

Study on Ganoderma Lucidum Complex Tea Beverage Process Technology

【作者】 何友建

【导师】 陆则坚;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 灵芝(Ganoderma lucidum),属担子菌纲多孔菌科植物,具有丰富的营养价值和医疗保健作用,是我国特色的食药两用类真菌。本文研究了超声波对灵芝有效成分的提取工艺,确定灵芝复合茶饮料的最优配比,并探讨了超滤技术对灵芝复合茶饮料澄清效果的影响,研究脉冲强光杀菌技术在灵芝复合茶饮料生产中的应用,为实现新型灵芝复合茶饮料的产业化生产提供理论依据。1.研究了超声波时间、超声波功率、料液比对灵芝水浸出得率和多糖得率的影响,并采用响应面分析法优化灵芝的提取工艺,建立超声波提取工艺的模型回归方程为: Y=49.22+2.07A+6.91B+2.11C-5.26A2-6.74B2-3.14C2+1.70AB-0.04AC-0.23BC对回归模型进行综合分析,确定超声波法提取灵芝的最佳工艺为:超声时间43min、超声功率650W、料液比1:48,在此条件下,灵芝多糖得率为2.05%,水浸出物得率为7.29%。2.运用Mixture-D-optimal混料设计,以模糊数学综合评判法建立的感官评定值为响应值,通过采用Scheffe不完全三次多项式对感官评定分值的预测值进行回归拟合,建立感官评定分值的模型回归方程为: Y=-425.8508A-1189.8669B-2091.6673C-1952.0594D+3031.1397AB +2721.3566AC+4047.8982AD+7333.3649BC+7317.2879BD+8394.5269CD -6190.7532ABC-11139.2714ABD-2744.4421ACD-21167.2366BCD对回归模型进行优化,确定了灵芝复合茶饮料的最优配比为:灵芝浸提液45%,甜茶浸提液31%,薄荷浸提液7%,菊花浸提液17%。3.研究了不同截留分子量膜的膜通量衰减曲线,在此基础上,探讨不同截留分子量膜对灵芝复合茶饮料澄清处理前后营养成分、透光率的影响,最终选用截留分子量50000D的超滤膜进行灵芝复合茶饮料的澄清试验,并对影响超滤效果的主要参数进行研究,确定最佳操作参数为:操作压力0.25MPa,物料温度40℃。经超滤澄清工艺制得的灵芝复合茶饮料透光率高达93.1%,对容易引起沉淀的蛋白质和果胶的截留率分别为82.2%、81.1%,贮藏稳定性试验可知:150d的贮藏时间饮料没有沉淀产生。此外,膜清洗试验表明:用0.3% NaOH +0.2% HCl溶液清洗超滤膜,清洗后膜通量的恢复率高达94.6%。4.研究了脉冲强光杀灭灵芝复合茶饮料染菌效果,结果表明:脉冲强光能够较好的杀灭灵芝复合茶饮料所染的大肠杆菌、啤酒酵母、青霉菌,在闪照时间25s、闪照距离8cm的条件下,脉冲强光处理能使10-4稀释倍染菌浓度的所染菌种几乎全部致死。对比灵芝复合茶饮料脉冲强光处理和热处理的试验表明:脉冲强光杀菌效果虽然效果不及热力杀菌,但细菌菌落数、酵母和霉菌数已经符合国家卫生标准,热杀菌处理对各营养成分的影响较大;经过25s的脉冲强光杀菌处理后,有效成分的损失率极小。此外,脉冲强光杀菌处理的灵芝复合茶饮料在感官品质、澄清度、褐变程度上明显优于传统热杀菌处理。脉冲强光杀菌处理的灵芝复合茶饮料在300d的储藏期间,细菌、霉菌、酵母的菌落数始终较少且符合国家卫生标准,没有检测出致病菌,说明脉冲强光杀菌能有效延长灵芝复合茶饮料的保质期并保证其安全性。

【Abstract】 Ganoderma lucidum,belong to Basidiomycetes class Polyporaceaeis family ,is both a kind of edible fungus and a kind of medicinal fungus which played an important part in health protection and healing. In this paper, the extraction process of effective constituent in Ganoderma lucidum through ultrasound wave, the best ingredient match of complex Lucid Ganoderma lucidum beverage, ultrafiltration clarification effect and intensive pulse light sterilization in complex Ganoderma lucidum beverage all have been investigated, which could provide scientific foundation for Ganoderma lucidum utilizing.1. The effect of ultrasonic time, ultrasonic power and material and solution ratio on the yield of water soluble extract and polysaccharose has been studied. Moreover, the extraction process of Ganoderma lucidum through ultrasonic wave method was optimized by response surface analysis, and the analog regression equation has been established as follows: Y=49.22+2.07A+6.91B+2.11C-5.26A2-6.74B2-3.14C2+1.70AB-0.04AC-0.23BCComprehensive analyzing this analog regression equation, it could be found that the optimum ultrasonic wave extraction condition was obtained as follows:ultrasonic time was 43min, ultrasonic frequency was 650W, material and solution ratio was 48:1.Under this condition, the yield of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharose could reach 2.05% and the yield of water extract could reach 7.29%.2. According to Mixture-D-optimal design, with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation sensory value as appraising index, the predicted value of sensory was fitted through Scheffe incomplete polynomial and regression analysis of sensory value was established as follows: Y=-425.8508A-1189.8669B-2091.6673C-1952.0594D+3031.1397AB +2721.3566AC+4047.8982AD+7333.3649BC+7317.2879BD+8394.5269CD -6190.7532ABC-11139.2714ABD-2744.4421ACD-21167.2366BCD After optimum this regression equation, it could be found that the optimum formula was as follows: the Ganoderma lucidum extract was45%,sweet tea extract was 31%, peppermint extract was 7%, chrysanthemum extract was17%.3. Based on the extinction curve of different molecular weight cutoff, effect of every kinds of ultrafiltration membrane on nutrient component and luminousness have been studied. The result showed that the membrane of 50000D molecular weight cut-off was better and the optimum operating pressure and the temperature were 0.25MPa and 40℃respectively. After treated by ultrafilter clarification technology, the luminousness of complex Ganoderma lucidum beverage could reach 93.1%, and the absolet removal rating of protein and pectin could reach 82.2% and 81.1% respectively. The result of storage stability test showed that the storage time of complex Ganoderma lucidum beverage without the formation of precipitation could last 150 days. In addition, the result of membrane cleaning test showed that the refresh rate of membrane flux could reach 94.6% by the cleanout fluid which consists of 0.3% NAOH and 0.2% HCl.4. The sterilizing effect of complex Ganoderma lucidum beverage by intensive pulsed light had been researched. The result showed that the intensive pulsed light could effectively kill the Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Penicillium in the complex Ganoderma lucidum beverage. When intensive pulsed light flash time reached 25s and flash distance reached 8cm, any microorganisms in the beverage, under 10-4 dilution, could scarcely survive. The comparison of thermal sterilization’s and intensive pulsed light sterilizing result proved that the optimization method is intensive pulsed light sterilizing. Although the sterilizing effect of intensive pulsed light was not better than thermal sterilization, the clone formation units (CFUs) of bacteria in intensive pulsed light sterilized fluids could also satisfy the state sanitary standard and the loss ratio of effective constituent was lower. After cheated by high intensity pulsed light sterilizing for 25s, the loss ratio was extremely low. And the sensory quality of intensive pulsed light sterilizing beverage was obviously better than the thermal sterilization, with higher clarity and lower brown. In the duration of storage for 300 days, the CFUs of bacterium, mould and yeast kept on a low level and satisfy the state sanitary standard all the time, without any pathogenic bacterium. Above all, the intensive pulse light sterilizing method could effectively lengthen quality guarantee period and guarantee safety of complex Ganoderma lucidum beverage.

  • 【分类号】TS275.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】900

