factors, planned step by step to restore forest and protect the arable land. we can use the coastal resources to the development of economic forests and shelterbelts to control population growth, strengthen the importance of coastal natural resources, develop some relevant recovery strategy.

  • 【分类号】F205;F301
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】389

