

Study on the Content of Medicinal Ingredients in Strobilanthes Cusia (Nees) Ktze from Different Growing Areas in Fujian Province

【作者】 宁文君

【导师】 周以飞;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农业生物技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以福建12个不同产地马蓝作为实验材料,以高效液相色谱法(HPLC)法进行马蓝药用成分的测定,研究福建12不同产地马蓝资源中药用成分含量的差异;同时从中选出3个不同产地的马蓝作为代表,继续研究其药用成分含量的周年变化趋势以及外源激素对其药用成分含量的影响,从而找到药用成分含量高的马蓝种质资源和最佳的采收季节。研究结果如下:1.福建不同产地的马蓝药用成分含量存在显著差异。马蓝叶、茎中靛蓝含量较高的产地有漳平、龙岩新罗、仙游栽培、闽侯善恩园;靛玉红含量较高的产地有漳平、莆田大洋、永泰青云、龙岩紫金山;色胺酮含量较高的产地有南靖和溪、福州森林公园、仙游栽培、莆田大洋;药用成分总含量较高的产地有漳平、龙岩新罗、仙游栽培、闽侯善恩园。2.马蓝药用成分含量在一年中的变化趋势一致,其含量均在5~7月份开始逐月上升,到8、9月份含量达到最高值,10~12月份开始逐渐下降,1~4月份含量基本稳定。所以马蓝的最佳采收时间是8、9月份。3.马蓝叶片经脱落酸(ABA)外喷处理后其药用成分有明显提高,而经吲哚乙酸(IAA)外喷后并无明显提高。

【Abstract】 In this research, we take Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze from different growing areas in Fujian province, HPLC as the detection method ,to research the content’s difference of medicinal ingredients in Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze from 12 different growing areas in Fujian province, At the same time selected 3 different Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze from the above-mentioned 12 Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze.as representatives,continue to research annual trends of its medicinal ingredients’content and exogenous hormone‘s effect on the Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze.However, find the best plant resces and harvesting season of Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze.The results are as follows:1.There are significantly differences between the contents of medicinal ingredients in Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze that from different growing areas in Fujian province.The contents of indigo in Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze leaf and stem that from Zhangping、Longyan xinluo、Xianyou cultivated and minhou shangenyuan are higher than other growing areas’s; The contents of indirubin is that from Zhangping、Putian dayang、Yongtai Qingyunshang and Longyan zijinshang are higher than other growing areas’s; The contents of tryptanthrin is that from Nanjing hexi、Fuzhou Forest Park、Xianyou cultivated and Putian dayang are higher than other growing areas’s; The totall contents of 3 medicinal ingredients in Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze that from Zhangping、Longyan xinluo、Xianyou cultivated and minhou shangen yuan are significantly higher than other growing areas’s.2.The change trend of medicinal ingredients‘contents in Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze are basically the same in a year. from May to July, the totall contents of 3 medicinal ingredients began to rise month by month, to August and September the contents achieve the highest value, from October to December the contents began to decline, from January to April , the contents’s levels are basically stable. Therefore, the best Harvest time of Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze is August and September.3.The contents of indigo、indirubin and tryptanthrin in Strobilanthes cusia(Nees)Ktze leaves were significantly increased by the treatment of exogenous ABA, but the contents of indigo、indirubin and tryptanthrin were not apparently increased by the treatment of exogenous IAA.

  • 【分类号】R284
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】133

