

Study on Ecological Characteristic of Natural Kandelia Candel and the Comparison of High-yield Forest of Esatern Fujian Province

【作者】 李晓景

【导师】 何东进; 洪伟;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对闽东沿海(福鼎市)不同起源的秋茄红树林种群结构、生命表、空间分布格局、生物量、碳储量,热值等生态特征进行比较研究,结果表明:①不同起源秋茄林在高度径级别有一定的差异。天然林高度结构主要集中在0~0.5m,而人工林则集中在1.5~2m。不同起源秋茄林在地径径级结构上差异明显,天然林径级主要集中在第Ⅰ级,并呈现随着径级的增大而减少。人工林第Ⅰ级缺失,呈现以第Ⅲ级为中心的正态分布。②秋茄种群在发育和演替过程中,存在2个死亡高峰,即由幼苗转化为幼树阶段出现第1个高峰,成年期出现第2个高峰,第Ⅷ龄级时大多数个体死亡。个体平均生存能力的期望在第Ⅸ龄级最大;存活曲线属于典型的Deevey-Ⅲ型,种群前期存活数随龄级下降较快,而后期存活值波动不大。③采用聚集强度指标法、Iwao M*-χ的回归与Taylor幂法则对不同起源秋茄林空间分布格局进行比较分析,结果表明福鼎秋茄天然林幼苗群呈聚集分布,小树群、大树群、老树群均呈现随机分布。秋茄人工林小树群、大树群呈随机分布。④秋茄天然林生物量为58.305t/hm2,其中地上部分为32.919t/hm2,地下部分为25.386t/hm2;秋茄人工林生物量为25.359t/hm2,其中地上部分为14.711t/hm2,地下部分为10.648t/hm2。根据花、叶、枝、干等生物量数据显示,不同起源秋茄生物量分配均为枝>干>粗根>叶>中根>墩>细根>花。⑤闽东沿海秋茄林碳储蓄量主要由灌木层、死地被物层、土壤层组成的。按其碳库大小顺序排列为:土壤层>灌木层>死地被物层。结果表明:秋茄天然林生态系统碳储量为221.505t?hm-2,其中地上部分为28.732t?hm-2,地下部分为192.782t?hm-2;秋茄人工林碳储量为154.739t?hm-2,其中地上部分为10.271t?hm-2,地下部分为144.468t?hm-2。⑥秋茄天然林的各组分热值大小顺序为叶>花>枝>干>墩>粗根>中根>细根。各组分干重热值波动范围为12kJ/g~18kJ/g;人工林的各组分热值大小顺序为叶>干>枝>墩>花>粗根>细根>中根。不同起源秋茄林都以叶的热值最高,大于17kJ/g。根的热值最低,小于13kJ/g。不同树龄的秋茄叶片热值也有差异,表现为随着树龄不断增高,其叶片热值随之下降的趋势。秋茄叶热值还随纬度不同而异,叶片的热值呈现随纬度升高而下降。

【Abstract】 The Kandelia candel in east part of Fujian provience(Fuding),which locate in the northernmost part of china,plays an important role in the mangrove study. The structure characteristics,life table,species spatial distribution,biomass,carbon stock,calorie value etc.of the Kandelia candel were studied in this paper,the results showed that:(1)Height structure indicated that there was variation existed in different origin plantation and natural forest .The height of individual of natural forest distributed at the range of 0~0.5m,which of plantation scattered in 1.5~2m.The difference of diameter structure in different origin plantation and natural forest were obvious. The diameter structure was focused on 0~2cm.When the diameter structure grew,the number of individual dropped.For short of 0~2cm,the plantation assumed highly basically being scattered very much.(2)The Kandelia candel had two deaths peak during its development and succession,that is one in the stage of seedings into young seedings,and the other of adult stage. The most of Kandelia candel died at the age ofⅧ.The survival curve of population trended to typical type of deevey-Ⅲ.The population survives drop fast in the earlier stage.In the later stage,the survivals did not fluctuate largely.(3)The concerntration class index,Iwao M*- x and Taylor principle were used to research spatial distribution pattern of the Kandelia candel populations at different origin plantation and natural forest in Fuding.With the development of the population of seedlings,young tree,adult tree to old tree,the population distribution pattern changed as followed:(1)natural Kandelia Candel populations: contagious pattern→random pattern→random pattern→random pattern; ( 2 ) plantion: 0→uniform distribution→contagious pattern.Natural regeneration and dispersal of artificial Kandelia candel population had more or less occured,which may increase the structure complexity and stability of the artificial population.(4)The total biomass of the natural Kandelia candel forest were 58.305t? hm-2with the aboveground for 32.919t? hm-2and underground part for 25.386t? hm-2;the total biomass of plantation were 25.359 t? hm-2,among which the aboveground part were14.711 t? hm-2and underground part were 10.648t? hm-2respectively.Using the biomass data of of fowers,leaves,stems,twigs,trunk,the biomass allocation were as follows:twigs>stems>macroroots>leaves>mid roots>trunk>micro roots>flowers.(5)The carbon stock of the Kandelia candel forest ecosystem were mainly consisted three sections,which were the trees,the litter and soil.The order of those carbon stock could be ranked as followed:the soil> the trees> the litter.The carbon stock of the natural Kandelia candel were 221.505t? hm-2,with the aboveground for 28.732t? hm-2and the underground part for 192.782t? hm2;carbon stock of the Kandelia candel plantation ecosystem were154.739t?hm-2,among which the aboveground part were 10.271t?hm-2and underground part were 144.468t? hm-2respectively.(6)The calorie values in various component of the Kandelia candel can be ranked in the decreasing order as follows:leaves>flower>twigs>stems>trunk>macroroots>mid roots>micro roots,for plantation,the order isleaves>stems>twigs>trunk>flower>macro roots>micro roots>mid roots.The calorie values of natural various plant parts rang from12kJ/g~18kJ/g for gross calorie values.The same highest value is leaves,above 17kJ/g,and the lowest one is root,under 13kJ/g.The calorie values increased as the trees growed. The calorie values also varied with latitude of the areas,genenrally.The gross calorie value were the higher in lower latitude.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】173

