

Arthropod Diversity in Natural Bamboo Forests of Phyllostachys Heterocycla and the Comparison between Different Bamboos

【作者】 苏军

【导师】 张飞萍;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 森林保护学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 通过野外系统定位观察和室内生物测试,研究了湖南和四川两地天然毛竹林节肢动物的多样性,比较了不同类型毛竹(新竹、大年竹、小年竹)冠层节肢动物的组成与结构,分析了竹叶主要化学成分的时序变化规律及其对节肢动物的影响效应。主要研究结果如下:1. 2009年4~11月,对湖南炎陵和四川长宁两地天然毛竹林节肢动物的野外调查共获得林冠层标本7 096号,林下层标本1 756号,其中湖南炎陵的主要害虫是竹卵圆蝽(Hippota dorsalis),四川长宁的是竹蚜(Oregma bambusicola)、竹刺瘿螨(Aculus bambusae)、小绿叶蝉(Empoasca sp.)和毛竹尖胸沫蝉(Aphrophora notabilis);两地的节肢动物均主要隶属于膜翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目、半翅目、蜘蛛目和同翅目。从林冠和林下层的节肢动物共有种看,湖南炎陵的共有种有147种,四川有84种;两地共有种都以鞘翅目、双翅目、膜翅目、蜘蛛目和同翅目为主,大多数共有种均为植食性,其次为捕食性。2.对不同经营管理天然毛竹林节肢动物多样性的分析和比较表明:经营管理措施对节肢动物多样性具有显著影响,无论是保护性经营措施还是高强度纯林经营,均明显减少了节肢动物的科和物种数,在湖南炎陵主要表现为鞘翅目、双翅目、膜翅目和蜘蛛目的科和物种减少,在四川长宁则主要表现为半翅目、膜翅目、双翅目的科和物种减少;与此同时,各经营管理措施还明显减少了林冠和林下层的共有种数,降低了两个林层间的相互联系;在湖南炎陵主要表现为双翅目共有种的减少,在四川长宁则主要表现为膜翅目和鞘翅目共有种的减少;这些减少的物种大多数属于天敌或中性物种。总体上,保护性经营和高强度纯林经营措施均不同程度地增加了林冠层和降低了林下层节肢动物的多样性。3. 2009年3~10月,在福建福州、三明和四川长宁的花年竹林内分别系统调查了新竹、大年竹和小年竹林冠节肢动物的多样性,测定了3种不同类型毛竹叶的主要化学成分。系统调查共获得节肢动物标本9 374号,隶属于3纲18目147科234种。小年竹的节肢动物优势种为竹刺瘿螨(Aculus bambusae)、南京裂爪螨(Shcizotetranychus nanjingensis)和竹裂爪螨(Schizotetranychus celarius),新竹为竹刺瘿螨和南京裂爪螨,大年竹为竹刺瘿螨;不同类型毛竹冠层的节肢动物均主要隶属于鞘翅目、膜翅目、蜘蛛目、同翅目和双翅目,均以植食性物种的丰富度最高,但其物种多样性和均匀度指数均较低。3种类型毛竹冠层的节肢动物共有种有72种,以蜘蛛目种类最多,膜翅目次之,但个体数上以植食性物种最多,其次为捕食性物种。3种类型毛竹冠层节肢动物特有种的个体数量均较小,大年竹的特有种以鞘翅目和同翅目为主;小年竹的以鞘翅目和膜翅目为主;新竹的则以鳞翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目和蜘蛛目为主,特有种各功能团的科、种、个体数和多样性指数均以植食性功能团最高。4.对不同类型毛竹叶部节肢动物的时间格局的分析表明:花年竹林内各类毛竹冠层节肢动物多样性的时序变化可以大致分为2类,一类为小年竹和新竹,物种的个体数量和优势集中性指数均在5月份出现了一个明显的高峰,多样性指数和均匀度指数则在5月份出现一个明显的低谷,在6月和10月则较高;另一类为大年竹,其变化趋势与前两种类型毛竹正好相反。相关性分析表明:大、小年竹节肢动物丰富度分别与竹叶单宁含量和含水率呈显著正相关,小年竹植食性功能团的个体数量和竹刺瘿螨个体数量均与竹叶多糖含量呈显著正相关,新竹蠕须盾蚧个体数量与叶绿素含量呈显著负相关。

【Abstract】 Through systematic field observation and indoor biological testing, we researched the arthropod diversity of natural bamboo forests (Phyllostachys heterocycla cv. Pubesens) in Hunan and Sichuan, compared the canopy arthropod composition and structure between different types of bamboo (new bamboo, on-year bamboo and off-year bamboo), and analyzed the main chemical components of bamboo leaves temporal variation and its effects on arthropods. The major findings are as follows:1. From April to November 2009, through the wild experimentation and farmers field visits from Piken Village Yanling Hunan and Jiulong Village Sichuan Changning, the result shwed the field Positioning System survey obtained 7096 individuals arthropod specimens from the canopy, 1756 individuals from the lower layer, The major pests of Yanling Hunan is Hippota dorsalis, Sichuan Changning is Oregma bambusicola、Aculus bambusae、Empoasca sp. and Aphrophora notabilis; In this two places the arthropods are primarily belong to Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Araneae and Homoptera etc.. From the common species of arthropods of canopy and lower layer to see, Yanling Hunan has total of 147 kinds of common species, 84 species in Sichuan, Most of them are in order Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Araneae and Homoptera in two places, most common species are herbivorous, followed by the predatory.2. Analysis and comparison of arthropod diversity in bamboo forests under different management shows that: the measures on the arthropod diversity of bamboo forests had significant effects, the number of the families and the species of bamboo forest arthropod of both protective management measures and high-intensity pure forest management significantly reduced, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera, and spiders reduced significantly mainly in Yanling Hunan; while in Sichuan Changning the Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, the purpose of families and species reduced; and the total species of canopy and lower layer under the operation and management measures also significantly reduced, so does the two inter-linkages between forest layers reduce;in Hunan Yanling the mainly manifested common species of Diptera reduced ; while in Sichuan Changning the mainly manifested was in Hymenoptera and Coleoptera; The majority of the reduced species are natural enemies or neutral species . As a whole,Purpose of this study the protective management practices conducive to the improvement of production of bamboo, bamboo is also conducive to pest control and arthropod diversity conservation。3.DuringMarch-October 2009, the diversity of arthropods on different types of bamboo in the on-off year are systematic investigated in Changning Sichuan, Fuzhou and Sanming Fujian, and the main chemical composition of three different types of bamboo leaves were measured. Systematic investigated got 9374 arthropod individuals in total, which belong to 3 classes, 18 orders, 147 families,234 species. The dominant species of off-year bamboo are Aculus bambusae, Shcizotetranychus nanjingensis and Schizotetranychus celarius; The dominant species are Aculus bambusae and Shcizotetranychus nanjingensis on new bamboo; The dominant species on on-year bamboo is Aculus bambusae. Canopy arthropods on different types of bamboo are mainly in Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Araneae, Homoptera and Diptera. The richness of Herbivorous species is the highest, but both species diversity and evenness index are lower. The common arthropod species on canopy among three types of bamboo have a total of 72 species, the number of species up to Araneae, followed by Hymenoptera, but the number of individuals up to Phytophagous species, followed by Predatory species. The number of endemic species on three types of bamboo are small, on-year bamboo endemic are Coleoptera, and Homoptera based;Off-year bamboo are Coleoptera and Hymenoptera dominated; New bamboo are Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Araneae based. Phytophagous functional groups have the highest number of families, species, individual numbers and diversity index of each functional group of the endemic species.4. Analysis on time pattern of arthropod on different types of bamboo canopy in the on-off year bamboo showed that: Arthropod diversity in various bamboo layer timing changes can be divided into two categories, off-year bamboo and new bamboo, there was a clear peak of the number of individual species and the dominant concentration index in May, diversity index and evenness index in May marked the emergence of a low point, in June and in October was higher; another on-year bamboo, and it changes with the first two types of bamboo the opposite. Analysis on the correlation between Canopy arthropod diversity and the main insect pest populations with main chemical composition of different types of bamboo leaves showed that: Arthropod richness of on-year bamboo and off-year bamboo were significantly positive correlated with Tannin content and water content of the leaves,the individual number of Phytophagous functional groups and Aculus bambusae on off-year bamboo were significantly positive correlated with polysaccharide content, the individual number of Kuwanaspis vermiformis on new bamboo is significantly negative correlated with Chlorophyll content .

  • 【分类号】S763.7;S718.6
  • 【下载频次】56

