

The Research of Neutron Generator Console Automation

【作者】 喻坪

【导师】 乔双;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 电路与系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中子发生器中的中子管是目前中子源最热门的技术,因其具有小型化、价格低、易普及等特点,而成为中子源中应用最广泛的一种。传统的中子发生器的控制台由于使用机械电位器控制,开机过程需要比较有经验的实验人员调节,在正常运行过程中也需要不定时调节以使中子产额稳定。针对这种情况,在对中子发生器控制台进行自动化改进后,将使其使用更加方便、安全和可靠。本文对中子管的结构及传统控制台的结构及调节过程加以介绍分析,然后根据其结构提出具体的改进方案。在硬件电路上,对系统的方便性,稳定性,可扩展性,安全性有均衡的考虑,由于中子发生器在使用过程中会受到各种影响而需要不断调节各种参数,为了使中子产额稳定,我们采用闭环控制,对于直接影响中子产额的离子源电流读取的问题,采取了信号隔离和独立电源悬浮的方法,使用数字电位器实现数字信号控制模拟量。在软件设计上,因为中子发生器是一个大滞后系统,所以单片机手动调整程序可以在系统初次安装后快速调整出所需参数,自动调整的程序将模拟人工调节的过程,并且检测出离子源电流增减和变化快慢来决定调节速度,使尽量减少振荡,快速达到稳定状态,另外还有异常处理措施可以在放电等意外情况下尽量减小危险和损失。总之,本文采用基于凌阳单片机的自动控制系统,能够模拟人工调节的过程,使整个系统操作更加方便,更加安全稳定。

【Abstract】 Neutron tube of generator neutron is the most popular neutron source technology, due to its low prices, miniaturization, it has become one of the popular neutron source among the application. Traditional neutron generator console use mechanical potentiometers to control, the boot process needs an experienced laboratory to adjust, and during normal operation, also need to adjust to make the neutron yields stable. In view of this situation, neutron generator is improved; automation control will make its use more convenient, security and reliability.In this paper, we will introduce the structure of the neutron generator and traditional console, then analysis the process of adjustment to put forward specific improvement scheme. In the hardware circuit, because the neutron generator will be affected by various influences, need continuously adjust various parameters. In order to make the neutron yields stable, we use the closed-loop control. The ion source current that influences the neutron yields is got by the signal isolation and independent suspension power. And use digital potentiometer to realize digital signal control simulation. And through the change of ion source current to change the adjustment speed, reduce the vibration, reach steady state quickly. Another exception handling can reduce risk and loss, when the accident happens such as discharge.In short, this paper based on the automatic control system of Sunplus microcontroller; simulate the process of manual adjustment, so that whole system operation is more convenient, safe and stable.

【关键词】 ADDA自动控制隔离数字电位器
【Key words】 ADDAautoisolationDigital Potentiometers
  • 【分类号】O571.53
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】126

