

Study on the Phased Evaluation of Taichi Training on Lung and Heart Function and Ability of Balance for Elderly Person

【作者】 韩有泽

【导师】 刘云发;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 世界科技水平的不断提高,促进了人类社会高速发展的进程。经济条件飞跃的增长,使得21世纪全球范围内无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都进入老年型社会。在我国,随着人口结构老年化进程的逐步增加,使得人口老龄化的问题成为现今全社会关注的焦点之一。人口的老龄化不但可以给社会、经济、文化带来不同程度的影响,而且也对每个老年人的社会角色、身心健康等带来一系列的变化。随着人口年龄的增长,生理功能、身体形态、结构都出现了一系列的退行性变化,其表现为老年人的前庭、视觉、本体感觉等平衡能力都有明显的变化。平衡能力是人体的一项重要生理指标,它不但在日常生活中起着重要的作用,而且它还是体育运动完成过程中必不可或缺的能力。太极拳是中华民族的一项古老健身方法,其健身功能早已被世界所公认。它孕育于中华传统文明,流传数百年长盛不衰,是人类强身健体、技击防身、修身养性的重要手段。当今社会随着老年人口的逐渐增多,人口老龄化给各家庭甚至于全社会带来了非常严重的影响,随着年龄的增长,老年人机体能力下降,最为重要的是老年人平衡能力的急剧下降。因此本文运用一些常用的与平衡能力有关的测试方法:闭眼单足站立、平衡木行走、强化闭目直立检查法、闭目原地踏步、起立-走测试,对参加实验的老年人进行平衡能力的测试研究,并对其测试指标进行分析。本文通过对老年人太极拳练习的实验数据进行统计与分析,得出对老年人进行太极拳练习,可以使老年人的心率降低,肺活量增大,血压有了良好的改善。太极拳练习可以有效地改善老年人平衡能力的下降。实验测试结果表明实验后测试结果与实验前测试结果相比都具有明显差异,t检验p<0.05。可见太极拳练习对老年人平衡能力的提高具有明显效果。

【Abstract】 The continuous improvement in science and technology has promoted the development of human society at a rapid rate. Meanwhile, economic conditions have improved greatly worldwide and most developed and developing countries are becoming societies with an increasingly ageing population. As a result of the acceleration of population aging in China, problems associated with this have become a focus of many in society. It not only affects society, economy and culture, but also brings a series of changes to older people themselves in terms of social roles, physical health and mental well-being, to name a few.As people grow older, morphological and physical function will degenerate in varying degrees. It can change the capacity to maintain balance through changes to an elderly person’s vision, vestibular system and proprioceptive sense. As we know, balance capability is an important physiological index for the human body. Not only does it play an important role in daily life, but it is also an indispensable capability to complete physical exercises.Tai Chi is an ancient form of exercise for the Chinese nation and its function has been generally accepted around the world. Tai Chi, which is rich in Chinese traditional culture, is popular and has been handed down over hundreds of years. It is a very important way to strengthen the body and train for self-defense. It has the characteristics of attack and cultivates one’s mind. Nowadays, because of the growth of the elderly population, the ageing problem has brought serious affects to each family and even the entire society. A decrease in the capability of balance is one consequence for older people who are weakened physically.Thus, this article will research the various commonly used tests that measure balance in elderly people following exercise. These tests include standing with eyes closed, walking on a balance beam, reinforces Romberg, marking time with closed eyes, stand up–walk test.On the basis of statistical analysis of the experimental results, the author found that the phased training of Tai Chi on elderly men can augment the vital capacity, slow the heart rate, and balance the blood pressure. It also can improve the vision system, the proprioceptive input of vestibular system and central nervous system through this training. There is obvious difference between before and after on experimental results. t test p <0.05. It showed that Tai Chi Training has obvious influence to elderly men on the improvement of balance.

  • 【分类号】G852.11
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】507

