

Performance Test of the Hydraulic Motor Vane Pump Prototype

【作者】 李志峰

【导师】 冀宏;

【作者基本信息】 兰州理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对研制出的液压电机叶片泵样机,建立了电机泵性能测试系统,采用与同等功率液压电机油泵组进行对比的测试方法,对样机进行测试,获得了样机的输入电量参数、输出液压能参数及内部转子转速和壳体内部压力等参数,得到了液压电机叶片泵样机的转速、噪声、功率和效率等随输出压力变化的特性。相比于电机油泵组,电机叶片泵样机的体积减小50%、轴向尺寸减小61%,噪声减小约7dB,液压电机叶片泵内部转子转速随输出压力升高呈线性下降;经试验分析出高压下泵芯座与泵芯的配合间隙偏大和聚四氟乙烯密封圈密封性能失效是导致样机容积效率下降幅度较大的主要原因;样机存在内部流道狭窄引起的气泡析出和内部密封不良引起额外泄漏的问题;同时,试验还发现样机存在气穴噪声,在进油口处可以清楚的看到气泡析出,其原因为内部流道狭窄和壳体尺寸未按图纸要求加工,使得定子绕组距进油口太近,造成电机叶片泵样机吸油不畅,从而在叶片泵泵芯吸油口处产生负压,油液中的气泡析出,导致了该气穴噪声。此研究为电机泵的发展提供了直接指导。论文的主要内容如下:第1章,阐述了本课题研究的背景和意义;概述了液压电机泵国内外的研究及发展概况,并介绍了兰州理工大学关于液压电机叶片泵的研究现状及取得的研究成果;概括了本论文的主要研究内容。第2章,介绍了液压电机叶片泵的基本结构,将液压叶片泵的泵芯插装在电机转子内部,使整个电机和泵在一个壳体中,并阐述其工作原理。并对研制出的液压电机叶片泵样机的结构及其零部件进行了介绍。第3章,基于研制出的液压电机叶片泵样机,建立了试验系统,简述了液压电机叶片泵样机的试验原理及其测试装置;采用与同等功率的电机油泵组进行性能测试对比的方法,进行了转速特性、流量特性、噪声特性、噪声频谱特性、温度特性、压力特性、容积效率、总效率、功率因数、电流、电压等参数的测试。第4章,经过对样机和电机油泵组进行的性能对比测试试验,获得了效率、转速、流量特性、噪声、功率因数及输出功率等随输出压力变化的特性,得出样机在运行过程中的主要性能指标和主要参数的变化规律。同时,对样机的容积效率下降幅度较大的主要原因和造成样机气穴噪声的原因进行了分析。

【Abstract】 An experimental system was established for the performance test of the developed prototype of electric motor pump. The parameters consisting of the electric power input, hydraulic power output, rotor speed and internal pressure in the electric motor pump were measured. The characteristic of the rotor speed, noise, power and efficiency changing with the outlet pressure of the prototype was obtained. Compared with the traditional hydraulic power unit which is the same power as the prototype, the volume of the prototype is reduced 50%, the dimension in axial direction shortened 61% and the noise level lowered 7dB, and the speed of rotor in the prototype decreases apparently with the increase of the output pressure. Furthermore, the bubble separation as a result of the narrow channels and the extra leakage due to the ineffectual seal in the prototype were discussed, and the corresponding solutions were proposed.The main contents of the thesis:In chapter 1, the background and significance of this thesis is presented. The history and current research progress on hydraulic motor pump are reviewed. Introducing the hydraulic motors on pumps for Research and research achievements of Lanzhou University of Technology, the main research subjects are presented.In chapter 2, a new design of Hydraulic motor vane pump is put forward, and its principle is also presented. Hydraulic motor vane pump is specially designed with motor and vane pump integrated in a housing and the Hydraulic motor vane pump basic structure is introduced. This chapter provided theoretical guidance for the hydraulic motor vane pump design of the structure.In chapter 3, based on the hydraulic motor vane pump, the prototype has been produced. An experimental system was established for the performance test of the developed prototype of electric motor pump. the hydraulic motor vane pump prototype test theory and test equipment is described. Compared with the traditional hydraulic power unit which is the same power as the prototype, such as rotor Speed, noise, Noise spectrum, temperature, Pressure characteristics, Volumetric efficiency, efficiency, Power Factor (cosf), electric current, Voltage and other parameters. The performance test of the hydraulic motor vane pump prototype provide theoretical guidance and practical guidance for the Hydraulic motor vane pump performance tests.In chapter 4, Aiming at the developed hydraulic motor vane pump prototype and test system, Compared with the traditional hydraulic power unit which is the same power as the prototype, the performance parameters of the prototype are analyzed such as the efficiency of the prototype, output pressure, speed of rotation, and power factor varying with output power, etc. At the same time, analyzed experimental data of the traditional hydraulic power unit is picked up,which is the same power as the prototype. Furthermore, an experimental method was established for the performance test of the developed hydraulic motor pump prototype.


