

The Appearance and Development of Modern Harbin’s Flour Industry (1900-1945)

【作者】 朱秀波

【导师】 曲晓范;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近代哈尔滨面粉业的兴起标志着哈尔滨近代工业的建立,而近代工业的产生标志着区域文明已从传统的农业时代进入早期现代化时代。所以,面粉工业在近代哈尔滨的兴起和发展过程中,起到关键性作用。关于近代哈尔滨面粉业的产生与发展过程,文章通过三个部分来论述。第一部分论述近代哈尔滨面粉业产生的历史背景,其中包括三点原因:首先是中东铁路的修筑与哈尔滨近代新式交通的出现,是近代哈尔滨面粉业的产生的基础条件;其次是近代市场体系的建立与哈尔滨区域经济的发展,是近代哈尔滨面粉业产生的重要保障;再次是国内外移民的涌入与哈尔滨面粉需求的迅速增长,是近代哈尔滨面粉业产生的动力源泉。第二部分具体阐述近代哈尔滨面粉业的发展历程,包括三个历史发展阶段。1900—1914年是近代哈尔滨面粉业的早期发展时期,通过初步建立,鼎盛时期,走向衰落三个阶段依次介绍俄侨面粉业对哈尔滨面粉业的垄断过程,并探析了近代哈尔滨面粉业的机器设备与经营状况。1914—1931年是近代哈尔滨面粉业的兴盛时期,文章介绍了当时哈尔滨民族面粉业的繁荣态势,其中着重概述了作为哈尔滨民族面粉业典型代表的双合盛面粉厂和天兴福面粉厂的发展情况。在此基础上,从原料采购、运输成本、市场争夺三个方面阐释了民族面粉业与外资面粉业的竞争情势。1931—1945年是近代哈尔滨面粉业的转折时期,本部分分析了日资面粉业全盘统制的真实原因及其表现,并论述了哈尔滨民族面粉业曲折前行的原因、表现和走向衰落的状况。第三部分探讨了近代哈尔滨面粉业发展的历史意义与经验教训。近代哈尔滨面粉业在发展过程中推动了哈尔滨农业近代化的进程,促进了哈尔滨工业近代化发展,提高了哈尔滨城市化的发展水平,刺激了哈尔滨民族资产阶级群体的成长。通过注重打造品牌效应和努力提高竞争实力的介绍,分析了近代哈尔滨面粉业为当今我国面粉业发展所带来的经验教训。

【Abstract】 The rise of modern flour industry marked the establishment of modern Harbin industry, since the modern industry is the symbol of regional civilization developing from traditional agricultural times to early modern times. Accordingly, modern industry is the key element of Harbin modern industry’s rise and development.The author tries to expound the appearance and background of modern Harbin flour industry in three aspects. The first section focuses on the background of the appearance of modern Harbin flour industry, there are three reasons. Firstly, the construction of mid-east railway and the appearance of Harbin modern traffics are the basic conditions of the appearance of modern Harbin flour industry’; secondly, the establishment of modern market system and the development of Harbin regional economy is the significant guarantee of the appearance of modern Harbin flour industry; last, the immigration and diversification of Harbin dietary structure are the dynamic sources of the appearance of modern Harbin’s flour industry. With the help of these three reasons, modern Harbin flour industry rose and developed quickly. The second section presents the details of the development of modern Harbin flour industry. There are three phases. 1900-1914 is the first phase and also the early stage: in this part, in order to understand the modern flour industry well and summarize the equipment technology and business circumstance of flour industry in different phases, the author tries to analyze the equipment technology and business circumstance of modern Harbin flour industry. And in the same part, the author introduces the monopoly of modern Harbin flour industry by overseas Russians through the establishment, apogee and decline of the flour industry of overseas Russians.1914-1931 is the silver age of modern Harbin flour industry: this part introduces the prosperity of Harbin national flour industry, and pays more attention to the two flour industries“Shuang Hesheng”and“Tian Xingfu”as the representatives of modern Harbin flour industry. And then the author focuses on expounding the competition between national and foreign flour industries in raw material’s buying , transportation cost and market competition. 1931-1945 is the period of the transformation: the author expounds the controlling situation of Japanese flour industry and discusses the current situation of national flour industry, analyzing the reasons, performance and the end towards decline of its tortuous development. The third section summarizes the historical significance and experience of the development of modern Harbin flour industry. Modern industry promotes the progress of Harbin agricultural modernization, industrial modernization and urbanization; promotes the rise of Harbin modern national capitalist class and its group. Through introduction of the progress of setting up brands and trying to improve competition, the author analyzes the modern Harbin flour industry’s experience and lessons to current national flour industry.

  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】520

