

The Comparative Studies on Heavy Metals Pollution and Ecological Risks between the Kandelia Cande1 Natural Forest and Plantations in the North of Fujian

【作者】 郑开基

【导师】 何东进;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 红树林生态系统处于海洋与陆地的动态交界面,因而在结构与功能上具有既不同于陆地生态系统,也不同于海洋生态系统的特性。福鼎市是我国目前红树林天然分布的最北界,其优势群落为秋茄红树林,在我国红树林生态学研究中有着特殊的意义。有鉴于此,本文选择福鼎不同秋茄红树林湿地类型(前岐镇安仁村腰屿秋茄天然林和点头镇点头村秋茄人工林)作为调查对象,分别对不同秋茄红树林湿地土壤和植株体内的重金属(Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu)等污染指标进行详细监测,并在此基础上,通过对秋茄天然林与人工林的重金属吸收、累积与循环特征、重金属的富集特征、重金属的空间分布特征、重金属污染特征与生态危害的风险评价及其生态环境公共服务功能等方面进行比较研究,探讨重金属在不同起源秋茄群落沉积物中累积、循环、富集规律,结果表明:(1)秋茄天然林植物各器官中Zn、Pb、Cd元素平均含量分别为19.21、28.40、1.30(mg·kg-1);而在秋茄人工林植物各器官中Zn、Pb、Cd元素平均含量分别为15.06、17.65、1.12(mg·kg-1),前者分别是后者的1.28、1.61、1.16倍,说明秋茄天然林对重金属元素Zn、Pb、Cd的吸收能力大于秋茄人工林。(2)秋茄天然林林地土壤Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素含量平均含量分别为49.84、84.67、2.55、20.14(mg·kg-1);林地表层土壤(0~30cm)Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素储量分别为3353.32、14070.65、540.708、2901.36(mg·m-2),整个秋茄天然林林地重金属元素储量呈Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd的变化规律。秋茄人工林林地土壤Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素平均含量分别为68.15、127.87、3.61、36.66(mg·kg-1),林地表层土壤(0~30cm)Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素储量分别为10778.33、15714.07、719.93、5289.77 (mg·m-2)。整个秋茄人工林林地重金属元素储量呈Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd的变化规律。(3)秋茄天然林红树林植物对土壤表层重金属Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素的富集系数,平均值分别为0.767、0.284、0.339、1.464;对植物体不同部位而言,Zn元素的富集系数在0.348~1.860;Pb在0.074~1.134;Cd在0.190~1.015;Cu在0.508~4.722,这表明秋茄天然林不同部位对各元素的富集能力具有一定的差异。秋茄植株对土壤不同重金属元素具有不同的吸收富集能力,大体的规律为:Cu>Zn>Cd>Pb。秋茄人工林红树林植物对土壤表层重金属Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素的富集系数,平均值分别为0.166、0.133、0.234、1.127,对植物体不同部位而言,Zn元素的富集系数在0.049~0.557;Pb在0.038~0.439;Cd在0.111~0.515;Cu在0.313~1.272;秋茄植株对土壤不同重金属元素具有不同的吸收富集能力,大体的规律为:Cu>Cd>Zn>Pb。(4)秋茄天然林群落Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素的现存累积量,分别为304.33、400.48、21.78、396.86 mg·m-2,其中地上部分现存累积量分别为179.30、250.78、14.96、327.40 mg·m-2,分别占总量的58.9%、62.6%、68.7%、82.5%;地下部分的现存累积量分别为125.03、149.7、6.82、69.46 mg·m-2,分别占总量的41.1%、37.4%、31.3%、17.5%。秋茄人工林群落Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素的现存累积量,分别为63.73、107.88、10.55、251.30 mg·m-2,其中地上部分现存累积量分别为36.72、64.14、8.58、179.57 mg·m-2,分别占总量的57.6%、59.5%、81.3%、71.5%;地下部分的现存累积量分别为27.01、43.74、1.97、71.73 mg·m-2,分别占总量的42.4%、40.5%、18.7%、28.5%。(5)重金属在不同湿地沉积物中的水平分布的比较来看,不管是秋茄天然林还是人工林,Zn、Pb含量较高,Cd、Cu含量则相对较低;从垂岸分布比较来看,秋茄人工林湿地沉积物中重金属元素Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu含量明显高于人工林,重金属Pb、Cd、Cu元素含量大体呈现一致的分布规律,即林外到林缘表层沉积物重金属含量逐渐增加,而林缘到林内呈现逐渐下降的趋势;重金属在不同湿地沉积物中垂直分布比较来看,林内2个位置沉积物(林内15m和林内50m)柱状样中,重金属Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu元素含量大体上呈现随着沉积物深度的增加而明显减小的规律,而在林外光滩沉积物(林外100m)柱样中变化则相对较小。(6)重金属在不同湿地沉积物中的垂直分布相关性比较方面:重金属元素在林内(林内15m、林内50m)与土壤沉积物理化性状的相关性明显要高于林外光滩(林外100m),一些性质相似的重金属如Zn、Pb等元素的共沉降性质可能会受到红树林茂密的根系以及其丰富的底栖生物和有机质的影响而被削弱。(7)不同林地间重金属生态危害的风险评价:湿地沉积物中重金属含量均具有一定的区域特征,点头镇点头村红树林重金属的平均含量高于其它四个点;以现代工业化前正常颗粒沉积物中重金属含量的最高背景值为参比值,重金属的富集顺序为Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn,污染水平顺序为Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn;以红树林周边环境土壤的平均值为参比值,重金属的富集顺序为Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn,污染水平顺序为Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn.各采样点危害程度顺序为:点头镇点头村>点头镇马洋村>前岐镇安仁村>店下镇选城村>前岐镇安仁村腰屿。(8)福鼎秋茄红树林湿地沉积物吸附Zn共计13,871,760g,其中秋茄天然林吸附Zn达1,507,800g,秋茄人工林吸附Zn达12,363,960g,运用替代法则福鼎市秋茄红树林通过兑吸收土壤中重金属含量实现的生态功能价值为513.3万元,其中秋茄天然林吸附价值总量为55.8万元,人工林吸附价值总量为457.5万元。(9)福鼎市秋茄红树林湿地生态系统服务功能总价值为16,589,234元,其中生产有机功能、防风消浪护堤功能、维持生物多样性功能、净化污染物功能、生态旅游功能、科研教育功能这6项功能价值分别为1031,959元、7950,000元、6,000,000元、635,075元、644,000元和328,200元,各项生态服务功能价值量大小顺序为:消浪护堤功能(47.9%)>生物多样性功能(36.2%)>生产有机功能(6.2%)>生态旅游功能(3.9%)>污染物净化功能(3.8%)>科研教育功能(2.0%)。

【Abstract】 Mangrove ecosystem located at the dynamic interface between ocean and land,its features was neither the terrestrial ecosystem nor the marine ecosystem on the structures and function.Fuding city with the special significance of mangrove ecological studies was located on the northern tip of Fujian,which was the mono-dominant community of Kandelia candel mangrove.In this paper,studied on distribution of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu in Kandelia cande1 mangrove community of Fuding were investigated between the natural forest and the monoculture plantations(The investigation places were situated at Qianqi Town Anren Village and Diantou Town Diantou Village).Base on this,with the case comparative analysis with respect to the traits of transportation,accumulation and circulation of heavy metals、the enriched characteristics、the spatial distribution of heavy metals、the pollution character and the potential ecological risk assessment and the eco-environment service function assessment by comparing the natural forest with the monoculture plantations,this paper discussed transportation,accumulation and circulation of heavy metals in sediments which had different origins of Kandelia candel mangrove community.The results showed that:(1)The respective element average contents in different parts of the Kandelia cande1 natural forest plant were 19.21、28.40、1.30(mg·kg-1)of Zn、Pb and Cd;While their contents in different parts of the Kandelia cande1 monoculture plantations were 15.06、17.65、1.12 mgkg-1 of Zn、Pb and Cd (mg·kg-1),being as much 1.28 times、1.61 times and 1.16 times as that from the natural forest to the monoculture plantations.(2)The pool amounts of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu elements in the the Kandelia cande1 natural forest plant l(0~30cm depth) were 49.84、84.67、2.55、20.14 mg·kg-1 and storages were 3353.32、14070.65、540.708、2901.36 (mg·m-2 )whose variation were in the order of Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd;What’s more,The pool amounts of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu elements in the monoculture plantations (0~30cm depth) were 68.15、127.87、3.61、36.66 mg·kg-1 and storages were 10778.33、15714.07、719.93、5289.77 (mg·m-2 )whose variation were in the order of Pb>Zn>Cu>Cd.(3)In the the Kandelia cande1 natural forest,the accumulation indexes of plant to soil were 0.767、0.284、0.339、1.464 of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu.To different parts of the Kandelia cande1 plant,their indexes ranged from 0.348~1.860、0.074~1.134、0.190~1.015 and 0.508~4.722 of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu.Furthermore,the accumulating ability of plant to soil heavy metal were in the order of Cu>Zn>Cd>Pb: On the other hand,the accumulation indexes of plant to soil were 0.166、0.133、0.234、1.127 of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu in the the Kandelia cande1 monoculture plantations.To different parts of the Kandelia cande1 plant,their indexes ranged from 0.049~0.557、0.038~0.439、0.111~0.515 and 0.313~1.272 of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu.Furthermore,the accumulating ability of plant to soil heavy metal were in the order of Cu>Cd>Zn>Pb.(4)The storages in the community of the the Kandelia cande1 natural forest were 304.33、400.48、21.78、396.86 mg·m-2,besides the storages of the aerial portion were 179.30、250.78、14.96、327.40 mg·m-2that occupied respectively 58.9%、62.6%、68.7%、82.5% of total amount,while the storages of the underground part were 125.03、149.7、6.82、69.46 (mg·m-2)that occupied respectively 41.1%、37.4%、31.3%、17.5% of total amount;What’s more,The storages in the community of the monoculture plantations were 63.73、107.88、10.55、251.30mg·m-2, besides the storages of the aerial portion were36.72、64.14、8.58、179.57 (mg·m-2)that occupied respectively 57.6%、59.5%、81.3%、71.5% of total amount,while the storages of the underground part were 27.01、43.74、1.97、71.73 (mg·m-2)that occupied respectively 42.4%、40.5%、18.7%、28.5% of total amount.(5)Based on the studies on horizontal distribution of Zn、Pb、Cd and Cu between the the Kandelia cande1 natural forest and the monoculture plantations , some conclusions were obtained.High contents of Zn and Pb were found in the sediments, while the contents of Cd and Cu were relatively lower.With regard to Cross-section distribution of heavy metals,the concentrations of Pb,Cd and Cu increased across the tidal flat to the mangrove forest edge,while decreased across the forest edge to inside.In addition that Vertical profiles of Zn、Pb、Cd、Cu heavy metals,their average contents decreased with the increasing of soil depth at the 15m inside-forest and the 50m inside-forest sites while the result was different at 100m outside-forest site.(6)On correlation coefficient of various heavy metal and soil character between the the Kandelia cande1 natural forest and the monoculture plantations,the correlation was higher from the 15m inside-forest and the 50m inside-forest to 100m outside-forest site.(7)Studied on pollution characteristic and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals,Concentrations,distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments were investigated.When the highest values for heavy metals concentrations in sediments before the modern industrialization of the world were taken as references , the accumulating order for these heavy metals was:Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn and the order of pollution level was:Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn.When the environmental background values of mangrove worked as references,the accumulating order was: Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn,and the order of pollution level was:Cd>Pb>Cu>Zn.(8)In the Kandelia candel mangrove forest of Fuding,Zn was absorbed 13871760g, on the one hand,it was 1507800g of the the Kandelia cande1 natural forest;on the other hand,it was 12,363,960g of the monoculture plantations.Employing the replacing and shadow engineering methods,the function value of mangrove soil on absorbing heavy metals was evaluated ,which indicated that the value of the natural mangrove soil to absorb heavy metals in Fuding mangrove ecosystem was about 5.133 million yuan.(9)The total value of the mangrove wetland ecosystem services in the Kandelia candel mangrove forest of Fuding was 16,589,234 yuan RMB per year.based on the economical background of the region in 2009.Among them the value of production of goods was1,031,959 yuan RMB per year,the value of protection against floods was 7950,000 yuan RMB per year,the value of biodiversity was 6,000,000 yuan RMB per year,the value of purification was 635,075 yuan RMB per year,the value of ecotourism was 644,000 yuan RMB per year,the value of the educational research functions was 328,200 yuan RMB per year.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】253

