

Studies on the Adaptation of Octodonta Nipae (Maulik) in Different Species Hosts

【作者】 张秩勇

【导师】 侯有明;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 农药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文初步调查了水椰八角铁甲在福州地区的寄主范围,在此基础上,从水椰八角铁甲的形态学特征,生长发育、繁殖力三个方面研究了不同寄主对水椰八角铁甲生长的影响,并分析了铁甲在不同寄主上的适应能力。研究了水椰八角铁甲对棕榈科不同植物的选择性,并分析了水椰八角铁甲寄主选择性与心叶蜡质含量和心叶乙醇粗提物的关系,初步探讨水椰八角铁甲寄主的选择机理,并对该研究结果在水椰八角铁甲综合治理中的应用进行了讨论。主要结论如下:水椰八角铁甲的寄主主要限于棕榈科植物。据报道,大多数棕榈科植物,如:椰子(Cocos nucifera)、大王椰子(Royston earegia)、棕榈(Trachycarpus fortunei)、刺葵(Phoenix roebelenii. )、蒲葵(Livistona chinensis)、省藤(Calamus ritang)等,其中椰子是最主要的寄主。其在福州地区的主要寄主为海枣(Phoenix dactylifera),而在其他棕榈科上均未发现。在调查中还发现,与受危害很重的海枣距离很近的同为棕榈科植物的蒲葵植株上却没有水椰八角铁甲危害发生。形态学试验研究发现,不同寄主植物上的水椰八角铁甲幼虫头宽体长在一龄时没有显著差异。但在二龄后到四龄各寄主的幼虫头宽差异明显。棕榈和刺葵上的幼虫头部较宽,蒲葵较窄。其幼虫体长的比较结果是:各寄主一龄幼虫的体长即表现出明显的区别,并且这种差异一直到四龄也非常明显。对于其成虫,先将其雌雄分开,并分别测量其7个不同部位的形态,结果发现:雌虫在体长、鞘翅宽、触角长上表现为刺葵上的水椰八角铁甲显著差异于另外两种寄主,棕榈与刺葵上的雌虫差异显著,海枣与棕榈、刺葵差异不显著;不同寄主对雄虫的影响情况较复杂,海枣上的雄虫的鞘翅长、触角长和体长都最大,显著差异于其他两种寄主。四种寄主上的水椰八角铁甲雌性成虫体型都略大于雄性成虫。本文室内试验研究了水椰八角铁甲对棕榈科不同植物的选择性,分为选择试验和非选择试验。结果表明:水椰八角铁甲较多嗜食海枣、棕榈,刺葵次之,蒲葵取食量较少,国王椰子最少。幼虫和成虫规律相似。选择性取食规律与非选择试验相似,这与田间调查的结果相同。同等条件下水椰八角铁甲表现出对优良寄主的优先取食,这是首次提出。在繁殖力的选择上,试验结果表明,随着时间的推移,水椰八角铁甲在不同寄主上的选择差异逐渐明显,在24h时达到稳定,水椰八角铁甲在海枣上的产卵量最多(15.2±4.97),与刺葵、棕榈无显著差异,与蒲葵差异显著,蒲葵和刺葵、棕榈之间无明显差异。着虫数和取食量规律与产卵量选择规律相同。本文就四种寄主心叶表面蜡质含量对其取食影响做了对比研究,结果发现水椰八角铁甲不喜欢取食的蒲葵心叶的蜡质含量最高,而其他三种心叶的蜡质含量较低。结果还发现在不超过一定蜡质含量时,蜡质含量对水椰八角铁甲的取食影响不大,超过这个值则会明显影响其取食量。去除寄主叶片蜡质后发现,对四种寄主的取食量前后差异均达到显著性相关水平,表明去除蜡质会明显影响水椰八角铁甲对寄主叶片的取食量。在不同浓度的四种寄主乙醇粗提物对水椰八角铁甲成虫的诱集试验中,棕榈、海枣和刺葵均对水椰八角铁甲有诱集作用,分别是:棕榈,0.05gDW/ml—0.1 gDW/ml;海枣,0.5 gDW/ml;刺葵,0.4 gDW/ml;蒲葵在低浓度<0.05 gDW/ml和对照区域内聚集的成虫较多。因此可以说明,水椰八角铁甲成虫对棕榈、海枣和刺葵乙醇粗提物的辨别在寄主选择中有重要作用。水椰八角铁甲对蒲葵的选择不明显。在以上研究的基础上,本文提出了水椰八角铁甲的寄主选择模式,并指出选用蜡质含量高的棕榈科植株作为园林树种的可行性,同时还提出可以将海枣的提纯液用于诱集农药的制造。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the host plants of Octodonta nipae (Maulik,1921) were investigated in Fuzhou. The effects of the morphology, feeding capacity, development and fertility of O. nipae affected by different host plants were studied. Based on those, the adaptablity of O. nipae in different host plants was analysed. The relationship between the selectivity of O nipae to host waxiness content and crude extract in alcohol of interior leaves was analysed too. The selectivity mechanistic of this insect and the application of preventing Octodonta nipae harming the agriculture was discussed. The results were as follows:The plamae plants are the main host of O. nipae. It is reported that most of the plamae plants are their host, such as Cocos nucifera, Metroxy-lon sagu, Royston earegia, Trachycarpusfortunei, Caryota ochlandra and so on. The Cocos nucifera is the main host. But in Fuzhou, Phoenix dactylifera is the main host of O. nipae. O. nipae has not been found on other plants. However, in our investigation, Livistona chinensis which was near the Phoenix dactylifera hadn’t been dangered.Studies on the morphological shows that: Under different hosts, little difference was acquitted in the head width and body length of the first instar larva. a significant difference was acquitted in the head width from the second instar larvae to the fourth instar larvae, wider on the Trachycarpusfortunei and Phoenix L, narrower on Livistona chinensis. The result of body length of larvae comparison showed that significant difference between the first instar larvae and the fourth instar larvae. Seven parts of the adult were measured and compared between the male and the female respectively. The results shows the body length, elytron width and antenna length of the female insect on the Phoenixsp were remarkable difference from others; the Trachycarpusfortunei and Phoenix. L also had significant difference; but the Phoenix L. was a little difference between Trachycarpusfortunei and Phoenix dactylifera. The effect of different hosts on male insect was much more complex, the body length, elytron and antenna length of male insect are longest on Phoenix dactylifera, which was a remarkable difference to other hosts. The female adult insects were much bigger than the male under the four hosts in 7 targets.In this paper, the selectiong of were studied in Lab, including selective experiments and non-selective experiments. The result showed that the Phoenix dactylifera and Trachycarpusfortunei were eaten by O. nipae mostly, and Phoenix L. and Livistona chinensis were the second. The selective experiments corresponded with non-selective experiments, and they were the same with the field surveys. In the same condition, the favourable host was selected by O. nipae. This conclusion was firstly suggested. On the fecundity ability selection, the results showed that the difference on the selectivity of Octodonta nipae to different hosts was increased as the time went on, it reached stable after 24 hours. The egg laying amount was the biggest on the Phoenix dactylifera (15.2±4.97) and had a little difference between the Phoenix L. and Trachycarpusfortunei, but had significant difference to Livistona chinensis. Therefore, the Livistona chinensis had a little difference between Phoenix L.and Trachycarpusfortunei. The insect amount and the feeding capacity had the same law with the egg-mass.A comparison experiment of the waxiness content to the interior leaf of the four hosts in the feeding capacity of O. nipae was conducted, the results showed that the waxiness content of Livistona chinensis interior leaf which was disliked by Octodonta nipae was the highest; however, the others were much lower. The results already showed that the waxiness content had a little effect if lower than a certain degree; but had a significant effect after exceed the point. After removing the waxiness of the host leaf, found that the feeding capacity had a significant difference on the four hosts, this results showed that the affect of waxiness removal to feeding capacity was significant.The experiment of O. nipae tempted by different concentrations of alcohol crude extract of four hosts showed that the Trachycarpusfortunei, Phoenix dactylifera and Phoenix L. all had the tempted effect to this insect. Trachycarpusfortunei, 0.05gDW/ml-0.1gDW/ml; Phoenix dactylifera 0.5gDW/ml; Phoenix L. 0.4gDW/ml, respectively; Livistona chinensis had many adult insects crowed both in <0.05 gDW/ml and CK. These results illustrated that distinguish to the alcohol crude extract by O. nipae was very important to the host choice from Trachycarpusfortunei, Phoenix L. and Phoenix dactylifera; it had no significant effect to the choice on Livistona chinensis.Based on the above study, this article presented the host selection mode of O. nipae and showed the feasibility of using palm plants which had high waxiness content as landscape trees. The extract of Phoenix dactylifera could be used in tempted pesticide.manufacture.

  • 【分类号】S433.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】61

