

Studies on Genetic and Heterosis of Main Yield and Quality Characters in Hybrid Rice with the New Resources of Cytoplasm Male Sterile

【作者】 周卫营

【导师】 王乃元;

【作者基本信息】 福建农林大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 发掘和利用新细胞质源是三系杂交稻稳步发展的重要途径之一。福建农林大学育成的新细胞质源(CMS-FA)杂交稻是一个全新的遗传系统,其细胞质类型、保持系来源和恢保关系与野败型、印水型、红莲型等不同细胞质源的三系法和两系法杂交稻不同,深入探讨该新质源杂交稻主要产量和品质性状的遗传及杂种优势,是新质源杂交稻研究的主要内容之一。本研究以新质源杂交稻(CMS-FA)遗传系统的5个不育系和5个恢复系,按不完全双列杂交设计(5×5)组配成一套包括亲本和杂种一代2个世代的遗传群体为研究材料。采用近年来新发展的植物数量性状的加性-显性遗传模型(AD模型)和统计分析方法,系统分析了22个主要产量和品质性状的遗传效应、杂种优势及遗传相关性,为有效利用新质源(CMS-FA)杂交稻提供科学依据。主要结果如下:1、新质源杂交稻主要产量和品质性状平均值分析结果表明,F1代单株产量、株高、穗长、穗颈长、穗总粒数、穗实粒数和结实率等7个性状的平均值均大于不育系和恢复系,其他性状居于不育系和恢复系之间;F1代单株产量、穗颈长、穗总粒数、穗实粒数和剑叶长等5个性状的变异系数小于不育系和恢复系,而单株有效穗数的变异系数大于不育系和恢复系。F1代糙米率、精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度和直链淀粉含量等5个性状的平均值大于不育系和恢复系,其他性状均居中;糙米率和精米长的变异系数均大于不育系和恢复系,垩白粒率、垩白度和精米宽等3个性状均小于不育系和恢复系,其他性状居中。2、新质源杂交稻主要产量和品质性状遗传效应分析结果表明,除单株产量和穗长外,其他性状的加性方差和显性方差占表型总方差的比率均达显著或极显著水平,主要受加性效应和显性效应共同控制;单株产量、株高、穗长、穗颈长、穗总粒数和穗实粒数等6个性状以显性效应为主;单株有效穗数、结实率、千粒重、剑叶长和生育期等5个性状以加性效应为主,狭义遗传率幅度为50.0%86.0%。整精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度、精米长、透明度、碱消值和直链淀粉含量等7个性状的加性方差和显性方差占表型总方差的比率均达显著水平,主要受加性效应和显性效应共同控制;垩白粒率、垩白度、精米长、碱消值和直链淀粉含量等5个性状以加性效应为主,狭义遗传率幅度为56.0% 83.9%,其他性状以显性效应为主。3、新质源杂交水稻主要产量和品质性状杂种优势分析结果表明,除单株有效穗数、结实率和剑叶长外,其他性状的群体平均优势达正向显著或极显著水平;穗颈长的群体平均优势最大,为42.5%,结实率最低,仅1.6%;除穗实粒数和结实率外,其他性状的群体超亲优势达正向或负向显著水平;表现正向超亲优势的性状大小依次为穗颈长(25.8%)、单株产量(17.5%)、株高(7.8%)、穗总粒数(6.2%)、穗实粒数(4.6%)和穗长(4.5%),表现负向超亲优势的性状大小依次为千粒重(-14.9%)、单株有效穗(-14.3%)、剑叶长(-8.4)、结实率(-2.3%)和生育期(-1.7%)。精米率、垩白粒率、垩白度、精米长和直链淀粉含量等5个性状均表现正向显著或极显著水平的群体平均优势,垩白度的群体平均优势最大,达39.3%,精米长最小,仅1.5%;碱消值表现负向极显著水平的群体平均优势,为-23.4%;除了糙米率、精米率、精米宽和直链淀粉含量的群体超亲优势不显著外,其余7个性状均表现负向显著或极显著水平的群体超亲优势,其大小依次为碱消值(-70.4%)、透明度(-26.8%)、垩白度(-12.2%)、垩白粒率(-10.9%)、整精米率(-10.5%)、精米长(-6.8%)和精米长宽比(-4.9%)。4、新质源杂交稻主要产量和品质性状性状间的遗传相关性分析结果表明,加性和显性相关均达显著或极显著水平,且相关方向一致的两两性状有单株产量与结实率,株高与穗总粒数、穗实粒数和生育期,穗总粒数与穗实粒数和生育期,单株有效穗数与生育期,穗实粒数与结实率和生育期,千粒重与生育期;加性相关和显性相关均达显著水平,且相关方向不一致的两两性状有穗颈长与单株产量、株高、穗实粒数和千粒重,单株有效穗数与千粒重。加性相关和显性相关达显著或极显著水平,且相关方向一致的两两性状有垩白粒率与精米率、垩白度、碱消值和直链淀粉含量,垩白度与碱消值和直链淀粉含量;加性相关和显性相关均达显著或极显著水平,且相关方向不一致的两两性状有精米宽与整精米率、精米长、精米长宽比和透明度,精米长宽比与碱消值和直链淀粉含量,整精米率与直链淀粉含量;单株产量与直链淀粉含量和精米率的加性和显性相关均达显著水平,与精米宽和透明度的加性相关达显著水平,与糙米率、垩白粒率、垩白度和碱消值的显性相关达显著水平。

【Abstract】 Disentombing and utilizing hybrid rice with new resources of CMS is one important way for the steady development of three-line hybrid rice. Cytoplasm resource of hybrid rice(CMS-FA)that bred by Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University is a new genetic system, cytoplasm type, maintainer source, relationship between restorer and maintainer are different from three-line hybrid rice WA,Indian Water-type and HL,and also different from the two-line hybrid rice respectively. Deeply Studying genetic and heterosis mechanism of this new hybrid rice is one of the main contents about utilizing hybrid rice with the new resource of CMS. With incomplete diallel cross(5×5), 5 CMSs and 5 restorers were selected from CMS-FA genetic system .Genetic effects, heterosis and genetic correlations of 22 main yielding and quality characters were analyzed systematically with new additive dominant genetic model(AD model)and statistic analysis method,aims to effective use CMS-FA and provide scientific proof for hybrid rice breeding. The main results are as follows:1. The results of phenotypic analysis of main Yield and Quality Characters in Hybrid Rice with the New Resources of Cytoplasm Male Sterile showed that:The average of GWP,PH,PL,SNL,SP,FSP and SSR for F1 generation were higher than the according value of male sterile line and restorer line, and other characters located between male sterile lines and the restorer lines;F1 generation of GWP,SNL,SP,FSP and FLL characters at the coefficient of variation were less than male sterile lines and restorer lines,but the PP was higher than the coefficient of variation CMS and the restorer. F1 generation of the BBR,MRR,GGR, CHD and AC 5 characters at the average were higher than those of male sterile lines and restorer lines,the average of other characters were intermediate type;The BRR and GL of F1 generation were higher than those of male sterile lines and restorer lines,coefficient of variation of CGR,CHD and GW 3 characters were less than male sterile lines and restorer lines. Other characters were the intermediate type.2. The results of genetic effects analysis of main Yield and Quality Characters of the hybrid rice with new resources showed that:Additive variance and dominance variance accounted for total phenotypic variance ratio of all traits except GWP and PL, which were significant or highly significant,jointly controlled by additive and dominant effect; GWP,PH,PL,SNL,SP and FSP 6 Characters were mainly controlled by dominance effects,narrow sense heritability ranged from 50% to 86.0%. The additive variance and dominance variance accounted for the phenotypic variance ratio of HMRR,CGR,CHD,GL,RT,ASV and AC 7 Characters reached a significant level, mainly controlled by additive effects and dominant effects;genetic variance and narrow sense heritability of percentage of CGR,CHD,GL,ASV and AC 5 Characters were mainly controlled by additive effects,narrow sense heritability ranges from 50% to 86.0%;The remaining Characters were controlled by dominant effects.3. The results of heterosis analysis the hybrid rice with new resources showed that:The mid-parent value of all characters reached significant or highly significant except PP,SSR and FLL;The mid-parent value of SNL was the highest,to 42.5%,SSR is the lowest,only 1.6%;the better-parent value of all characters reached a positive or negative significant except FSP and SSR;These characters showing positive better-parent value were as follow: SNL (25.8%),GWP (17.5%),PH(7.8%),SP(6.2%),FSP(4.6%) and PL(4.5%);These characters showing negative better-parent value were as follow: TGW(-14.9%),PP(-14.3%),FLL(-8.4),SSR(-2.3%) and GD(-1.7%). The mid-parent value of MRR, CGR, CHD, GL and AC 5 characters reached significant or highly significant. The mid-parent value of CHD was the highest,to 39.3%,GL is the lowest,only 1.5%;The mid-parent value of ASV reached negative significant, -23.4%; Addition to BRR,MRR,GW and AC was not significant,The better-parent value of the other seven characters reached negative significant or highly significant,which were as follow:ASV(-70.4%),TR(-26.8%),CHD(-12.2%),CGR (-10.9%),HMRR (-10.5%),GL(-6.8%),L/W(-4.9%).4.The results of genetic correlations of main yield and quality characters of the hybrid rice with new resources showed that:The characters which reached additive and dominance correlations were significant or highly significant, and the two gender-related in the same direction were follow as GWP with SSR,PH with SP,FSP and GD,SP with FSP and GD,PP with GD,FSP with SSR and GD,TGW with GD. The characters which reached additive and dominance correlations were significant or highly significant and the two gender-related in the different direction were follow as SNL with GWP,PH,FSP and TGW,PP with TGW. The characters which reached additive and dominance correlations were significant or highly significant, and the two gender-related in the same direction were follow as CGR with MRR,CHD,ASV and AC,CHD with ASV and AC. The characters which reached additive and dominance correlations were significant or highly significant and the two gender-related in the different direction were follow as GW with HMRR,GL,L/W and TR,L/W with ASV and AC,HMRR with AC. The additive and dominance correlations of GWP with AC and MRR reached significant,the additive correlations of GW with ASV reached significant,the dominance correlations of GW with BRR,CGR,CHD and ASV reached significant.

  • 【分类号】S511.03
  • 【下载频次】58

