

The Exploration in the New Vision and Reforming on Sight Singing Teaching Model

【作者】 蔡红华

【导师】 雷光耀;

【作者基本信息】 星海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 视唱练耳作为音乐学院附中重要的基础性课程,在培养学生过程中起着非常关键的作用,但纵观视唱练耳教学的整体情况,我们会发现不少教师存在对该课程的教育价值及目标认识不足的问题,这导致了教学过程中过于强调对音乐听、唱技能的训练,而对音乐欣赏、音乐审美以及学生综合素质的培养却不够重视。尤其附中视唱练耳的教学中,不少教师仍然沿用着多年以来的传统模式,这极大地限制了该课程的价值与作用的发挥。人类进入二十一世纪以来,科技进步日新月异,理论研究成果突出,视唱练耳教学也应该随着时代的进步而发展,对此,本文希望结合教育教学改革发展趋势,对附中的视唱练耳教学模式进行转型探讨。本文在梳理视唱练耳教学发展的基础上,着重对星海音乐学院附中的视唱练耳教学进行了梳理,同时结合自己多年的教学实践,通过毕业教学展示会的课例论述视唱练耳教学模式转型的可行性。笔者认为视唱练耳教学模式的转型应该始终突出以人为本的原则,这样才能够真正体现视唱练耳教学的终极目标。如何进行附中视唱练耳教学模式的转型,目前还正处在探索阶段中,因此本选题有一定的前沿性。本选题从理论阐述和实例分析两方面入手,运用了文献分析法、比较法和经验总结法,并对文章所需的口述资料专门进行了采访笔录,以保证其客观性。研究中还借鉴国内外教学研究的新成果,紧密联系教学实际,具有较强的实用性,对提高附中视唱练耳教学水平和教学质量有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The sight singing is an important foundational curriculum. It plays extremely essential roles in cultivating student at our conservatory attached middle school. But overall the teaching situation, we have discovered many teachers have an insufficient of understanding in the value of the teaching goal. With this existence problem we may overemphasize to music listening, singing skill training, but to music appreciation, music aesthetic ability as well as the student synthesized abilities has been insufficiently overviewed. Especially many teachers are still using many years, the same old traditional teaching pattern which has limited a lot at developing sight teaching’s curriculum value and its operations.Since the humanity has entered for the 21st century, the advance in technology changes with each new day; the fundamental research achievement is prominent, the sight teaching should also develop along with the time progress. In regarding this, this article hoped unifies the educational reform trend of development, carries on the reforming discussion to attached middle school’s sight singing educational model.This article has combed upon to the current teaching development foundation, carried on emphatically to the Xinghai conservatory attached middle school’s has simultaneously unified herself wit many year teaching practice, through graduation teaching demonstration class example elaboration sight singing educational model reforming feasibility. The author thought the educational model reforming should highlight the humanist principle throughout; in hence this then can manifest the teaching truly display the ultimate objective.How to carry on the attached middle school’s sight singing educational model reforming, at present this is still in the exploration stage. There for there this selected topic has certain leading edge. This selected topic from the theory elaborated and the example analyzed two aspects to obtain, has utilized the literature analytic method, the comparison test and the experience summarizes the law, and to the article had accounted orally the material to carry on the interview record specially, and guaranteed its objectivity. In the research also profits from the domestic and foreign teaching research the new achievement, relates the teaching reality closely, the time has the strong usability, to raises the attached middle school sight singing’s teaching level and the quality of teaching has certain model significance.

  • 【分类号】J613.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】239

