

The Study of Clothing Brand Crisis Early Warning System

【作者】 文建龙

【导师】 石德金;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的进程不断加剧,改革的步伐不断加大,各种品牌在复杂的市场环境下,时时存在着挑战与机遇,服装品牌也不例外。由于服装品牌在建设品牌之路上,存在很多的不确定因素,如品牌资产、品牌管理、品牌内外环境等方面的变化,因而服装品牌危机的发生也是不可避免的。面对种种危机,为了能够保持服装品牌的持续性,服装企业需要对服装品牌进行事前、事中及事后的全程管理。在企业的危机管理中,最重要的是要做好预防,尽量将危机消除在萌芽状态,做到“防范于未然”。因此,服装品牌危机预警系统的构建就显得很重要。因而,本文是以服装品牌为研究对象,基于品牌管理和危机预警管理理论,结合服装品牌危机的定义,从服装品牌资产、服装品牌管理、服装品牌内外环境的角度来分析服装品牌危机的成因,初步构建了服装品牌危机预警系统。并以此为基础,构建了服装品牌危机状况评价指标体系,对服装品牌危机状况进行评价,通过分析得到的评价结果,有效地采取相应的对策。本研究的框架主要包括八个部分:第一部分主要阐明了本研究的研究背景、研究对象、研究意义、研究方法、研究框架及创新点。第二部分主要是对品牌管理、危机预警的研究现状进行深入的阐述及归纳,为下一步服装品牌危机预警的研究奠定了坚实的理论基础。第三部分主要是阐述服装品牌危机的成因。由于服装品牌管理不当会引起服装品牌资产的恶化,因而服装品牌危机的主要原因可以归为服装品牌资产的恶化和服装品牌环境恶化,其中服装品牌资产恶化是内因,服装品牌环境恶化是外因。同时,本文进一步对服装品牌资产、服装品牌管理、服装品牌内外环境等内容进行了具体的分析,为服装品牌危机预警系统的构建及服装品牌危机状况的评价提供了一定的基础。第四部分主要是构建服装品牌危机预警系统。通过分析服装品牌,初步构建了服装品牌危机预警系统,并分析了服装品牌危机预警系统构建的组织结构、预警信息系统、评价指标体系、预警方法、对策体系等基本要素,同时探讨了该系统包括安全预警分析和安全预控对策等两方面的工作内容。服装品牌危机预警系统通过监测、识别、诊断和评价服装品牌的相关信息,进而分析其监测指标值来确定该服装品牌是处于安全、亚安全、低度危机、危机或者严重危机状态的哪一状态,最后采取相应的对策,防止服装品牌危机的发生。第五部分主要是服装品牌危机预警监测指标体系的分析。根据指标构建的原则,基于服装品牌资产、服装品牌管理和服装品牌环境的角度,初步构建了服装品牌危机预警指标体系。服装品牌危机状况评价的指标分为定性和定量两类,同时对其指标进行阐述。第六部分主要是服装品牌危机状况评价方法的分析。在分析服装品牌危机状况评价的特点的基础上,选择模糊综合评价法作为本研究的评价方法。同时,对评价方法进行了介绍。第七部分主要是选择福建省A服装品牌进行危机预警系统的案例分析。服装品牌危机预警系统运用模糊综合评价法对某服装品牌危机状况进行评价,得出评价向量B’=(0.3233,0.3948,0.1802,0.0825,0.0193),根据模糊数学中的最大隶属原则,A服装品牌危机状况属于“亚安全”状况,进而采取相应的措施,防止服装品牌危机的发生。第八部分主要是对前面的研究结果进行了归纳和总结,并提出了进一步的研究建议。

【Abstract】 With the growing process of economic globalization and the pace of reform constantly increasing, a variety of brands are always challenges and opportunities in a complex market environment.So the clothing brand is. As the clothing brand in the development of the brand on the road, there are many uncertain factors, such as brand equity, brand management, brand changes in internal and external environment, thus clothing brand crises are inevitable.In order to be able to maintain the continuity of clothing brand, while the face of these crises, clothing enterprise needs to be manage in advance,matter and post for clothing brand.Crisis management in the enterprise, the most important thing is to do a good job of prevention, as much as possible the crisis nipped in the bud, and do "a preventive measure". Therefore, the clothing brand Crisis Early Warning System becomes very important.Thus, this paper is to study the clothing brand, based on brand management and crisis warning management theory, combined with the definition of the clothing brands crisis, analyzing causes of the clothing brand crisis from clothing brand equity, clothing brand management and inside and outside of the clothing brand environment,and initially build a clothing brand crisis early warning system. And on this basis, the paper builds a evaluation index system on clothing brand crisis situation that targets the security situation on the evaluation, meanwhile the clothing brand crisis early warning system can take measures for the evaluation of the results accordingly. The clothing brand crisis can be really prevented.The framework of this study includes eight sections:The first part of this study was to clarify the research background, object of study, research significance, research methods, the framework of research and innovation point.The second part is mainly exposing and summarizing an in-depth research on brand management, crisis warning for the next crisis warning of clothing brand laid a solid theoretical basis.The third part is mainly to analyze the causes of the apparel brand crisis.As the clothing brand mismanagement can cause the deterioration of assets, thus the main reason that clothing brand crisis can be considered is the deterioration of clothing brand equity and environment, among the deterioration of brand equity which is the internal reason and clothing brand deterioration of the environment external.However, the article further analysises clothing brand assets, clothing brand management and clothing brand environment aspects specifically.It provides certain foundation for garments Brand Crisis warning System and Apparel Brand crisis situation evaluation.The fourth part is to build brand clothing crisis early warning system.The clothing brand crisis warning system was constructed by analyzing clothing brand preliminarily,and analyzing such fundamental elements of organizational structure,warning information system,evaluation system,warning method and countermeasures system of clothing brand crisis warning system constructed, also discussing two aspects work contents of the system including security warning analysis and safety precontrol strategies.That is,clothing brand crisis early warning system analyzes the value of monitoring indicators to determine the clothing brand that is in a safe, Asian security, low risk, crisis or serious crisis finally by monitoring, identification, diagnosis and evaluation of clothing brand information, and then takes the appropriate measures to prevent the clothing brand crisis.Thus, Fujian clothing brand crisis early warning system has some significance.The fifth part is mainly monitoring indicators analysis of the clothing brand crisis early warning system. According to the principles of construction index, the clothing brand crisis early warning indicator system is constructed initially based on apparel brand equity, brand management, clothing brand environment.Evaluation indicators on clothing brand crisis are divided into two categories of qualitative and quantitative, while its index set.The sixth part is mainly the analysis of the clothing brand crisis evaluation method. On the basis of the characteristics of the analysis on apparel brands crisis situation assessment fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is chosen as the evaluation method in this study.Meanwhile, the evaluation method is introduced.The seventh part is mainly to choose A garment brands for crisis early warning system case study in fujian. Clothing brand crisis early warning system evaluates the crisis situation of a clothing brand in Fujian using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,and come to evaluation vector B ’= (0.3233,0.3948,0.1802,0.0825,0.0193), then according to the fuzzy math in the principle of maximum membership, the crisis situation of A clothing brand in Fujian is "Asian security".And it then prevents the clothing brand crisis through the system taking appropriate measures.The eighth part is mainly summarizing and reviewing on research, and proposing further research proposals.

【关键词】 服装品牌品牌危机预警系统
【Key words】 clothing brandbrand crisisearly warning system
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F407.86
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】422

